It is a very powerful cleansing meditation used by yogis in India to wash out hidden emotions stuck in the body and open to higher states of consciousness. A guided rhythmic breathing pattern, followed by a concentrated and focused meditation on each chakra (energy center), invites deep energetic releases from the body & pathways and it generate a blissful states of mind.
0. Follow this tutorial bellow or just play track in the end of the page and follow instruction
comfortably as audio
- Sit down in meditation posture
- Put attention into place (1) and breath in
- Put attention into static place (7) and quickly breath out
- Repeat whole sequence 10x
- After each successful sequence change point of from (1) to 2,3,4,5,6 until (7)
- After this is finish just relax or mediate for longer time, you will start to feel as never in your life
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