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Main file:

The problem

Build a small Tetris engine according to the following specification:

  1. The program returns the height of the tallest column.
    • The program reads the sequence of pieces from an input file.
    • The input file format: I0,I4,Q8 (piece I at index 0, another Piece I at 4, and a Piece Q at 8.
  2. The grid width is fixed at 10 units.
  3. The grid expands vertically as needed.
  4. The following set of pieces are available:

  1. As in the original game, filled lines disappear. For instance:

(Output: 1)

  1. However, when intermediary filled lines disappear, pieces are not moved to the bottom. Therefore configurations like the one below are allowed:
  2. The example below returns 4 (height of tallest column):

The solution

  • Created a two-dimensional array in NumPy
  • Created Piece objects to hold the physical configuration of each piece, as well as invisible points.
  • Used NumPy's logical_and()and logical_or() functions to detect collisions smoothly. Collisions are easier with Z and S pieces.
  • Used NumPy's advanced slicing to retrieve correct expected position of new piece.
  • Used NumPy's nditer context manager to write to correctly write pieces. Invisible points are masked out (otherwise these would replace existing points).

For debugging purposes, print statements have not been ommitted.


  • Python 3.7
  • numpy 1.21.6

Execution instructions

  • python input.txt output.txt


  • For debugging purposes, printstatements were not removed.
  • Tested up to 50 pieces
  • Grid expands up to 100+ lines upward