Exercise or a program of exercises to strengthen specific muscles or shape the figure by pitting one muscle or part of the body against another or against an immovable object in a strong but motionless action. Isometric exercises are done without changing the length of the muscles. These exercises work on the muscles in a static position and demand muscle tension without any actual movement. Most of the core conditioning exercises, yoga postures, and even pilates exercises are isometric.
- Build extra strong muscles especially core and ABS muscles
- Beneficial for preventing back injury and removing lower back pain
- Not relying on commercial exercise equipment
- Exercise is an anaerobic activity
- In one study (check RESOURCES) they measure 20% increase of strength by exercising only 6 minute for 1 month!
- Set your interval timer like this - INTERVAL 1 (1:30 min) and INTERVAL 2 (1 minute)
- Start with exercise hold posture for 1:30 or till you are able to
- After this part completely relax your body and rest
- On beginning of the second interval start with the next exercise from list below and continue in same way