Renamed project to make it more fit for professional environment. Replaced sample image.
- Fixed VOC format not exporting objects correctly.
- Updated copyrights.
- Fixed a potential bbox shift when loading bboxes from file.
- Fixed a warning if Recovery is not supported.
- Added missing changelog from last time :)
- Added a warning if Recovery is not supported.
- NEW! Basic Pascal VOC and COCO format support. EXPERIMENTAL!
- Some text clarifications.
- Fixed a bug with uppercase extension names on images not working.
- Fixed issue with newlines in classes for different OS.
- Some minor refactoring.
- Added ability to fit image into screen. Configurable.
- Fixed bug with images resetting upon not selecting anything from file window.
- Added detailed explanations on the configurable parameters.
- Changed middle dot to a cross sign. Also made it configurable.
- Added guidelines for cursor. Configurable.
- Updated
- Fixed bbox dimension display being affected by zoom.
- Added a middle dot in bboxes for easier center approximation.
- Fixed canvas not resetting on image mouse select.
- Fixed classes and bboxes not reloading on selecting the same files.
- Added image and current bbox information.
- Updated
- Fixed bbox select form name. Not sure if it caused problems.
- Made sure cursor is shown as busy upon crop. (Doesn't work properly - this needs a proper "wait" spinner).
- Fixed crops not working on Linux.
- Updated
- Added ability to crop and saves images from bboxes (experimental).
- Added FileSaver to better handle file downloading.
- Fixed issue where MacBook DELETE key wouldn't work.
- Renamed to
- Updated screenshot to reflect changes.
- Fixed previous version CHANGELOG typo.
- Added version to footer.
- Fixed CHANGELOG formatting.
- Fixed select box not auto scrolling to selection.
- Made sure coordinate pixels are without decimal point.
- Canvas now resets on image change to original zoom and position (can be turned off).
- Implemented rudimentary image search by name.
- Added ability to upload unzipped and/or multiple bboxes.
- Fixed mouse cursor not resetting on bbox delete.
- Updated and screenshot to reflect changes.
- Fixed, so that canvas left offset doesn't cause misplacement of bboxes.
- Fixed, that errors won't be thrown in console if image doesn't exist for a bbox.
- Initial release