diff --git a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile.m b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile.m
index 84021e78..8e77cc05 100644
--- a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile.m
+++ b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile.m
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
% this new version generates S-PROF file (possibly
% empty) even when 'c' PROF or 'b' PROF file is
% missing
+% 07/10/2020 - RNU - V 1.10: correction in processing of PROFILE__QC
+% (the input Qcs used depend on PARAMATER_DATA_MODE
+% information)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function nc_create_synthetic_profile(varargin)
@@ -102,11 +105,15 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile(varargin)
% program version
global g_cocs_ncCreateSyntheticProfileVersion;
-g_cocs_ncCreateSyntheticProfileVersion = '1.9 (version 30.06.2020 for ARGO_simplified_profile)';
+g_cocs_ncCreateSyntheticProfileVersion = '1.10 (version 30.06.2020 for ARGO_simplified_profile)';
% current float and cycle identification
global g_cocs_floatNum;
+% output CSV file Id
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+g_cocs_fidCsvFile = -1;
% default values initialization
@@ -190,6 +197,22 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile(varargin)
if (errorFlag == 0)
+ % output CSV file name
+ [~, logFileName, ~] = fileparts(logFile);
+ csvFileName = [DIR_CSV_FILE '/' logFileName '.csv'];
+ % create CSV file
+ g_cocs_fidCsvFile = fopen(csvFileName, 'wt');
+ if (g_cocs_fidCsvFile == -1)
+ fprintf('ERROR: Unable to create output CSV file: %s\n', csvFileName);
+ return
+ end
+ % put header
+ header = 'dac, type, float code, cycle number, message, file';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s\n', header);
if (~isempty(floatList))
% process floats of the FLOAT_LIST_FILE_NAME file (or provided in input
@@ -238,12 +261,14 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile(varargin)
diary off;
-if (~isempty(DIR_CSV_FILE))
- % generate CSV file (from log file contents)
- generate_csv_file(logFile, DIR_CSV_FILE);
+% if (~isempty(DIR_CSV_FILE))
+% % generate CSV file (from log file contents)
+% generate_csv_file(logFile, DIR_CSV_FILE);
+% end
@@ -279,17 +304,46 @@ function process_one_float(a_floatDir, a_outputDir, ...
global g_cocs_floatNum;
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+g_cocs_cycleDir = '';
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+g_cocs_dacName = '-';
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+g_cocs_floatWmoStr = num2str(g_cocs_floatNum);
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+g_cocs_cycleNumStr = '-';
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
+g_cocs_inputFile = '-';
floatWmoStr = num2str(g_cocs_floatNum);
% META data file
metaFileName = [a_floatDir '/' floatWmoStr '_meta.nc'];
if ~(exist(metaFileName, 'file') == 2)
fprintf('ERROR: Float %d: META file not found: %s\n', g_cocs_floatNum, metaFileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'File not found.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(metaFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+% retrieve DATA_CENTRE from META file
+wantedVars = [ ...
+ {'DATA_CENTRE'} ...
+ ];
+[metaData] = get_data_from_nc_file(metaFileName, wantedVars);
+dataCentre = get_data_from_name('DATA_CENTRE', metaData);
+g_cocs_dacName = dataCentre(:, 1)';
% create the list of available cycle numbers (from PROF files)
profileDir = [a_floatDir '/profiles'];
files = dir([profileDir '/' '*' floatWmoStr '_' '*.nc']);
@@ -315,6 +369,7 @@ function process_one_float(a_floatDir, a_outputDir, ...
for idCy = 1:length(cyNumList)
g_cocs_cycleNum = cyNumList(idCy);
+ g_cocs_cycleNumStr = num2str(g_cocs_cycleNum);
createMultiProfFlag = 0;
if (idCy == length(cyNumList))
@@ -450,17 +505,17 @@ function process_one_float(a_floatDir, a_outputDir, ...
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Generate the output CSV file (from INFO/WARNING/ERROR messages of the log
-% file).
+% Get data from name in a {var_name}/{var_data} list.
-% generate_csv_file(a_logFileName, a_csvDirName)
+% [o_dataValues] = get_data_from_name(a_dataName, a_dataList)
-% a_logFileName : log file path name of the run
-% a_csvDirName : directory of CSV files
+% a_dataName : name of the data to retrieve
+% a_dataList : {var_name}/{var_data} list
+% o_dataValues : concerned data
@@ -468,83 +523,89 @@ function process_one_float(a_floatDir, a_outputDir, ...
% AUTHORS : Jean-Philippe Rannou (Altran)(jean-philippe.rannou@altran.com)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% 04/22/2020 - RNU - creation
+% 06/15/2018 - RNU - creation
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function generate_csv_file(a_logFileName, a_csvDirName)
-% output CSV file name
-[~, logFileName, ~] = fileparts(a_logFileName);
-csvFileName = [a_csvDirName '/' logFileName '.csv'];
+function [o_dataValues] = get_data_from_name(a_dataName, a_dataList)
+% output parameters initialization
+o_dataValues = [];
-% create CSV file
-fidOut = fopen(csvFileName, 'wt');
-if (fidOut == -1)
- fprintf('ERROR: Unable to create output file: %s\n', csvFileName);
- return
+idVal = find(strcmp(a_dataName, a_dataList(1:2:end)) == 1, 1);
+if (~isempty(idVal))
+ o_dataValues = a_dataList{2*idVal};
-% put header
-fprintf(fidOut, '%s\n', header);
-if (~isempty(a_logFileName))
- % read log file
- fId = fopen(a_logFileName, 'r');
- if (fId == -1)
- sprintf('ERROR: Unable to open file: %s\n', a_logFileName);
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Retrieve data from NetCDF file.
