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Azure Databricks Rightsize Compute Instances

What It Does

This policy template checks all the instances associated with Azure Databricks workspaces in Azure Subscriptions for the average or maximum CPU and/or memory usage over a user-specified number of days. If the usage is less than the user provided Idle Instance CPU and/or memory percentage threshold then the Virtual Machine is recommended for deletion. If the usage is less than the user provided Underutilized Instance CPU and/or Memory percentage threshold then the Virtual Machine is recommended for downsizing. Both sets of Virtual Machines returned from this policy template are emailed to the user.

How It Works

  • The policy template identifies all Virtual Machine resources using the bill data from Flexera API
  • The policy template uses Azure API to get all utilization metrics for those resources during the lookback period.
  • The policy template identifies all instances that have CPU and/or memory utilization below the user-specified idle thresholds and provides the relevant recommendation.
  • The recommendation provided for Idle Instances is a deletion action. The cluster or workspace can likely be deleted.
  • The recommendation provided for Underutilized Instances is a downsize action. The cluster or workspace can likely be downsized.

Policy Savings Details

The policy template includes the estimated monthly savings. The estimated monthly savings is recognized if the resource is deleted or downsized. Cost data from Flexera is used to retrieve and calculate the estimated savings.

Because the virtual machine resources can often be short-lived and ephemeral, we use the actual cost during the lookback period to estimate Potential Monthly Savings.

If the lookback period is 30 days (default value), the estimated savings for a Delete is 100% the actual cost during that 30 day period for a Downsize is 50% the actual cost during that 30 day period.

If the lookback period is less than 30 days (1 month), we calculate what % of 30 days the lookback period is and then use that ratio to estimate the savings for a full month period (30 days). If the actual cost during a 15-day lookback period was $100, the estimated savings calculation for a Delete is (30/15) * $100. In this example, a Delete would estimate $200 Potential Monthly Savings and a Downsize would estimate $100 Potential Monthly Savings.

The savings is displayed in the Estimated Monthly Savings column. The incident message detail includes the sum of each resource Estimated Monthly Savings as Potential Monthly Savings.

Input Parameters

  • Email Addresses - Email addresses of the recipients you wish to notify when new incidents are created.
  • Azure Endpoint - The endpoint to send Azure API requests to. Recommended to leave this at default unless using this policy with Azure China.
  • Allow/Deny Subscriptions - Determines whether the Allow/Deny Subscriptions List parameter functions as an allow list (only providing results for the listed subscriptions) or a deny list (providing results for all subscriptions except for the listed subscriptions).
  • Allow/Deny Subscriptions List - A list of allowed or denied Subscription IDs/names. If empty, no filtering will occur and recommendations will be produced for all subscriptions.
  • Allow/Deny Regions - Whether to treat Allow/Deny Regions List parameter as allow or deny list. Has no effect if Allow/Deny Regions List is left empty.
  • Allow/Deny Regions List - Filter results by region, either only allowing this list or denying it depending on how the above parameter is set. Leave blank to consider all the regions.
  • Databricks Workspace Allowed List - Allowed Databricks Workspace. If empty, all workspaces will be checked
  • Databricks Cluster Allowed List - Allowed Databricks Clusters. Name or Cluster ID can be provided. If empty, all clusters will be checked
  • Idle/Utilized for both CPU/Memory or either - Set whether an instance should be considered idle and/or underutilized only if both CPU and memory are under the thresholds or if either CPU or memory are under. Note: this parameter is only valid when at least one Memory Utilization threshold and one CPU Utilization threshold is NOT set to -1
  • Threshold Statistic - Statistic to use when determining if an instance is idle/underutilized.
  • Statistic Interval - Interval to use for the time span. The time granularity value should be smaller than the selected time range to be useful, otherwise just one value is returned for the lookback period. For more details please reference Azure Docs
  • Statistic Lookback Period - How many days back to look at utilization metrics for compute resources. This value cannot be set higher than 90 because Azure does not retain metrics for longer than 90 days.
  • Idle Instance CPU Threshold (%) - The CPU threshold at which to consider an instance to be 'idle' and therefore be flagged for deletion. Set to -1 to ignore CPU utilization for idle instance recommendations.
  • Idle Instance Memory Threshold (%) - The Memory threshold at which to consider an instance to be 'idle' and therefore be flagged for deletion. Set to -1 to ignore memory utilization for idle instance recommendations.
  • Underutilized Instance CPU Threshold (%) - The CPU threshold at which to consider an instance to be 'underutilized' and therefore be flagged for downsizing. Set to -1 to ignore CPU utilization for underutilized instance recommendations.
  • Underutilized Instance Memory Threshold (%) - The Memory threshold at which to consider an instance to be 'underutilized' and therefore be flagged for downsizing. Set to -1 to ignore memory utilization for underutilized instance recommendations.

