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(gmath version 2.24.11)

Graspable Math API Documentation

The Graspable Math library (GM) is currently used in the following places:

This document describes how to integrate GM into your own webpage or web application.

Integrating GM into a webpage or web application


Including the gm-inject.js script in an html page provides the loadGM() method. Calling it injects the gmath library, the d3 library, jquery and bootstrap, as well as several stylesheet files into the page. The options parameter needs to specify which gmath version to load, such as {version: '2.24.11} or {version: 'latest'}.

Here is a minimal example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>GM Canvas Example</title>
<script src=""></script>

  <div id="gm-div" style="margin: 20px; height: 400px"></div>
    loadGM(initCanvas, { version: 'latest' });

    function initCanvas() {
      const canvasOptions = {};
      canvas = new gmath.Canvas('#gm-div', canvasOptions);
      canvas.model.createElement('derivation', {
        eq: '2x+1=3',
        pos: { x: 'center', y: 50 },

A more complex example is here.


Graspable Math organizes elements inside of GM Canvas objects, which are configurable digital whitboards. Math work is organized in derivations, which contain a list of derivation rows, which each contains an AlgebraView, an AlgebraModel, and - if that row was the result of a math action, an Action.


Graspable Math puts great emphasis on smooth animations of the math transformations. Here are some of the visual elements involved.



The canvas ties together a toolbar and a working area where the user can draw and erase, as well as create canvas elements and interact with them. Each canvas element has a type, such as 'derivation' or 'textbox', and a unique id. The working area has a fixed width, but can extend vertically as needed to make space for new elements or paths.

To create a canvas, use new gmath.Canvas(containerHtmlElementOrDomSelector, options). See the large table on this page for documentation on the many things you can customize with that options parameter. The Canvas will be created in the element specified by containerHtmlElementOrDomSelector. If you create more than one Canvas, you'll need to put each into it's own container element.

Preview Mode

To use preview mode, set preview_mode in the canvas constructor options to true. This feature can be used in combination with the cmodel.scaling() method and a covering div to create non-interactive thumbnail representations of canvas save files.

Canvas Contructor Options

Option Default value Type Description
"accept_dropped_assets" true boolean Whether to allow users to create things on the canvas by dragging them onto the canvas. Things such as pictures, text, things from graphs, and more
"arrange_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "arrange" button on the toolbar
"ask_confirmation_on_closing" true boolean Whether to ask for confirmation when leaving the page with unsaved changes
"btn_size" "sm" "sm" or "xs" Size of toolbar buttons. See also display_icons and display_labels. This may be ignored, if GM detects that the toolbar isn't wide enough.
"content_min_width" "auto" Any value that the CSS attribute min-width would take Sets the minimum width of the canvas
"demo_video_idle_time" false false or a number If set to a number X, will show video dialog after X ms of inactivity
"demo_video_sources" [ ] array of strings A list of YouTube video IDs e.g. [ "CiN5AzMPX80", "lraDNDuFNj8" ]. demo_video_idle_time must be set to something other than false for this to have any effect
"disable_notifications" false boolean Whether to show notifications, such as the banner that says to try double-clicking
"display_icons" true boolean Whether to show icons on the toolbar buttons
"display_labels" true boolean Whether to show labels on the toolbar buttons. This may be ignored, if GM detects that the toolbar isn't wide enough.
"draw_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "draw" button on the toolbar
"enable_google_classroom" false boolean enable / disable the share to google classroom option
"use_built_in_saving_backend" true boolean See mentions of this here for details. This must be true if "save_btn" is true.
"erase_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "erase" button on the toolbar
"feedback" false boolean Whether to show the "feedback" button on the toolbar
"font_size_btns" true boolean Whether to show the font size buttons on the toolbar ("larger" and "smaller")
"formula_btn" false boolean Whether to show the "formulas" button on the toolbar
"formula_panel" true boolean Whether to show the "Formulas" panel
"fullscreen_btn" false boolean Whether to put the round "fullscreen" button floating on the canvas
"fullscreen_toolbar_btn" true boolean Whether to put the "fullscreen" button on the toolbar
"help_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "help" button on the toolbar
"help_logo_btn" false boolean Whether to show a help button that looks like the GM logo. This may be ignored, if GM detects that the toolbar isn't wide enough.
"identification_interval" false false or a number If set to a number X, will show login dialog after X ms of inactivity
"insert_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "insert" button on the toolbar
"insert_menu_items" { "derivation": true, "textbox": true, "ggb_graphing": true, "ggb_geometry": true, "ggb_3d": true, "video": true } a JSON object like the default value Allows you to make it so some items are not on the "insert" menu
"keypad_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "keypad" button on the toolbar
"keyboard_max_width" 800 number Number of pixels of the maximum width of the keyboard
"load_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "load" button on the tooolbar
"new_sheet_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "new" button on the toolbar
"overflow_visible" false boolean Whether to render parts of expressions that you drag beyond the borders of the canvas
"preview_mode" false boolean Forces vertical and horizontal scrolling to be off. Video and graph content is not initialized. Math actions in save files will not recompute (the derivations remain, however).
"redo_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "redo" button on the toolbar
"save_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "save" button on the tooolbar
"scrub_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "scrub" button on the toolbar
"settings_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "settings" button on the tooolbar
"toolbar_on_style" { } JSON object containing CSS styles CSS styles to be applied to the toolbar
"toolbar_pos" "top" "top" or "bottom" Warning, you will probably have problems if you change this from its default. This controls the toolbar's position.
"transform_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "transform" button on the toolbar
"undo_btn" true boolean Whether to show the "undo" button on the toolbar
"use_toolbar" true boolean Whether to show the toolbar
"horizontal_scroll" true boolean Whether to automatically grow the canvas horizontally, as needed
"vertical_scroll" true boolean Whether to automatically grow the canvas vertically, as needed. This cannot be turned off if you are embedding GM in an iframe, using embed.html.
auto_resize_on_scroll true boolean If true, will extend the vertical size of the canvas when the user scrolls to the bottom
add_more_space_btn false boolean Show a button a the bottom of the canvas that adds more vertical space. Only enable if auto_resize_on_scroll is set to false.
"use_hold_menu" true boolean If this is true and you click & hold somewhere on some blank part of the canvas, then a circular menu will appear