+% [o_ncData] = get_data_from_nc_file(a_ncPathFileName, a_wantedVars)
+% a_ncPathFileName : NetCDF file name
+% a_wantedVars : NetCDF variables to retrieve from the file
+% o_ncData : retrieved data
+% AUTHORS : Jean-Philippe Rannou (Altran)(jean-philippe.rannou@altran.com)
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 06/15/2018 - RNU - creation
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function [o_ncData] = get_data_from_nc_file(a_ncPathFileName, a_wantedVars)
+% output parameters initialization
+o_ncData = [];
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
+if (exist(a_ncPathFileName, 'file') == 2)
+ % open NetCDF file
+ fCdf = netcdf.open(a_ncPathFileName, 'NC_NOWRITE');
+ if (isempty(fCdf))
+ fprintf('ERROR: Unable to open NetCDF input file: %s\n', a_ncPathFileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'Unable to open file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_ncPathFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
- fileContents = textscan(fId, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
- fclose(fId);
- if (~isempty(fileContents) && ~isempty(fileContents{:}))
- % retrieve wanted messages
- fileContents = fileContents{:};
- idLine = 1;
- while (1)
- line = fileContents{idLine};
- msgType = '';
- msgSource = '';
- msg = '';
- if (strncmp(line, 'INFO: ', length('INFO: ')))
- msgType = 'INFO';
- msgSource = 'nc_create_synthetic_profile';
- msg = line(length('INFO: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'WARNING: ', length('WARNING: ')))
- msgType = 'WARNING';
- msgSource = 'nc_create_synthetic_profile';
- msg = line(length('WARNING: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'ERROR: ', length('ERROR: ')))
- msgType = 'ERROR';
- msgSource = 'nc_create_synthetic_profile';
- msg = line(length('ERROR: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'S-PROF_INFO: ', length('S-PROF_INFO: ')))
- msgType = 'INFO';
- msgSource = 'ARGO_simplified_profile';
- msg = line(length('S-PROF_INFO: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'S-PROF_WARNING: ', length('S-PROF_WARNING: ')))
- msgType = 'WARNING';
- msgSource = 'ARGO_simplified_profile';
- msg = line(length('S-PROF_WARNING: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'S-PROF_ERROR: ', length('S-PROF_ERROR: ')))
- msgType = 'ERROR';
- msgSource = 'ARGO_simplified_profile';
- msg = line(length('S-PROF_ERROR: ')+1:end);
- end
- if (~isempty(msgType))
- fprintf(fidOut, '%s;%s;%s\n', msgType, msgSource, msg);
- end
- idLine = idLine + 1;
- if (idLine > length(fileContents))
- break
- end
+ % retrieve variables from NetCDF file
+ for idVar = 1:length(a_wantedVars)
+ varName = a_wantedVars{idVar};
+ if (var_is_present_dec_argo(fCdf, varName))
+ varValue = netcdf.getVar(fCdf, netcdf.inqVarID(fCdf, varName));
+ o_ncData = [o_ncData {varName} {varValue}];
+ else
+ % fprintf('WARNING: Variable %s not present in file : %s\n', ...
+ % varName, a_ncPathFileName);
+ o_ncData = [o_ncData {varName} {' '}];
+ netcdf.close(fCdf);
diff --git a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt.m b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt.m
index adcd0a53..0825e5db 100644
--- a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt.m
+++ b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt.m
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@
% this new version generates S-PROF file (possibly
% empty) even when 'c' PROF or 'b' PROF file is
% missing
+% 07/10/2020 - RNU - V 1.10: correction in processing of PROFILE__QC
+% (the input Qcs used depend on PARAMATER_DATA_MODE
+% information)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt(varargin)
@@ -135,13 +138,17 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt(varargin)
% program version
global g_cocs_ncCreateSyntheticProfileVersion;
-g_cocs_ncCreateSyntheticProfileVersion = '1.9 (version 30.06.2020 for ARGO_simplified_profile)';
+g_cocs_ncCreateSyntheticProfileVersion = '1.10 (version 30.06.2020 for ARGO_simplified_profile)';
% current float and cycle identification
global g_cocs_floatNum;
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file Id
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+g_cocs_fidCsvFile = -1;
% startTime
ticStartTime = tic;
@@ -232,6 +239,21 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt(varargin)
g_cocs_floatNum = str2double(g_cocs_floatWmo);
+ % output CSV file name
+ [~, logFile, ~] = fileparts(logFileName);
+ csvFileName = [g_cocs_outputCsvDirName '/' logFile '.csv'];
+ % create CSV file
+ g_cocs_fidCsvFile = fopen(csvFileName, 'wt');
+ if (g_cocs_fidCsvFile == -1)
+ fprintf('ERROR: Unable to create output CSV file: %s\n', csvFileName);
+ return
+ end
+ % put header
+ header = 'dac, type, float code, cycle number, message, file';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s\n', header);
% generate S-PROF file
str2num(g_cocs_createOnlyMultiProfFlag), ...
