When you wish to set an environment variable on a site. The variable can be available for either all sites in the project, or for a specific site in the project.
The variables are safe for holding secrets, and as such can be used both for "normal" configuration values, and secrets such as api-keys.
The variabel will be available to all containers in the environment can can be
picked up and parsed eg. in Drupals settings.php
- A running dplsh with
set to the platform environment name and ssh-agent running if your ssh-keys are passphrase protected. - A Lagoon account on the Lagoon core with your ssh-key associated (created through the Lagoon UI, on the Settings page)
# From within a dplsh session authorized to use your ssh keys:
# 1. Authenticate against the cluster and lagoon
$ task cluster:auth
$ task lagoon:cli:config
# 2. Refresh your Lagoon token.
$ lagoon login
# 3a. For project-level variables, use the following command, which creates
# the variable if it does not yet exist, or updates it otherwise:
$ task lagoon:ensure:environment-variable \
PROJECT_NAME=<project name> \
VARIABLE_NAME=<your variable name> \
VARIABLE_VALUE=<your variable value>
# 3b. Or, to similarly ensure the value of an environment-level variable:
$ task lagoon:ensure:environment-variable \
PROJECT_NAME=<project name> \
ENVIRONMENT_NAME=<environment name> \
VARIABLE_NAME=<your variable name> \
VARIABLE_VALUE=<your variable value>
# If you get a "Invalid Auth Token" your token has probably expired, generated a
# new with "lagoon login" and try again.