diff --git a/easybuild/easyblocks/r/rosetta.py b/easybuild/easyblocks/r/rosetta.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 71630c7902..0000000000
--- a/easybuild/easyblocks/r/rosetta.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2023 Ghent University
-# This file is part of EasyBuild,
-# originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (http://ugent.be/hpc/en),
-# with support of Ghent University (http://ugent.be/hpc),
-# the Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) (https://www.vscentrum.be),
-# Flemish Research Foundation (FWO) (http://www.fwo.be/en)
-# and the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) (http://www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/en).
-# https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild
-# EasyBuild is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation v2.
-# EasyBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with EasyBuild. If not, see .
-EasyBuild support for building and installing Rosetta, implemented as an easyblock
-@author: Stijn De Weirdt (Ghent University)
-@author: Dries Verdegem (Ghent University)
-@author: Kenneth Hoste (Ghent University)
-@author: Pieter De Baets (Ghent University)
-@author: Jens Timmerman (Ghent University)
-import fileinput
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import easybuild.tools.toolchain as toolchain
-from easybuild.easyblocks.icc import get_icc_version
-from easybuild.framework.easyblock import EasyBlock
-from easybuild.tools.build_log import EasyBuildError
-from easybuild.tools.filetools import change_dir, extract_file, mkdir, write_file
-from easybuild.tools.modules import get_software_version
-from easybuild.tools.run import run_cmd
-from easybuild.tools.systemtools import get_shared_lib_ext
-class EB_Rosetta(EasyBlock):
- """Support for building/installing Rosetta."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Add extra config options specific to Rosetta."""
- super(EB_Rosetta, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.srcdir = None
- self.cxx = None
- def extract_step(self):
- """Extract sources, if they haven't been already."""
- super(EB_Rosetta, self).extract_step()
- # locate sources, and unpack if necessary
- # old 'bundles' tarballs contain a gzipped tarball for source, recent ones contain unpacked source
- try:
- subdirs = os.listdir(self.builddir)
- if len(subdirs) == 1:
- prefix = os.path.join(self.builddir, subdirs[0])
- else:
- raise EasyBuildError("Found no or multiple subdirectories, expected exactly one: %s", subdirs)
- self.srcdir = os.path.join(prefix, 'rosetta_source')
- if not os.path.exists(self.srcdir):
- self.srcdir = os.path.join(prefix, 'main', 'source')
- if not os.path.exists(self.srcdir):
- src_tarball = os.path.join(prefix, 'rosetta%s_source.tgz' % self.version)
- if os.path.isfile(src_tarball):
- self.srcdir = extract_file(src_tarball, prefix, change_into_dir=False)
- change_dir(self.srcdir)
- else:
- raise EasyBuildError("Neither source directory '%s', nor source tarball '%s' found.",
- self.srcdir, src_tarball)
- except OSError as err:
- raise EasyBuildError("Getting Rosetta sources dir ready failed: %s", err)
- def detect_cxx(self):
- """Detect compiler name"""
- # 'cxx' configure option excepts compiler name like 'gcc', 'icc', 'clang'; i.e. actually the C compiler command
- # see also main/source/tools/build/basic.settings in Rosetta sources
- self.cxx = os.getenv('CC_SEQ')
- if self.cxx is None:
- self.cxx = os.getenv('CC')
- def configure_step(self):
- """
- Configure build by creating tools/build/user.settings from configure options.
- """
- # construct build options
- defines = ['NDEBUG']
- self.cfg.update('buildopts', "mode=release")
- self.detect_cxx()
- cxx_ver = None
- if self.toolchain.comp_family() in [toolchain.GCC]: # @UndefinedVariable
- cxx_ver = '.'.join(get_software_version('GCC').split('.')[:2])
- elif self.toolchain.comp_family() in [toolchain.INTELCOMP]: # @UndefinedVariable
- cxx_ver = '.'.join(get_icc_version().split('.')[:2])
- else:
- raise EasyBuildError("Don't know how to determine C++ compiler version.")