Manages user interactions with the canvas. When creating a new canvas with let canvas = new gmath.Canvas(...), you can access the controller at canvas.controller.

# controller.undo()

Undoes the last action taken on the canvas, like performing an action in a derivation or hiding and showing lines in a derivation.

# controller.redo()

Redoes an action that was just undone.

# controller.reset()

Removes all elements from the canvas.


Holds all elements on the canvas.

# cmodel.createElement(type, options, [method], [callback])

Creates a new canvas element. GM comes with the build-in element types 'derivation', 'textbox', 'image', 'ggb-panel' and 'ggb-element'. The options object is passed to the constructor of the element that is created. You should always pass pos: {x, y} as an option. The string passed as method parameter is written to the logging database, and the function passed as callback will be called with the created element as parameter once it is initialized and displayed.

# cmodel.removeElement(element)

Removes the passed element from the canvas.

# cmodel.elements()

Returns an array of all elements on the canvas.

# cmodel.scroll([y])

If called without an arguments, returns the current scrollTop position of the canvas workspace. When passed a number, it will scroll to that position.

# cmodel.size()

Returns the current size of the canvas workspace (usually bigger than the screen when the canvas is in infinite scrolling mode).

# cmodel.viewport()

Returns the currently visible rectangle of the canvas workspace.

# cmodel.scaling()

Applies a CSS scale transform to the canvas container. Scales from the top-left.

# cmodel.reset()

Removes all elements and drawings from the canvas and scrolls to the top position.

# cmodel.showNotice(text)

Shows a text notice at the top of the canvas. The message is automatically dismissed when the user interacts with the canvas.

# cmodel.hideNotice()

Hide any currently visible text notice.


# cmodel.on('create', callback)

Event object passed to the callback:

event = {
  type: 'create',
  target_type, // element type, such as 'derivation'
  target, // the element

# cmodel.on('remove', callback)

Event object passed to the callback:

event = {
  type: 'remove',
  target_type, // element type, such as 'derivation'
  target, // the element

# cmodel.on('el_changed', callback)

Like the change event, but is only emitted at the end of the user interaction, when the user let go of the mouse button. If the user performs several algebra transformations with one mouse drag, several change events will be emitted, but only a single changed event at the very end. It is save to remove the derivation at the changed event.

event = {
  type: 'el_changed',
  target_type, // element type, such as 'derivation'
  target, // the element
  last_eq, // ascii string of the last derivation row (only for derivations)


Each element on the canvas like textboxes, images, geogebra elements, and derivations all share the same base class CanvasElement, which handles interactions like dragging, resizing, removing.

The following options can be used with any CanvasElement.

constructor options

Option Description Default Value
pos initial position {x: 'center', y: 'center'}
size initial size, some element types manage the size automatically {width: 100, height: 60}
min_size minimum size during resizing { width: 30, height: 50 }
resizable can the user resize the element? { x: true, y: true }
active is the element currently selected? false
mode current mode, allowed modes are 'edit' and 'arrange' 'edit'
draggable allow users to drag the element true
keep_in_container don't allow users to drag the element beyond the size of the container true
edit_mode_drag_box_width width of the draggable area left of the element 20
show_bg only displays background color if true true
bg_edit_active_style css styles for background during normal edit mode { 'background-color': '#333', 'box-shadow': 'none' }
bg_edit_dragging_style css styles for background while dragging the element { 'background-color': '#444', 'box-shadow': '0 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)' }

If pos is set to the string 'auto', GM will attempt to place it at an empty, visible spot on the canvas.