Policy Actions

  • Sends an email notification


This Policy Template uses Credentials for authenticating to datasources -- in order to apply this policy you must have a Credential registered in the system that is compatible with this policy. If there are no Credentials listed when you apply the policy, please contact your Flexera Org Admin and ask them to register a Credential that is compatible with this policy. The information below should be consulted when creating the credential(s).

For administrators creating and managing credentials to use with this policy, the following information is needed:

  • Azure Resource Manager Credential (provider=azure_rm) which has the following permissions:

    • Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read
    • Microsoft.Compute/skus/read
    • Microsoft.Insights/metrics/read
  • Flexera Credential (provider=flexera) which has the following roles:

    • billing_center_viewer

The Provider-Specific Credentials page in the docs has detailed instructions for setting up Credentials for the most common providers.

Optional: Databricks Credential (provider=databricks)

Setting up authentication to the Azure Databricks workspaces themselves will enable getting additional metadata from the Databricks APIs (Cluster Name, Cluster Type, Cluster Tags)

Option 1: Authenticate to Databricks using Azure Service Principal (Recommended)

This is the recommended method and enables a single Azure Service Principal to traverse multiple Databricks workspaces in multiple subscriptions.

Grant Permission to Azure Service Principal in all Azure Databricks Workspaces
  1. Get Service Principal's Client ID

    You can get this from the Azure Portal or via Flexera > Automation > Credentials and get the Client ID for the Azure RM Credential that is being used. The Azure SP that is used for other Flexera Azure Policy Templates can be used for the Databricks Policy Templates.

  2. Add Service Principal to all DB Workspace using the Client ID

    Databricks Workspace Admin Settings > Service Principal (i.e. https://{workspaceUrl}/?#setting/accounts/servicePrincipals )

  3. Grant Service Principal Permissions in DB Workspace

    We currently recommend adding Service Principal to admin group so it can see all clusters and compute resources within the cluster.

    Databricks Workspace > Admin Settings > Groups (i.e. https://{workspaceUrl}/?#setting/accounts/groups )

Create OAuth2 Credential in Flexera

Replace these:

  • {access_token}
  • {flexeraProjectId}
  • {Credential Name}
  • {credentialId}
  • {clientId}
  • {clientSecret}
  • {tenantId}
curl '{flexeraProjectId}/credentials/oauth2/{credentialId}' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Version: 1.0' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --data-raw '{"description":"","name":"{Credential Name}","grantType":"client_credentials","tags":[{"key":"provider","value":"databricks"}],"clientCredentialsParams":{"additionalParams":{"resource":"2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d"},"clientId":"{clientId}","clientSecret":"{clientSecret}"},"tokenUrl":"{tenantId}/oauth2/token"}'

Option 2: Authenticate to Databricks using Databricks Personal Access Token

Create API Key Credential in Flexera

Replace these:

  • {access_token}
  • {flexeraProjectId}
  • {Credential Name}
  • {credentialId}
  • {personalAccessToken}
curl '{flexeraProjectId}/credentials/oauth2/{credentialId}' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Version: 1.0' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' --data-raw '{"description":"","name":"{Credential Name}","field":"Authorization","location":"header","type":"Bearer","tags":[{"key":"provider","value":"databricks"}],"key":"{personalAccessToken}"}'

Important - When creating an Applied Policy using a Databricks Personal Access Token credential, you must provide just 1 workspace identifier (Name or ID) in param_databricks_workspace_list. Personal Access Tokens are workspace-scoped and a single applied policy cannot traverse multiple Databricks workspaces with a single Personal Access Token.

Create Azure Databricks ClusterId Tag Dimension in Flexera

This is required for the policy templates to be able to map each Azure Virtual Machine to a Databricks Cluster.

Navigate to Administration > Custom Tags in Flexera and Create a new Tag Dimension

Tag Display Name Tag Keys Tag ID (if creating via API instead of UI)
Azure Databricks ClusterId ClusterId tag_azure_databricks_clusterid

Note: These values are case-sensitive

Supported Clouds

  • Azure


This Policy Template does not incur any cloud costs

Other Notes

Results where Databricks Cluster ID equals null

These are virtual machines that the Flexera platform does not have costs for yet. If it were launched recently then we won't be able to map it (using cost method) for up to 24hrs.