- self.cfg.update('buildopts', "cxx=%s cxx_ver=%s" % (self.cxx, cxx_ver))
- if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
- self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'extras=mpi')
- defines.extend(['USEMPI', 'MPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK'])
- # make sure important environment variables are passed down
- # e.g., compiler env vars for MPI wrappers
- env_vars = {}
- for (key, val) in os.environ.items():
- if key in ['I_MPI_CC', 'I_MPI_CXX', 'MPICH_CC', 'MPICH_CXX', 'OMPI_CC', 'OMPI_CXX']:
- env_vars.update({key: val})
- self.log.debug("List of extra environment variables to pass down: %s" % str(env_vars))
- # create user.settings file
- paths = os.getenv('PATH')
- paths = paths.split(':') if paths else []
- ld_library_paths = os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
- ld_library_paths = ld_library_paths.split(':') if ld_library_paths else []
- cpaths = os.getenv('CPATH')
- cpaths = cpaths.split(':') if cpaths else []
- flags = [str(f).strip('-') for f in self.toolchain.variables['CXXFLAGS'].copy()]
- txt = '\n'.join([
- "settings = {",
- " 'user': {",
- " 'prepends': {",
- " 'library_path': %s," % str(ld_library_paths),
- " 'include_path': %s," % str(cpaths),
- " },",
- " 'appends': {",
- " 'program_path': %s," % str(paths),
- " 'flags': {",
- " 'compile': %s," % str(flags),
- # " 'mode': %s," % str(o_flags),
- " },",
- " 'defines': %s," % str(defines),
- " },",
- " 'overrides': {",
- " 'cc': '%s'," % os.getenv('CC'),
- " 'cxx': '%s'," % os.getenv('CXX'),
- " 'ENV': {",
- " 'INTEL_LICENSE_FILE': '%s'," % os.getenv('INTEL_LICENSE_FILE'), # Intel license file
- " 'PATH': %s," % str(paths),
- " 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': %s," % str(ld_library_paths),
- ])
- txt += '\n'
- for (key, val) in env_vars.items():
- txt += " '%s': '%s',\n" % (key, val)
- txt += '\n'.join([
- " },",
- " },",
- " 'removes': {",
- " },",
- " },",
- "}",
- ])
- us_fp = os.path.join(self.srcdir, "tools/build/user.settings")
- self.log.debug("Creating '%s' with: %s", us_fp, txt)
- write_file(us_fp, txt)
- # make sure specified compiler version is accepted by patching it in
- os_fp = os.path.join(self.srcdir, "tools/build/options.settings")
- cxxver_re = re.compile(r'(.*"%s".*)(,\s*"\*"\s*],.*)' % self.cxx, re.M)
- for line in fileinput.input(os_fp, inplace=1, backup='.orig.eb'):
- line = cxxver_re.sub(r'\1, "%s"\2' % cxx_ver, line)
- sys.stdout.write(line)
- def build_step(self):
- """
- Build Rosetta using 'python ./scons.py bin -j '
- """
- try:
- os.chdir(self.srcdir)
- except OSError as err:
- raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to %s: %s", self.srcdir, err)
- par = ''
- if self.cfg['parallel']:
- par = "-j %s" % self.cfg['parallel']
- cmd = "python ./scons.py %s %s bin" % (self.cfg['buildopts'], par)
- run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
- def install_step(self):
- """
- Copy built files (from e.g. build/src/release/linux/2.6/64/x86/icc/10.0/mpi) to /bin,
- and copy (or untar) database and bioTools to install directory
- """
- shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext()
- bindir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'bin')
- libdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib')
- mkdir(bindir)
- mkdir(libdir)
- for build_subdir in ['src', 'external']:
- builddir = os.path.join('build', build_subdir)
- if not os.path.exists(builddir):
- continue
- # walk the build/src dir to leaf
- try:
- while len(os.listdir(builddir)) == 1:
- builddir = os.path.join(builddir, os.listdir(builddir)[0])
- except OSError as err:
- raise EasyBuildError("Failed to walk build/src dir: %s", err)
- # copy binaries/libraries to install dir
- lib_re = re.compile(r"^lib.*\.%s$" % shlib_ext)
- try:
- for fil in os.listdir(builddir):
- srcfile = os.path.join(builddir, fil)
- if os.path.isfile(srcfile):
- if lib_re.match(fil):
- self.log.debug("Copying %s to %s" % (srcfile, libdir))
- shutil.copy2(srcfile, os.path.join(libdir, fil))
- else:
- self.log.debug("Copying %s to %s" % (srcfile, bindir))
- shutil.copy2(srcfile, os.path.join(bindir, fil))
- except OSError as err:
- raise EasyBuildError("Copying executables from %s to bin/lib install dirs failed: %s", builddir, err)
- os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir'])
- def extract_and_copy(dirname_tmpl, optional=False, symlinks=False):
- """Copy specified directory, after extracting it (if required)."""
- try:
- srcdir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], dirname_tmpl % '')
- if not os.path.exists(srcdir):
- # try to extract if directory is not there yet
- src_tarball = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], (dirname_tmpl % self.version) + '.tgz')
- if os.path.isfile(src_tarball):
- srcdir = extract_file(src_tarball, self.cfg['start_dir'])
- if os.path.exists(srcdir):
- shutil.copytree(srcdir, os.path.join(self.installdir, os.path.basename(srcdir)),
- symlinks=symlinks)
- elif not optional:
- raise EasyBuildError("Neither source directory '%s', nor source tarball '%s' found.",
- srcdir, src_tarball)
- except OSError as err:
- raise EasyBuildError("Getting Rosetta %s dir ready failed: %s", dirname_tmpl, err)
- # (extract and) copy database, docs, demos (incl tutorials) and biotools (if it's there)
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'main', 'database')):
- extract_and_copy(os.path.join('main', 'database') + '%s')
- else:
- extract_and_copy('rosetta_database%s')
- extract_and_copy('demos%s', optional=True, symlinks=True)
- extract_and_copy('documentation%s', optional=True, symlinks=True)
- extract_and_copy('BioTools%s', optional=True)
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'tools')):
- extract_and_copy('tools%s', optional=True)
- else:
- extract_and_copy('rosetta_tools%s', optional=True)
- def make_module_extra(self):
- """Define extra environment variables specific to Rosetta."""
- txt = super(EB_Rosetta, self).make_module_extra()
- txt += self.module_generator.set_environment('ROSETTA3_DB', os.path.join(self.installdir, 'database'))
- return txt
- def sanity_check_step(self):
- """Custom sanity check for Rosetta."""
- # self.cxx is usually set by the configure step, but if configure is
- # not executed (e.g. with --module-only), we need to set it here.
- if self.cxx is None:
- self.detect_cxx()
- infix = ''
- if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
- infix = 'mpi.'
- binaries = ["AbinitioRelax", "backrub", "cluster", "combine_silent", "extract_pdbs",
- "idealize_jd2", "packstat", "relax", "score_jd2", "score"]
- custom_paths = {
- 'files': ["bin/%s.%slinux%srelease" % (x, infix, self.cxx) for x in binaries],
- 'dirs': [],
- }
- super(EB_Rosetta, self).sanity_check_step(custom_paths=custom_paths)