This canvas element represents an algebraic deriavation that can consist of several lines (rows). Each row has an AlgebraModel, an AlgebraView and for most rows an Action that created the row. Derivations should be created through the createElement method of a CanvasModel.

constructor options

Option Description Default Value
eq initial equation -
font_size initial fontsize 50
collapsed_mode create new lines on top of previous ones true
auto_collapse_repeated_actions collapse subsequent lines triggered by same action true
hide_handles hides line handles false
handle_pos left or right right
wiggle initially wiggle some terms, e.g. "1+2" or ["1", "2", "3"] []
cloning_on allow cloning of lines of this derivation true
action_blacklist disable actions with provided names []
row_padding padding around each derivation row {left: 10, right: 45, top: 7, bottom: 3 }
padding padding around each line's AlgebraView {left: 20, right: 5, top: 5, bottom: 5 }
handle_stroke_color color of the line handles #ddd
mode current mode, allowed modes are 'edit', 'arrange', 'inspect' 'edit'
color color of the main math font '#333'
shadow_node_color color used to fill the shadow terms that show where a dragged expression originated 'white'
shadow_node_shadow css box-shadow or text-shadow of the shadow terms during dragging '0 0 1px gray, 0 0 1px black'
selection_color color of selected nodes '#4682b4'
drag_indicator_color color of the circle that indicates finger / mouse position during dragging 'orange'
drag_indicator_opacity opacity of the circle that indicates finger / mouse position during dragging 0.4
handle_styles css properties used for the handles handle_styles: { 'background': 'white', 'border-color': '#ddd', 'border-width': '2px' }
row_background_color background color of derivation rows during dragging 'white'
row_transition_dur duration in ms for row unpacking animation 250
show_area_hints show light blue rectangles at places a term can be dragged true
show_dest_hints show dark blue rectangles where terms will move when holding a term over a target area true

# derivation.setExpression(expr_str)

Set the last line of the derivation to the passed expression string.

# derivation.startWiggle(sels)

Pass a single term selector string or an array of term selector strings to wiggle nodes in the last line of the derivation. For example, in a derivation with x+2x+3x in the last line, call derivation.startWiggle('2*x') to wiggle the 2x or call derivation.startWiggle('+:2') to wiggle the second +.

# derivation.setFontSize(font_size)

Updates the font size of the derivation.

# derivation.getLastModel()

Returns the AlgebraModel of the last line in the derivation.


#'change', callback)

Event object passed to the callback:

event = {
  type: 'change',
  performee, // id of the derivation
  row, // index of the new / changed row
  model, // AlgebraModel, the new / changed model

#'mistake', callback)

This forwards mistake events triggered on any AlgebraModel in the derivation. A reference to the AlgebraModel is passed to the callback function. The mistake event will be fired if the user clicks on a term that does not trigger an action. This happens, for example, when clicking on the + in 2+3*4, but also when clicking on 10 in 10, or on x in x=2 or on 1 in 1+2.

#'undo', callback)

This event is called when an undo is triggered for the derivation.

#'redo', callback)

This event is called when an redo is triggered for the derivation.

#'removed', callback)

This event is called when the derivation was removed from the canvas.


Represents the state of a single algebraic expression. The expression is stored as a n-ary tree and each node has pointers to a parent (parent), a left sibling (ls), a right sibling (rs), and an array of children (children). The AlgebraModel also has the following methods:

  • to_latex() returns the math expression in LaTeX format
  • to_ascii() returns the math expression in text format
  • algExpressionsAreEqual(settings, expr1, expr2, ...) is a static method that compares algebra models or math strings; the settings allow to ignore GM- specific sign variations such as {-2}x+3 (adding the product of negative 2 times x and 3) versus -{2x}+3 (subtracting the product of 2 and x then adding 3). It also allows ignoring order of commutative terms to make a*b and b*a match each other.


Visualizes an AlgebraModel and allows user interaction.


Graspable Math comes with a large library of actions that define mathematical transformations and the gestures that trigger them.

Logging User Interactions

Graspable Math by default logs user interactions with the canvas. Use gmath.setupLogging(options) to switch logging on or off and provide an ID by which the log data is grouped for later retrieval. Options: { experiment_id: string, enabled: Boolean }.