← Return to Index
Retrieval Trees (Prefix Trees)
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^ Trie for [cat, car, cow]
The max depth is the length of the longest string in the collection
Insertion, Deletion and Lookup operations take time proportional to the length of the string being queried
Much wasted space, as every node has 1 pointer per symbol in the alphabet, and depper nodes have typically null pointers
Can reduce total space usage by turning each node into a linked list or binary search tree (trading time for space)
Start at root
Check 'connected' letters
if no corresponding letter,
attach the new letter as a new node
go down the path recursively until no corresponding node is found
attach the new letter node
Start at root
For each character c
in the string
If a node containing c
Move to the node
If no nodes are connected, it is found
Every node will contain an array of size N (where N is the size of the set alphabet of the strings)
This allows for O(1) operations per node
Advantages and Disadvantages
A better search structure than a Binary Search Tree for string keys
A more versatile search than a Hash Table
Allows lookup on prefix matching in O(M)-time, where M is the length of the prefix
Allows sorting collection of strings in O(S) time where S is the total number of characters in all strongs
On average, Tries can be slower (in some cases) than Hash Tables for lookups
Requires a lot of wasted space due to each node having an array with a size N for alphabet size N (and leaf nodes have null pointers)
class TrieNode :
def __init__ (self , char , value = None ):
self .char = char
self .value = value
self .children = [None ] * 26
# 26 = alphabet
self .indices = []
def __contains__ (self , char ):
if self .children [ord (char ) % 26 ] is None :
return False
else :
return True
def __setitem__ (self , char , value ):
i = ord (char ) % 26
self .children [i ] = value
self .indices .append (i )
def __getitem__ (self , char ):
return self .children [ord (char ) % 26 ]
class Trie :
def __init__ (self ):
self .root = TrieNode ('' )
def insert (self , string , value ):
current = self .root
for char in string :
if char not in current :
current [char ] = TrieNode (char )
current = current [char ]
current .value = value
def get (self , string ):
current = self .root
for char in string :
if char in current :
current = current [char ]
else :
return None
return current .value
def match (self , prefix ):
current = self .root
for char in prefix :
if char in current :
current = current [char ]
else :
return None
return self .collect (current )
def collect (self , current )
collection = []
self ._collect_aux (current , collection )
return collection
def _collect_aux (self , current , collection ):
if current .value is not None :
collection .append (current .value )
for i in current .indices :
self ._collect_aux (current .children [i ], collection )