@@ -246,6 +268,8 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt(varargin)
+ fclose(g_cocs_fidCsvFile);
diary off;
% finalize XML report
@@ -253,6 +277,10 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt(varargin)
+ if (g_cocs_fidCsvFile ~= -1)
+ fclose(g_cocs_fidCsvFile);
+ end
diary off;
% finalize XML report
@@ -260,11 +288,6 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_rt(varargin)
-if (~isempty(g_cocs_outputCsvDirName))
- % generate CSV file (from log file contents)
- generate_csv_file(logFileName, g_cocs_outputCsvDirName);
% create the XML report path file name
if (~isempty(g_cocs_outputXmlReportDirName))
xmlFileName = [g_cocs_outputXmlReportDirName '/' g_cocs_outputXmlReportFileName];
@@ -888,103 +911,3 @@ function init_xml_report(a_time)
-% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Generate the output CSV file (from INFO/WARNING/ERROR messages of the log
-% file).
-% generate_csv_file(a_logFileName, a_csvDirName)
-% a_logFileName : log file path name of the run
-% a_csvDirName : directory of CSV files
-% AUTHORS : Jean-Philippe Rannou (Altran)(jean-philippe.rannou@altran.com)
-% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% 04/22/2020 - RNU - creation
-% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function generate_csv_file(a_logFileName, a_csvDirName)
-% output CSV file name
-[~, logFileName, ~] = fileparts(a_logFileName);
-csvFileName = [a_csvDirName '/' logFileName '.csv'];
-% create CSV file
-fidOut = fopen(csvFileName, 'wt');
-if (fidOut == -1)
- fprintf('ERROR: Unable to create output file: %s\n', csvFileName);
- return
-% put header
-fprintf(fidOut, '%s\n', header);
-if (~isempty(a_logFileName))
- % read log file
- fId = fopen(a_logFileName, 'r');
- if (fId == -1)
- sprintf('ERROR: Unable to open file: %s\n', a_logFileName);
- return
- end
- fileContents = textscan(fId, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
- fclose(fId);
- if (~isempty(fileContents) && ~isempty(fileContents{:}))
- % retrieve wanted messages
- fileContents = fileContents{:};
- idLine = 1;
- while (1)
- line = fileContents{idLine};
- msgType = '';
- msgSource = '';
- msg = '';
- if (strncmp(line, 'INFO: ', length('INFO: ')))
- msgType = 'INFO';
- msgSource = 'nc_create_synthetic_profile';
- msg = line(length('INFO: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'WARNING: ', length('WARNING: ')))
- msgType = 'WARNING';
- msgSource = 'nc_create_synthetic_profile';
- msg = line(length('WARNING: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'ERROR: ', length('ERROR: ')))
- msgType = 'ERROR';
- msgSource = 'nc_create_synthetic_profile';
- msg = line(length('ERROR: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'S-PROF_INFO: ', length('S-PROF_INFO: ')))
- msgType = 'INFO';
- msgSource = 'ARGO_simplified_profile';
- msg = line(length('S-PROF_INFO: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'S-PROF_WARNING: ', length('S-PROF_WARNING: ')))
- msgType = 'WARNING';
- msgSource = 'ARGO_simplified_profile';
- msg = line(length('S-PROF_WARNING: ')+1:end);
- elseif (strncmp(line, 'S-PROF_ERROR: ', length('S-PROF_ERROR: ')))
- msgType = 'ERROR';
- msgSource = 'ARGO_simplified_profile';
- msg = line(length('S-PROF_ERROR: ')+1:end);
- end
- if (~isempty(msgType))
- fprintf(fidOut, '%s;%s;%s\n', msgType, msgSource, msg);
- end
- idLine = idLine + 1;
- if (idLine > length(fileContents))
- break
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub/nc_create_synthetic_profile_.m b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub/nc_create_synthetic_profile_.m
index 885d8a54..1f640e45 100644
--- a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub/nc_create_synthetic_profile_.m
+++ b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub/nc_create_synthetic_profile_.m
@@ -134,6 +134,13 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
onlyCFileFlag = 0;
onlyBFileFlag = 0;
@@ -162,15 +169,27 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
wantedVars = [ ...
+ {'DATA_CENTRE'} ...
[profData1] = get_data_from_nc_file(profFilePathName, wantedVars);
formatVersion = deblank(get_data_from_name('FORMAT_VERSION', profData1)');
+ dataCentre = get_data_from_name('DATA_CENTRE', profData1);
+ g_cocs_dacName = dataCentre(:, 1)';
% check the PROF file format version
if (~strcmp(formatVersion, '3.1'))
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Input PROF file (%s) format version is %s => not used\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, profFilePathName, formatVersion);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = sprintf('Input file format version is %s - not used.', formatVersion);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(profFilePathName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -349,6 +368,15 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: PARAMETER_DATA_MODE information is missing in input PROF file (%s) => exit (as DATA_MODE = ''%c'')\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, profFilePathName, dataMode(idProf));
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = sprintf('PARAMETER_DATA_MODE information is missing in file - file ignored (as DATA_MODE = ''%c'').', dataMode(idProf));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(profFilePathName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -416,6 +444,17 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, ...
length(profData.presData), ...
