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502 lines (393 loc) · 15.4 KB

SQL parser/compiler

The goal was to produce an easy to modify grammar to extend SQL when needed. It can recognize and build parse tree for non left recursive grammars.

  • Supported SQL syntax


SELECT TOP is not standard SQL, use LIMIT instead

  • Unsupported SQL syntax

All syntaxes for database or table modifications are not supported. Only syntax for query is supported.


Data Integration: Mediation with Global As View approach

Virtual tables such as Object are replaced by their definition:

Object => (SELECT * FROM master_01 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM master_02 UNION ALL … ) AS Object

Then syntactic transformations are applied to the resulting AST in order to run the resulting query.

As we apply syntactic transformation we choose to write transformations directly taking the AST. Retrospectively it would be better to translate the AST to a logic tree and come back to a SQL query.

Spherical Distance computation

Beware that if 2 points are near the precision could be an issue.

For instance, distance obtained by scalar product is not accurate.

The method we choose is the following:

(A - B)^2 = A^2 + B^2 - 2A.B = 2(1 - cos(angle))


cos(angle) = 1 - 2 sin(angle/2)^2 1 - cos(angle) = 2 sin(angle/2)^2

so we have :

(A - B)^2 = 4 sin(angle/2)^2

Notes: Moon = 30 arc-minutes 1 arc-minute = 1/60 degree

Operator Commutativity with UNION

If an operator commutes with UNION then we could rewrite it to be executed locally on all chunks.


For instance:

  • Search in a rectangle
  • Search in a circle
  • Joins of tables partitioned on the same key

But Operator like spatial join (or crossmatch) does not commute with UNION because of borders, this is why we have a syntactic extension for CROSMATCH and a corresponding syntactic transformation.

SpatialJoin(T1, T2, radius) = { (p1, p2) | p1 in T1, p2 in T2, dist(p1, p2) < radius }

Spatial Joins (CROSSMATCH)

SpatialJoin(T1, T2, radius) = UNION_ALL (in parallel) for all buckets [x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max] epsilon = 2*sin(radians(radius/2)) BucketT1 = T1 / [x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max] BucketT2 = T2 / [x_min - epsilon,x_max + epsilon, y_min - epsilon,y_max + epsilon, z_min - epsilon,z_max + epsilon] SELECT * FROM BucketT1 B1, BucketT2 B2 WHERE conesearch(B1.ra, B1.decl, B2.ra, B2.decl, radius) ;


FDW postgres problem:

  • No foreign function calls
  • Extremely inefficient joins
  • Extremely inefficient predicate filtering


  • Find sub-queries that could be executed aside.
  • Store the result in a temporary table on the pool
  • Export this table to the master
  • Replace the sub-query with the foreign table

Geometrical query speedup

In order to speed up geometrical query we use this index :

CREATE INDEX source_idx ON source USING btree ((cos(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(decl))));

Then we project each (ra,decl) point to the celestial sphere on the point (x,y,z)

Geometrical query use (x,y,z) instead of (ra,decl) for cone search and spatial join. Bounding box is used to restrain the space search. For instance a cone search becomes a sphere search on (x,y,z) coordinates, and we apply a cube bounding this sphere to restrain the search.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_tmp_bucket(nbpoints bigint) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_bucket AS SELECT pointid, sign(Y) * degrees(acos(X / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS ra, degrees(asin(Z / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS decl FROM ( SELECT pointid, 2*random() - 1. as X, 2*random() - 1. as Y, 2*random() - 1. as Z FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,nbpoints) AS pointid) as _1 ) as _2 WHERE X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z > 0. AND X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z < 1. ; $$ language SQL ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION angular_distance( ra1 double precision, decl1 double precision, ra2 double precision, decl2 double precision) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION AS $$ SELECT degrees(2*asin(sqrt(sin(radians((decl2 - decl1)/2))^2 + sin(radians((ra2 - ra1)/2))^2 * (cos(radians((decl2 + decl1)/2))^2 - sin(radians((decl2 - decl1)/2))^2)))) ; $$ language SQL immutable ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION count_tmp_bucket_1_a(radius double precision) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ SELECT count(*) FROM tmp_bucket B1, tmp_bucket B2 WHERE angular_distance(B1.ra, B1.decl, B2.ra, B2.decl) <= radius ; $$ language SQL immutable ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION count_tmp_bucket_1_b(radius double precision) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ SELECT count(*) FROM tmp_bucket B1, tmp_bucket B2 WHERE conesearch(B1.ra, B1.decl, B2.ra, B2.decl, radius) ; $$ language SQL immutable ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION count_tmp_bucket_2_a(radius double precision) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ SELECT count(*) FROM tmp_bucket B1, tmp_bucket B2 WHERE angular_distance(B1.ra, B1.decl, B2.ra, B2.decl) <= radius AND B1.pointid != B2.pointid ; $$ language SQL immutable ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION count_tmp_bucket_2_b(radius double precision) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ SELECT count(*) FROM tmp_bucket B1, tmp_bucket B2 WHERE conesearch(B1.ra, B1.decl, B2.ra, B2.decl, radius) AND B1.pointid != B2.pointid ; $$ language SQL immutable ;

