All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.4.0 (2020-09-15)
- generators/component: use Flynt v1.0.0 syntax (8fcbd35)
0.3.0 (2019-08-14)
- app: not checking flynt json anymore since this doesn't exist anymore
- app: now relying on theme symlink for component creation
- generators/component: add back png file copy (b66688e)
- generators/component: prevent linting errors (8f1743b)
- generators/component: rename sass file (fd02769)
- generators/component: replace jpg restriction with png (d66461c)
- app: remove helpers and format scripts (a4d0c07)
- app: remove prompting for types (f2edd0e)
- generator: changed templates to new flynt stack (892ebe2)
- generators/component: add back readme and screenshot (bb05bd3)
- generators/component: include best practices in template files (db3b12d)
- generators/component: use new Api class to register fields (bf895dd)
0.2.1 (2018-05-17)
- generators/component: remove whitespace and alpha order stylus vars (6539aa2)
- generators/component: move asset enqueuing into addComponentData (c3ba7d0)
0.2.0 (2018-03-19)
- generator/component: update containerPadding variable name (477d3ca)
- generators/component: use "component" instead of "module" in twig template (49b0a08)
- generators/component: use correct names for rupture vars and remove unnecessary vars (#22) (1311233)
- generators/component: add category name to readme automatically (1b199c2)
- generators/component: add split pretty name variable (9f0fb89)
0.1.2 (2017-09-22)
0.1.1 (2017-08-29)
- generators: validate flynt project before starting generators (#18) (690728b)
- generators/component: update stylus template variables (#14) (63fbf34)
- generators/component: validate component name before creating files (#17) (3425408)
- generators/feature: validate feature name before creating files (#19) (1ad050a)
- generators/component: correct wrong user input to upper case first letter (22781d5)
- README: Fixed installation notes (049fe48)
- Generator: Added README, SNIPPET and screenshot placeholder to templates (dd4d62e)
- generators/component: show error message on empty name, remove default value (dc2ad19)
- generators/feature: validate name, remove default value (dc72763)
- Package.json: Updated Version to 1.0.5 (57d5585)
- PHP Template: Added new Template for PHP Indentation (8f6ba84)
- README: Updated README (e930c34)
- READMEs: Updated READMEs to the latest README code standard (15938e1)
- Style Template: Added box-sizing to default stylus template (99469e2)
- Yeoman Generator: Initial Commit (9256a6f)