is a command-line time tracker.
: alias for timed status
timed status
: print current status
timed start <project>
: start tracking for <project>
timed stop
: stop tracking for the current project
timed summary
: print a summary of hours for all projects
timed restart
: restart tracking for the last project
timed report
: print a summary of hours by day, week, month, year
report options:
--day : summarize by day
--week : summarize by week
--month : summarize by month
--year : summarize by year
may use single dash (-) or double dash (--)
single-letter abbreviations also work (d, w, m, y)
timed help
: print help
A human-readable log is stored in ~/.timed
, and can be edited.
$ easy_install timed
$ git clone git://github.com/eugeneoden/timed.git
$ cd timed
$ python setup.py install
Put the name of the active timed
project in your bash prompt:
function get_timed_project {
timed status --quiet
PS1='\u@\h \$(get_timed_project) [\w] \n %'
is released under the BSD license. See the file LICENSE
further information.
- 0.13: No need to use ez_setup.
- 0.12goden2: added report command
- 0.12goden1: added restart command
- 0.12: YAML turned out to be pretty slow, so it's been dropped.
- 0.11: Using YAML to store the log.
- 0.10: First release.