– Radians – 10 arc secondes ~ 0.00005 – 1 arc min ~ 0.0003 – 10 arc min ~ 0.003

\set radius 0.003 \set nbpoints 20000

SELECT create_tmp_bucket(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_1_a(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_1_b(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_2_a(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_2_b(:radius) ;

select count(*) from tmp_bucket ;

_b avec cone_search 2_ avec id differentes

sans aucun index sur ra/decl :

#resultats / temps
1000.00348 / 15 ms43 / 15 ms0 / 8 ms0 / 8 ms
1000521 / 332 ms532 / 240 ms0 / 340 ms0 / 173 ms
100005282 / 32388 ms5152 / 14832 ms0 / 32422 ms0 / 16773 ms
2000010514 / 130531 ms10360 / 60070 ms0 / 129532 ms0 / 66452 ms
O(N) / O(N^2)O(N) / O(N^2)? / O(N^2)? / O(N^2)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_tmp_bucket_with_index(nbpoints bigint) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_bucket AS SELECT pointid, sign(Y) * degrees(acos(X / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS ra, degrees(asin(Z / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS decl FROM ( SELECT pointid, 2*random() - 1. as X, 2*random() - 1. as Y, 2*random() - 1. as Z FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,nbpoints) AS pointid) as _1 ) as _2 WHERE X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z > 0. AND X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z < 1. ;

CREATE INDEX tmp_bucket_xyz_idx ON tmp_bucket USING btree ((cos(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(decl))));

$$ language SQL ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_tmp_bucket_with_index_and_cluster(nbpoints bigint) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_bucket AS SELECT pointid, sign(Y) * degrees(acos(X / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS ra, degrees(asin(Z / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS decl FROM ( SELECT pointid, 2*random() - 1. as X, 2*random() - 1. as Y, 2*random() - 1. as Z FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,nbpoints) AS pointid) as _1 ) as _2 WHERE X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z > 0. AND X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z < 1. ;

CREATE INDEX tmp_bucket_xyz_idx ON tmp_bucket USING btree ((cos(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(decl))));

CLUSTER tmp_bucket USING tmp_bucket_xyz_idx ;

ANALYZE tmp_bucket ;

$$ language SQL ;

\set radius 0.003 \set nbpoints 10000000

SELECT create_tmp_bucket_with_index(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_1_a(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket_with_index(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_1_b(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket_with_index(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_2_a(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket_with_index(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_2_b(:radius) ;

avec index sans cluster/analyze :

1_a idem, n’utilise pas l’index 1_b utilise l’index : O(N) / O(quasi N) 2_a idem, n’utilise pas l’index 2_b utilise l’index : O(??) / O(??)