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = sprintf('C and B files don''t have the same number of levels (%d vs %d) - files ignored.', ...
+ length(profData.presData), ...
+ length(profDataTabB(idProfB).presData));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
if (~any((profData.presData - profDataTabB(idProfB).presData) ~= 0))
@@ -469,6 +508,16 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
if (~isempty(profDataTabB))
fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: %d B profiles are not used\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, length(profDataTabB));
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('%d B profiles are not used.', ...
+ length(profDataTabB));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
elseif (~isempty(profDataTabC))
@@ -508,6 +557,14 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
% output parameters initialization
o_ncData = [];
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
if (exist(a_ncPathFileName, 'file') == 2)
@@ -515,6 +572,15 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
fCdf = netcdf.open(a_ncPathFileName, 'NC_NOWRITE');
if (isempty(fCdf))
fprintf('ERROR: Unable to open NetCDF input file: %s\n', a_ncPathFileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'Unable to open file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_ncPathFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -598,6 +664,14 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
% output parameters initialization
o_ncDataAtt = [];
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
if (exist(a_ncPathFileName, 'file') == 2)
@@ -605,6 +679,15 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
fCdf = netcdf.open(a_ncPathFileName, 'NC_NOWRITE');
if (isempty(fCdf))
fprintf('ERROR: Unable to open NetCDF input file: %s\n', a_ncPathFileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'Unable to open file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_ncPathFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -768,117 +851,260 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
+msgType = 'error';
+[~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
% check input profile consistency
errorFlag = 0;
if (length(unique({a_profData.handbookVersion})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple HANDBOOK_VERSION => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple HANDBOOK_VERSION - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.referenceDateTime})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple REFERENCE_DATE_TIME => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple REFERENCE_DATE_TIME - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.platformNumber})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple PLATFORM_NUMBER => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple PLATFORM_NUMBER - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.projectName})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple PROJECT_NAME => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple PROJECT_NAME - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.piName})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple PI_NAME => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple PI_NAME - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.cycleNumber])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple CYCLE_NUMBER => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple CYCLE_NUMBER - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.direction})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple DIRECTION => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple DIRECTION - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.dataCentre})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple DATA_CENTRE => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple DATA_CENTRE - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.platformType})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple PLATFORM_TYPE => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple PLATFORM_TYPE - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.floatSerialNo})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple FLOAT_SERIAL_NO => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple FLOAT_SERIAL_NO - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.firmwareVersion})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple FIRMWARE_VERSION => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple FIRMWARE_VERSION - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.wmoInstType})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple WMO_INST_TYPE => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple WMO_INST_TYPE - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.juld])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple JULD => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple JULD - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.juldResolution])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple JULD:resolution => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple JULD:resolution - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.juldQc})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple JULD_QC => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple JULD_QC - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.juldLocation])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple JULD_LOCATION => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple JULD_LOCATION - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.juldLocationResolution])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple JULD_LOCATION:resolution => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple JULD_LOCATION:resolution - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.latitude])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple LATITUDE => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple LATITUDE - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.longitude])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple LONGITUDE => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple LONGITUDE - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.positionQc})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple POSITION_QC => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple POSITION_QC - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique({a_profData.positioningSystem})) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple POSITIONING_SYSTEM => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple POSITIONING_SYSTEM - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (length(unique([a_profData.configMissionNumber])) > 1)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: multiple CONFIG_MISSION_NUMBER => file ignored\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ message = 'Multiple CONFIG_MISSION_NUMBER - file ignored.';
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
errorFlag = 1;
if (errorFlag == 1)
@@ -939,6 +1165,15 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
[~, bProfFileName, bProfFileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: the synthetic profile data processing failed (ARGO_simplified_profile fonction on file %s)\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, [bProfFileName bProfFileExt]);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'The synthetic profile data processing failed (ARGO_simplified_profile fonction).';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
o_syntProfData = [];
% write error information in log file
@@ -953,8 +1188,17 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
if (isempty(syntProfData))
- fprintf('INFO: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: no synthetic profile data reported by ARGO_simplified_profile fonction\n', ...
+ fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: no synthetic profile data reported by ARGO_simplified_profile fonction\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'No synthetic profile data reported by ARGO_simplified_profile fonction.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
o_syntProfData = [];
@@ -977,6 +1221,15 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: ''%s'' parameter is not present in the output file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, ...
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = sprintf('''%s'' parameter is not present in output file.', paramName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
data = syntProfData.(paramName).value;
@@ -1111,8 +1364,17 @@ function nc_create_synthetic_profile_( ...
if (isempty(o_syntProfData.paramData))
- fprintf('INFO: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: no data remain after processing => no synthetic profile\n', ...
+ fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: no data remain after processing => no synthetic profile\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'No data remain after processing - no synthetic profile.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_bProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
o_syntProfData = [];
@@ -1356,6 +1618,13 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
% common long_name for nc files
global g_decArgo_longNameOfParamAdjErr;
@@ -1377,6 +1646,15 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
if (isempty(fCdf))
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Unable to open NetCDF output file: %s\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, a_fileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'Unable to open file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -1391,6 +1669,14 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
if (isempty(deblank(institution)))
fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: No institution assigned to data centre %s\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, a_profData.dataCentre);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('No institution assigned to data centre %s.', a_profData.dataCentre);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, globalVarId, 'institution', institution);
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, globalVarId, 'source', 'Argo float');
@@ -1481,8 +1767,16 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, paramVarId, 'axis', paramInfo.axis);
- fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
+ fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, paramName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' already exists in file.', paramName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
% parameter QC variable and attributes
@@ -1502,8 +1796,16 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, paramQcVarId, '_FillValue', ' ');
- fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
+ fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, paramQcName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' already exists in file.', paramQcName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
% parameter displacement variable and attributes
@@ -1526,8 +1828,16 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, paramDPresVarId, 'units', paramPresInfo.units);
- fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
+ fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, paramDPresName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' already exists in file.', paramDPresName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -1575,8 +1885,16 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, paramAdjVarId, 'axis', paramInfo.axis);
- fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
+ fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, paramAdjName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' already exists in file.', paramAdjName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
% parameter adjusted QC variable and attributes
@@ -1596,8 +1914,16 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, paramAdjQcVarId, '_FillValue', ' ');
- fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
+ fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, paramAdjQcName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' already exists in file.', paramAdjQcName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
% parameter adjusted error variable and attributes
@@ -1630,8 +1956,16 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, paramAdjErrVarId, 'resolution', paramInfo.resolution);
- fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
+ fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Parameter ''%s'' already exists in the nc file\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, paramAdjErrName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Parameter ''%s'' already exists in file.', paramAdjErrName);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -1744,6 +2078,7 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
% fill PARAM variable data
for idParam = 1:length(paramList)
+ paramDataMode = a_profData.paramDataMode(idParam);
paramData = a_profData.paramData(:, idParam);
paramDataQc = a_profData.paramDataQc(:, idParam);
paramDataDPres = a_profData.paramDataDPres(:, idParam);
@@ -1761,7 +2096,11 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
paramAdjErrName = [paramName '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'];
% global quality of PARAM profile
- profParamQcData = compute_profile_quality_flag(paramDataQc);
+ if (paramDataMode == 'R')
+ profParamQcData = compute_profile_quality_flag(paramDataQc);
+ else
+ profParamQcData = compute_profile_quality_flag(paramDataAdjQc);
+ end
profParamQcName = ['PROFILE_' paramName '_QC'];
netcdf.putVar(fCdf, netcdf.inqVarID(fCdf, profParamQcName), 0, 1, profParamQcData);
@@ -1856,6 +2195,13 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
floatWmoStr = num2str(g_cocs_floatNum);
@@ -1877,7 +2223,8 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
for idCy = 1:length(cyNumList)
g_cocs_cycleNum = cyNumList(idCy);
+ g_cocs_cycleNumStr = num2str(g_cocs_cycleNum);
% process descending and ascending profiles
for idDir = 1:2
@@ -1943,10 +2290,26 @@ function fill_synthetic_mono_profile_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
if ~(exist(a_sProfFileName, 'file') == 2)
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: File not found: %s\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, a_sProfFileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'File not found.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_sProfFileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -2294,6 +2657,13 @@ function fill_synthetic_multi_profiles_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
global g_cocs_cycleNum;
global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
% common long_name for nc files
global g_decArgo_longNameOfParamAdjErr;
@@ -2315,6 +2685,15 @@ function fill_synthetic_multi_profiles_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
if (isempty(fCdf))
fprintf('ERROR: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: Unable to open NetCDF output file: %s\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, a_fileName);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'Unable to open file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
@@ -2329,6 +2708,14 @@ function fill_synthetic_multi_profiles_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
if (isempty(deblank(institution)))
fprintf('WARNING: Float #%d Cycle #%d%c: No institution assigned to data centre %s\n', ...
g_cocs_floatNum, g_cocs_cycleNum, g_cocs_cycleDir, a_profData(1).dataCentre);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('No institution assigned to data centre %s.', a_profData(1).dataCentre);
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(a_fileName);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, globalVarId, 'institution', institution);
netcdf.putAtt(fCdf, globalVarId, 'source', 'Argo float');
@@ -2631,6 +3018,7 @@ function fill_synthetic_multi_profiles_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
% fill PARAM variable data
for idParam = 1:length(paramList)
+ paramDataMode = profData.paramDataMode(idParam);
paramData = profData.paramData(:, idParam);
paramDataQc = profData.paramDataQc(:, idParam);
paramDataDPres = profData.paramDataDPres(:, idParam);
@@ -2648,7 +3036,11 @@ function fill_synthetic_multi_profiles_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
paramAdjErrName = [paramName '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'];
% global quality of PARAM profile
- profParamQcData = compute_profile_quality_flag(paramDataQc);
+ if (paramDataMode == 'R')
+ profParamQcData = compute_profile_quality_flag(paramDataQc);
+ else
+ profParamQcData = compute_profile_quality_flag(paramDataAdjQc);
+ end
profParamQcName = ['PROFILE_' paramName '_QC'];
netcdf.putVar(fCdf, netcdf.inqVarID(fCdf, profParamQcName), profPos, 1, profParamQcData);
@@ -2711,3 +3103,87 @@ function fill_synthetic_multi_profiles_file(a_fileName, a_profData)
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Remove a given diretory and all its contents.
