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SSOM User Guide

The SSOM class implements a Self-Organizing Map (SOM), a type of artificial neural network used for unsupervised learning. This manual explains each method and argument in the class.

Initialization of SSOM class

som = SSOM(grid_size=10, num_iterations=100, max_learning_rate=0.1, 
     learning_decay=0.25, neighborhood_decay=0.5, metric="euclidean", 
     grid_shape="2D", log_interval=None)


  • grid_size

    • Specifies the size of the SOM grid.
    • For grid_shape="1D", it is an integer (number of nodes in the 1D grid).
    • For grid_shape="2D", it is a tuple (rows, cols) specifying the grid dimensions.
  • num_iterations

    • Total number of iterations during training.
    • Determines how many steps the SOM will take to adjust to the data.
  • max_learning_rate

    • The initial learning rate for updating the weights of the SOM.
    • The learning rate decreases over iterations based on the learning_decay.
  • learning_decay

    • Controls how quickly the learning rate decreases over time.
    • Higher values mean faster decay.
  • neighborhood_decay

    • Controls how quickly the neighborhood radius decreases over time.
    • The radius affects which nodes in the SOM are influenced by a given data point.
  • metric

    • Specifies the distance metric used to find the Best Matching Unit (BMU):
      • "euclidean": Uses Euclidean distance.
      • "ssim": Uses Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) for image data.
  • grid_shape

    • "1D": Creates a 1D SOM grid (linear topology).
    • "2D": Creates a 2D SOM grid (grid topology).
  • log_interval

    • Controls how frequently the training progress is logged and recorded.
    • If not specified, it is automatically set to ensure no more than 100 logs are saved.


Check test/ for more examples how to run SSOM

  • Assume we have sample data (which are two-dimensional data)
# Generate synthetic data
import numpy as np
x = np.random.normal((-0.5, -0.5), 0.2, (200, 2))
x = np.append(x, np.random.normal((-0.25, 1), 0.2, (100, 2)), axis=0)
x = np.append(x, np.random.normal((0.5, 0.5), 0.2, (150, 2)), axis=0)
input_data = x
  • Initialize SSOM class (2-D map topology)
from ssom import SSOM  # Assuming SSOM is imported correctly
# Initialize a 2D SOM with 10x10 grid
som = SSOM(grid_size=(10, 10), num_iterations=1000, max_learning_rate=0.5, metric="euclidean")
  • Initialize SSOM class (1-D ring topology)
# Initialize the SSOM with a 1D grid of size 20
som = SSOM(grid_size=20, num_iterations=5000, grid_shape="1D")

Train SSOM with input data



  • Trains the SOM on the input data (input_data).

  • Training process is to adjusts the weights of the SOM nodes to match the input data distribution.

  • input_data
    A NumPy array of shape (samples, dimensions). Each row is a data sample.

Important outputs of SSOM

The som_grid and sample_bmu_mapping are critical attributes for understanding the result of the SOM training:

  1. som_grid: Represents the learned weights of the SOM nodes and can be visualized to interpret the clustering.
  2. sample_bmu_mapping: Links each input data point to its nearest SOM node, showing how the SOM clusters the data.


  • The som_grid attribute represents the weights of the SOM nodes. It stores the learned representation of the input data.
  • Its shape depends on the topology of the SOM:
    • For grid_shape="1D", it is a 2D array of shape (grid_size, num_input_dims).
    • For grid_shape="2D", it is a 3D array of shape (grid_rows, grid_cols, num_input_dims).
  • After training, the som_grid contains the trained SOM nodes, which approximate the distribution of the input data.
# Access the trained SOM grid
print("Trained SOM Grid:")


  • The sample_bmu_mapping is a list of tuples, each containing:
    1. The index of a sample in the input data.
    2. The index of the Best Matching Unit (BMU) for that sample.
  • This mapping shows how each input sample is clustered within the SOM grid.
  • Use this attribute to understand the clustering of the input data points within the SOM.
# Access the sample-to-BMU mapping
print("Sample to BMU Mapping:")
for sample_index, bmu_index in som.sample_bmu_mapping:
    print(f"Sample {sample_index} maps to BMU at index {bmu_index}")

Other Methods

1. _initialize_grid_indices()

grid_indices = self._initialize_grid_indices()


  • Initializes the indices of the SOM grid.
  • For grid_shape="2D", creates a (rows, cols, 2) array where each element stores its row and column index.


# Create 2D grid indices for a 5x5 SOM
som = SSOM(grid_size=(5, 5), grid_shape="2D")
grid_indices = som._initialize_grid_indices()

2. _initialize_grid()



  • Randomly initializes the weights of the SOM grid.
  • For grid_shape="1D", creates a (grid_size, num_input_dims) array.
  • For grid_shape="2D", creates a (rows, cols, num_input_dims) array.


  • num_input_dims
    • The number of dimensions in the input data (e.g., 3 for RGB).


# Initialize a 1D SOM grid with 10 nodes and 3 input dimensions
som = SSOM(grid_size=10, grid_shape="1D")

3. ssim()

self.ssim(x, y, C1=0.01**2, C2=0.03**2)


  • Computes the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) between two data points.
  • Useful for comparing image-like data.


  • x, y
    Input arrays to compare.
  • C1, C2
    Small constants to stabilize SSIM computation.


# Compare two RGB patches
ssim_value = som.ssim(patch1, patch2)

4. find_bmu()

bmu_index = self.find_bmu(input_patch)


  • Finds the Best Matching Unit (BMU) for a given input patch based on the specified metric ("euclidean" or "ssim").


  • input_patch
    A data point from the input dataset.


  • The index of the BMU:
    • For grid_shape="1D", an integer index.
    • For grid_shape="2D", a tuple (row, col).


# Find BMU for an input point
bmu = som.find_bmu(np.array([0.5, 0.5]))


# Train the SOM with 2D input data
data = np.random.rand(100, 2)

Attributes for Logging

The following attributes store historical data during training:

  • som_grid_history
    A list of SOM grid states logged at each log_interval.

  • neighborhood_influence_history
    A list of neighborhood influence values for each iteration.

  • learning_rate_history
    A list of learning rates at each log_interval.

  • bmu_history
    A list of BMU indices for selected data points at each log_interval.

  • step_history
    A list of iteration steps corresponding to the logs.

  • selected_data_point_history
    A list of input data points selected at each log_interval.


# Access learning rate history after training

Visualization Example

You can visualize the SOM training progress and final results using matplotlib.

# Plot learning rate decay
plt.plot(som.step_history, som.learning_rate_history)
plt.title("Learning Rate Decay")
plt.xlabel("Iteration Step")
plt.ylabel("Learning Rate")