#resultats / temps
1000.00355 / 15 ms40 / 1 ms0 / 15 ms0 / 7 ms
1000534 / 341 ms512 / 15 ms0 / 315 ms0 / 7 ms
100005261 / 32427 ms5217 / 48 ms0 / 32954 ms0 / 40 ms
2000010600 / 131482 ms10323 / 64 ms0 / 132039 ms2 / 43 ms
100000X / X52320 / 322 msX / X6 / 233 ms
1000000524797 / 5159 ms784 / 4216 ms
100000005312684 / 164587 ms75998 / 154258 ms

\set radius 0.003 \set nbpoints 10000000

SELECT create_tmp_bucket_with_index_and_cluster(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_1_b(:radius) ;

SELECT create_tmp_bucket_with_index_and_cluster(:nbpoints) ; SELECT count_tmp_bucket_2_b(:radius) ;

avec index et cluster/analyze :

1_b utilise l’index : O(N) / O(N) et on gagne un facteur 2_b utilise l’index : O(??) / O(??) on ne gagne presque rien

#resultats / temps
1000.00350 / 1ms0 / 2 ms
1000527 / 4 ms0 / 15 ms
100005275 / 40 ms0 / 21 ms
10000052348 / 309 ms8 / 222 ms
1000000525481 / 3980 ms632 / 3176 ms
100000005311315 / 126902 ms75384 / 119788 ms

\set radius 0.003 \set nbpoints 1000

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_tmp_bucket_with_index(nbpoints bigint) RETURNS VOID AS $$ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_bucket AS SELECT pointid, sign(Y) * degrees(acos(X / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS ra, degrees(asin(Z / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS decl FROM ( SELECT pointid, 2*random() - 1. as X, 2*random() - 1. as Y, 2*random() - 1. as Z FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,nbpoints) AS pointid) as _1 ) as _2 WHERE X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z > 0. AND X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z < 1. ;

CREATE INDEX tmp_bucket_xyz_idx ON tmp_bucket USING btree ((cos(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(decl))));

$$ language SQL ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_tmp_bucket_with_index_and_cluster(nbpoints bigint) RETURNS VOID AS $$ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_bucket AS SELECT pointid, sign(Y) * degrees(acos(X / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS ra, degrees(asin(Z / sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))) AS decl FROM ( SELECT pointid, 2*random() - 1. as X, 2*random() - 1. as Y, 2*random() - 1. as Z FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,nbpoints) AS pointid) as _1 ) as _2 WHERE X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z > 0. AND X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z < 1. ;

CREATE INDEX tmp_bucket_xyz_idx ON tmp_bucket USING btree ((cos(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(ra))*cos(radians(decl))), (sin(radians(decl))));

CLUSTER tmp_bucket USING tmp_bucket_xyz_idx ;

ANALYZE tmp_bucket ;

$$ language SQL ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tmp_transaction_1(nbpoints bigint, radius double precision) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; PERFORM create_tmp_bucket_with_index_and_cluster(nbpoints) ; PERFORM count_tmp_bucket_1_b(radius) ; END ; $$ language plpgsql ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tmp_transaction_2(nbpoints bigint, radius double precision) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; PERFORM create_tmp_bucket_with_index_and_cluster(nbpoints) ; PERFORM count_tmp_bucket_2_b(radius) ; END ; $$ language plpgsql ;

SELECT tmp_transaction_1(1000, 0.003) ; SELECT tmp_transaction_2(1000, 0.003) ;

temps total (creation/calcul/drop)

1000.00330 ms30 ms
100032 ms35 ms
1000068 ms47 ms
100000650 ms560 ms
10000008074 ms7208 ms
10000000339826 ms331593 ms

On est domine par la creation et l’indexage !

dans ce cas est-ce vraiment indispensable de faire le cluster/analyze pour la table temporaire ?

par exemple pour 10 millions de points cluster permet de faire gagner 40s sur les 160s, mais le temps de le creer combien de temps perd-on?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tmp_transaction_3(nbpoints bigint, radius double precision) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; PERFORM create_tmp_bucket_with_index(nbpoints) ; PERFORM count_tmp_bucket_1_b(radius) ; END ; $$ language plpgsql ;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tmp_transaction_4(nbpoints bigint, radius double precision) RETURNS VOID AS $$ BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_bucket ; PERFORM create_tmp_bucket_with_index(nbpoints) ; PERFORM count_tmp_bucket_2_b(radius) ; END ; $$ language plpgsql ;

SELECT tmp_transaction_3(10000000, 0.003) ; SELECT tmp_transaction_4(10000000, 0.003) ;


Donc c’est clair pas besoin de cluster/analyze !