+% [o_ok] = remove_directory(a_dirPathName)
+% a_dirPathName : path name of the directory to remove
+% AUTHORS : Jean-Philippe Rannou (Altran)(jean-philippe.rannou@altran.com)
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 01/25/2015 - RNU - creation
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function [o_ok] = remove_directory(a_dirPathName)
+% output parameters initialization
+o_ok = 0;
+if (exist(a_dirPathName, 'dir') == 7)
+ [status, ~, ~] = rmdir(a_dirPathName, 's');
+ if (status ~= 1)
+ nbAttemps = 0;
+ while ((nbAttemps < NB_ATTEMPTS) && (status ~= 1))
+ pause(1);
+ [status, ~, ~] = rmdir(a_dirPathName, 's');
+ nbAttemps = nbAttemps + 1;
+ end
+ if (status ~= 1)
+ fprintf('ERROR: Unable to remove directory: %s\n', a_dirPathName);
+ return
+ end
+ end
+o_ok = 1;
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Move file.
+% [o_ok] = move_file(a_sourceFileName, a_destFileName)
+% a_sourceFileName : source file path name
+% a_destFileName : destination file path name
+% o_ok : copy operation report flag (1 if ok, 0 otherwise)
+% AUTHORS : Jean-Philippe Rannou (Altran)(jean-philippe.rannou@altran.com)
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 01/10/2014 - RNU - creation
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function [o_ok] = move_file(a_sourceFileName, a_destFileName)
+% output parameters initialization
+o_ok = 1;
+[status, message, messageid] = movefile(a_sourceFileName, a_destFileName);
+if (status == 0)
+ fprintf('ERROR: Error while moving file %s to file %s (%s)\n', ...
+ a_sourceFileName, ...
+ a_destFileName, ...
+ message);
+ o_ok = 0;
diff --git a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub_foreign/ARGO_simplified_profile.m b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub_foreign/ARGO_simplified_profile.m
index 1aca7dae..2f65a3f5 100644
--- a/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub_foreign/ARGO_simplified_profile.m
+++ b/decArgo_soft/soft/util/sub_foreign/ARGO_simplified_profile.m
@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@
% all info messages, correct treatment of levels with QC '4' in
% adjusted fields, add bgcFloatFlag as optional input
+% output CSV file information
+global g_cocs_fidCsvFile;
+global g_cocs_dacName;
+global g_cocs_floatWmoStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleNumStr;
+global g_cocs_cycleDir;
+global g_cocs_inputFile;
if nargin<1 || isempty(varargin)
@@ -121,11 +128,31 @@
fnamec=setdiff(fieldnames(C),fieldnames(S)); % find core parameter names
for i=1:length(fnamec), S.(fnamec{i})=C.(fnamec{i}); end % copy core data to bio data
- if verbose>-2, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: File ' bfilestr '.nc: No corresponding core file found. Create empty s-profile.']), end
+ if (verbose>-2)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: No corresponding core file found. Create empty s-profile.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = 'No corresponding core file found. Create empty s-profile.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
S.PRES_QC.value=ones(size(S.PRES.value))*4; % mimic core PRES_QC: all bad, because no info
if isfield(S,'empty') && bgcfloatflag
- if verbose>-2, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: File ' cfilestr '.nc: No corresponding bio file found. Use only the core file.']), end
+ if (verbose>-2)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' cfilestr '.nc: No corresponding bio file found. Use only the core file.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = 'No corresponding bio file found. Use only the core file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(cfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
@@ -141,7 +168,18 @@
for i=1:length(indperm), indperm(i)=find(strcmpi(C.PARAMETER.dimname,indstr{i})); end
catch me
- if verbose>-1, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of core file PARAMETER field with dimensions: ' strjoin(C.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')]), end
+ if (verbose>-1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of core file PARAMETER field with dimensions: ' strjoin(C.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not figure out N_DIMs order of core file PARAMETER field with dimensions: %s.', ...
+ strjoin(C.PARAMETER.dimname,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(cfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
@@ -153,7 +191,18 @@
for i=1:length(indperm), indperm(i)=find(strcmpi(C.STATION_PARAMETERS.dimname,indstr{i})); end
catch me
- if verbose>-1, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of core file STATION_PARAMETERS field with dimensions: ' strjoin(C.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')]), end
+ if (verbose>-1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of core file STATION_PARAMETERS field with dimensions: ' strjoin(C.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not figure out N_DIMs order of core file STATION_PARAMETERS field with dimensions: %s.', ...
