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Retrieval Trees (Prefix Trees)

   / \
  a   o
 / \   \
r   t   w

^ Trie for [cat, car, cow]


  • The max depth is the length of the longest string in the collection
  • Insertion, Deletion and Lookup operations take time proportional to the length of the string being queried
  • Much wasted space, as every node has 1 pointer per symbol in the alphabet, and depper nodes have typically null pointers
  • Can reduce total space usage by turning each node into a linked list or binary search tree (trading time for space)


  • Start at root
  • Check 'connected' letters
  • if no corresponding letter,
    • attach the new letter as a new node
  • Else
    • go down the path recursively until no corresponding node is found
    • attach the new letter node


  • Start at root
  • For each character c in the string
    • If a node containing c exists
      • Move to the node
      • If no nodes are connected, it is found
    • Else
      • It is not found

Implementing a Trie

  • Every node will contain an array of size N (where N is the size of the set alphabet of the strings)
  • This allows for O(1) operations per node

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • A better search structure than a Binary Search Tree for string keys
  • A more versatile search than a Hash Table
  • Allows lookup on prefix matching in O(M)-time, where M is the length of the prefix
  • Allows sorting collection of strings in O(S) time where S is the total number of characters in all strongs


  • On average, Tries can be slower (in some cases) than Hash Tables for lookups
  • Requires a lot of wasted space due to each node having an array with a size N for alphabet size N (and leaf nodes have null pointers)

Python Implementation

class TrieNode:
	def __init__(self, char, value=None):
		self.char = char
		self.value = value
		self.children = [None] * 26
		# 26 = alphabet
		self.indices = []
	def __contains__(self, char):
		if self.children[ord(char) % 26] is None:
			return False
			return True
	def __setitem__(self, char, value):
		i = ord(char) % 26
		self.children[i] = value
	def __getitem__(self, char):
		return self.children[ord(char) % 26]
class Trie:
	def __init__(self):
		self.root = TrieNode('')
	def insert(self, string, value):
		current = self.root
		for char in string:
			if char not in current:
				current[char] = TrieNode(char)
			current = current[char]
		current.value = value
	def get(self, string):
		current = self.root
		for char in string:
			if char in current:
				current = current[char]
				return None
		return current.value
	def match(self, prefix):
		current = self.root
		for char in prefix:
			if char in current:
				current = current[char]
				return None
		return self.collect(current)
	def collect(self, current)
		collection = []
		self._collect_aux(current, collection)
		return collection
	def _collect_aux(self, current, collection):
		if current.value is not None:
		for i in current.indices:
			self._collect_aux(current.children[i], collection)