Within TypeScript, a mixin offers a means of combining numerous classes or objects into a singular class that inherits the attributes and methods of each combined entity. This proves beneficial when you aim to reuse code across various classes without creating a complex hierarchy of inheritance.
// Define a base class
class Processor {
process(data: string) {
console.log(`Processing data: ${data}`);
// Define a mixin that adds a countCharacters method to a class
type CharacterCounter = { countCharacters(data: string): number };
function withCharacterCounting<T extends new (...args: any[]) => CharacterCounter>(Base: T) {
return class extends Base {
countCharacters(data: string) {
const charCount = data.length;
console.log(`Character count: ${charCount}`);
return charCount;
// Create a new class that combines the Processor and CharacterCounter mixins
const ProcessorWithCharacterCounting = withCharacterCounting(Processor);
// Use the new class to create an instance and call its methods
const processor = new ProcessorWithCharacterCounting();
processor.process("Sample data"); // Output: "Processing data: Sample data"
const charCount = processor.countCharacters("Sample data"); // Output: "Character count: 11"
console.log(`Total characters: ${charCount}`);