+ strjoin(C.PARAMETER.dimname,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(cfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
@@ -171,7 +220,18 @@
for i=1:length(indperm), indperm(i)=find(strcmpi(S.PARAMETER.dimname,indstr{i})); end
catch me
- if verbose>-1, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of bio file PARAMETER field with dimensions: ' strjoin(S.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')]), end
+ if (verbose>-1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of bio file PARAMETER field with dimensions: ' strjoin(S.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not figure out N_DIMs order of bio file PARAMETER field with dimensions: %s.', ...
+ strjoin(S.PARAMETER.dimname,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
@@ -183,7 +243,17 @@
for i=1:length(indperm), indperm(i)=find(strcmpi(S.STATION_PARAMETERS.dimname,indstr{i})); end
catch me
- if verbose>-1, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of bio file STATION_PARAMETERS field with dimensions: ' strjoin(S.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')]), end
+ if (verbose>-1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not figure out N_DIMs order of bio file STATION_PARAMETERS field with dimensions: ' strjoin(S.PARAMETER.dimname,', ')])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not figure out N_DIMs order of bio file STATION_PARAMETERS field with dimensions: %s.', strjoin(S.PARAMETER.dimname,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
@@ -258,7 +328,17 @@
if isfield(S,'TEMP'), S=rmfield(S,'TEMP'); end
if isfield(S,'PSAL'), S=rmfield(S,'PSAL'); end
- if verbose>-2, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: File ' bfilestr '.nc: PRES (bio) and PRES_QC (core) dimensions don''t match. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.']), end
+ if (verbose>-2)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: PRES (bio) and PRES_QC (core) dimensions don''t match. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = 'PRES (bio) and PRES_QC (core) dimensions don''t match. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
for i=1:length(ubgcparams)
@@ -278,7 +358,18 @@
%pinversion=pinversion & ismember(S.PRES_QC.value,[0 1 2 3]);
if any(pinversion(:))
- if verbose>1, disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Found ' num2str(sum(pinversion(:))) ' levels with unflagged pressure inversions. Flag with PRES_QC=4.']), end
+ if (verbose>1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Found ' num2str(sum(pinversion(:))) ' levels with unflagged pressure inversions. Flag with PRES_QC=4.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'info_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Found %s levels with unflagged pressure inversions. Flag with PRES_QC=4.', ...
+ num2str(sum(pinversion(:))));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(cfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
% check if there are more
@@ -294,7 +385,18 @@
end % while
- if verbose>1 && pnum, disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Found ' num2str(pnum) ' more levels with unflagged pressure inversions. Flag with PRES_QC=4.']), end
+ if (verbose>1 && pnum)
+ disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' cfilestr '.nc: Found ' num2str(pnum) ' more levels with unflagged pressure inversions. Flag with PRES_QC=4.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'info_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Found %s more levels with unflagged pressure inversions. Flag with PRES_QC=4.', ...
+ num2str(pnum));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(cfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
end % first iteration
clear pinversion ind pnum
@@ -340,12 +442,31 @@
catch me
% failed to locate meta file
- if verbose>-2, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: Float ' strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) ': Could not find meta file ' metafilepath '. Abort..']), end
+ if (verbose>-2)
+ disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: Float ' strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) ': Could not find meta file ' metafilepath '. Abort..']);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'File not found.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(metafilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
if isempty(C)
- if verbose>-2, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: Float ' strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) ': Could not find meta file ' strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) '_meta.nc in current or parent folder. Abort..']), end
+ if (verbose>-2)
+ disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: Float ' strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) ': Could not find meta file ' strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) '_meta.nc in current or parent folder. Abort..']);
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'error';
+ message = 'File not found.';
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [strtrim(S.PLATFORM_NUMBER.value(1,:)) '_meta.nc'];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
end % meta file exists
@@ -387,14 +508,35 @@
ind=find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(cellstr(lower(names)),lower(cnames{1})))); % ignore upper/lower case
if any(ind)
- if verbose>1, disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' metafilestr '.nc: Found ' num2str(length(ind)) ' VerticalOffsets']); end
+ if (verbose>1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' metafilestr '.nc: Found ' num2str(length(ind)) ' VerticalOffsets'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'info_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Found %s VerticalOffsets.', ...
+ num2str(length(ind)));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(metafilestr);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
% get short sensor names and vertical offsets
try % get corresponding full-length sensor name: index to param_sensors / sensors
- sensorind=cellfun(@(x)find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(lower(sensors),lower(x)))),cpnames);
+ sensorind=cellfun(@(x)find(~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(lower(sensors),lower(x)))),cpnames);
catch me
- if verbose>0, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not identify some short sensor name in meta file ' strjoin(cpnames,'; ')]), end
+ if (verbose>0)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not identify some short sensor name in meta file ' strjoin(cpnames,'; ')])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not identify some short sensor name in meta file %s.', strjoin(cpnames,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
% and assign vertical offset via full-length sensor name to
% bgc parameters
@@ -420,7 +562,18 @@
- if verbose>0, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not identify parameter with sensor name(s) ' strjoin(cellstr(snames),', ') '; Skipping vertical offset of ' num2str(voffset(i)) ' dbar from LAUNCH_CONFIG']), end
+ if (verbose>0)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not identify parameter with sensor name(s) ' strjoin(cellstr(snames),', ') '; Skipping vertical offset of ' num2str(voffset(i)) ' dbar from LAUNCH_CONFIG'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not identify parameter with sensor name(s) %s. Skipping vertical offset of %s dbar from LAUNCH_CONFIG.', ...
