|_ conf
|_ init.properties (config file)
|_ src/test/java/org/apache/drillui/test/framework
|_ initial
|_ pages (contains page objects)
|_ steps (contains utility classes with test steps methods)
|_ testng (contains tests)
|_ testSuites (TestNG test suites in xml format)
|_ webdrivers
Webdriver - a java program what runs a real instance of web browser and provides an API to control it. The webdriver is handled in WebBrowser.java
Page Objects - java classes that represent a web page and contain accessors to the page elements. They should not contain any additional logic.
Steps - utility classes that contain actions to perform against page objects.
Tests - TestNG is used as the internal test framework. So tests are represented by methods with @Test annotation. TestNG also has useful assertion methods and annotations to setup/teardown. Sequence of actions from the Steps classes is used as the test steps.
Overall dependencies between the framework elements looks like:
Test --> Steps --> Page Object --> Webdriver
- Tests are in the testng package. You can add new tests by adding them to existing classes or create a new class/package.
- Tests should use methods from steps package.
- If steps are not contain necessary method, you could create new steps method using pages methods.
- If Drill Web UI was changed you could update Selenium locators in page classes to use it later in steps.
- If you add new test class in the testng package, this classe should be also added to an appropriate test suite in the testSuites directory.