+ strjoin(cellstr(snames),' '), num2str(voffset(i)));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
else % found
pnames=C.PARAMETER.value(pind); % get i- and b- parameter names
@@ -441,12 +594,33 @@
voff.linbgcparams=reshape(linbgcparams,1,[]); voff.linvoffset=reshape(linvoffset,1,[]);
clear inpflag cpnames sensorind voffset sensors param_sensors
- if verbose>1, disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Found no verticalOffsets in meta file']), end
+ if (verbose>1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Found no verticalOffsets in meta file'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'info_s-prof';
+ message = 'Found no VerticalOffsets in meta file.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
end % config name found
clear ind cnames names values
- if verbose>-1, disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not find LAUNCH_CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME in meta file (FORMAT_VERSION ' C.FORMAT_VERSION.value '). No vertical sensor offsets corrected.']), end
+ if (verbose>-1)
+ disp(['S-PROF_INFO: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not find LAUNCH_CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME in meta file (FORMAT_VERSION ' C.FORMAT_VERSION.value '). No vertical sensor offsets corrected.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'info_s-prof';
+ message = sprintf('Could not find LAUNCH_CONFIG_PARAMETER_NAME in meta file (FORMAT_VERSION %s). No vertical sensor offsets corrected.', ...
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
end % addoffsetflag
@@ -465,8 +639,25 @@
if verbose>0
if isempty(ubgcparams)
disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Found no b-parameters. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = 'Found no b-parameters. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Found b-parameter(s) ' strjoin(ubgcparams,' ') ', but without any PRES_QC=0..3 and non-FillValue BGC data. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Found b-parameter(s) %s but without any PRES_QC=0..3 and non-FillValue BGC data. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.', ...
+ strjoin(ubgcparams,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
%synthfull=[]; return
@@ -479,7 +670,18 @@
% verify that there are BGC observations, not just BGC N_PROFs
if ~any(prespresent(:)) % may not be needed; redundant
- if verbose>0, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Found b-parameter(s) ' strjoin(ubgcparams,' ') ', but without any non-FillValue data. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.']), end
+ if (verbose>0)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Found b-parameter(s) ' strjoin(ubgcparams,' ') ', but without any non-FillValue data. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Found b-parameter(s) %s but without any non-FillValue data. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.', ...
+ strjoin(ubgcparams,' '));
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
%synthfull=[]; return
presaxis=[]; % default to empty presaxis
break % extra loop around presaxis construction
@@ -525,7 +727,17 @@
if isempty(i)
%keyboard % should not happen?? Check code..
- if verbose>-3, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Trouble during creation of synthetic pressure axis. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.']), end
+ if (verbose>-3)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Trouble during creation of synthetic pressure axis. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = 'Trouble during creation of synthetic pressure axis. Create synthetic profile only with available core data.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
%synthfull=[]; return
useind=[]; % default to empty presaxis if failed
break % loop of pressure levels from bottom
@@ -540,9 +752,19 @@
clear obspresence
if niter>nitermax
- if verbose>-3, disp(['S-PROF_ERROR: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Exceeded maximum number of iterations in selection of synthetic pressure levels. Should not happen... Create synthetic profile only with available core data.']), end
- %synthfull=[]; return
- useind=[]; % default to empty presaxis if failed
+ if (verbose>-3)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Exceeded maximum number of iterations in selection of synthetic pressure levels. Should not happen... Create synthetic profile only with available core data.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = 'Exceeded maximum number of iterations in selection of synthetic pressure levels. Should not happen... Create synthetic profile only with available core data.';
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
+ %synthfull=[]; return
+ useind=[]; % default to empty presaxis if failed
break % loop of pressure levels from bottom
@@ -570,7 +792,18 @@
% and bring into order but keeping nprof 1 at first position
[~,asort]=sort(nprofstr(2:end));asort=[1 asort+1];
else % pre-v3.1 meta file
- if verbose>0, disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not find PARAMETER_SENSOR in meta file (FORMAT_VERSION ' C.FORMAT_VERSION.value '). Kept N_PROF order as in profile file.']), end
+ if (verbose>0)
+ disp(['S-PROF_WARNING: File ' bfilestr '.nc: Could not find PARAMETER_SENSOR in meta file (FORMAT_VERSION ' C.FORMAT_VERSION.value '). Kept N_PROF order as in profile file.'])
+ % CSV output
+ msgType = 'warning';
+ message = sprintf('Could not find PARAMETER_SENSOR in meta file (FORMAT_VERSION %s). Kept N_PROF order as in profile file.', ...
+ [~, fileName, fileExt] = fileparts(bfilepath);
+ g_cocs_inputFile = [fileName fileExt];
+ fprintf(g_cocs_fidCsvFile, '%s,%s,%s,%s%s,%s,%s\n', ...
+ g_cocs_dacName, msgType, g_cocs_floatWmoStr, g_cocs_cycleNumStr, g_cocs_cycleDir, message, g_cocs_inputFile);
+ end
end % define N_PROF priority