- What is ML (Introduction)
- Types of Machine Learning algorithms
- Setup development environment
- Machine Learning work-flow
Is this email spam (Gmail)
how can cars drive themselves(Tesla)
what will people buy(Google search and Amazon)
Depending on what inputs you provide data driven predictions: Data -> modify to be able to used by ML -> this modified data passed to Algorithm -> Data analysis -> creates model that solves data based on data
static program instructions: if else, case, when
** 1. supervised:**
- Categories:
- Classification: output is category like red or green, disease and no disease
- Regression: real value such as price, weight
it consists of
- outcome -> to be predicted from set of predictors(independent variables) -> we generate a function that maps inputs to desired outputs.
- Above training has to be done until a certain maturity is attained
Example: you provide data (input / independent variables): size, number of bedrooms, year built (target / outcome variable / dependent variable): price Algorithms: Regression, Decision tree, Random Forest, KNN, Logistic regression
** 2. Unsupervised:**
- Categories:
- Clustering: group customers by purchasing habits
- Association: people that buy X also buy Y
clusters of data. provide voice of different people talking output: identify who is speaking
Algorithms: Markov decision process
** 3. reinforcement learning**
Supervised | Unsupervised | reinforcement |
value prediction | identify clusters of like data | |
needs training data containing value being predicted | data does not contain cluster membership | |
trained model predicts value in new data | model provides access to data by cluster |
Language: Python 3.5 Easy to learningPowerful, Object Oriented Elegant syntax, easy to read standard libraries for most common tasks
python 2.7 and 3.x Both used
Python 3 introduced in 2010 and future of python few incompatibilities with 2.7
Python 2.7 Last version of Python 2 static since 2012
Different libraries for ML: numpy - scientific computing pandas - data frames matplotlib - 2D plotting Scikit-learn Algorithms Pre-processing Performance evaluation
(Alternative TensorFlow )
IDEs: Jupyter environment,
JetBrains PyCharm community edition
Formerly Ipython Notebook
Notebooks contain code and text
perfect for iterable work like machine learning
support multiple languages (Ruby, R, Haskell, C#, PHP, Scala...)
Installation: Anaconda (https://www.anaconda.com/download/) -> downloaded Anaconda3-5.2.0-Windows-x86_64 which is latest on 08_July_2018 -it takes some time to install -go to windows -> Anaconda Navigaor -> Jupyter notebook Shift + enter -> runs code new -> folder -> untitled folder -> select checkbox left to it -> rename -> notebooks new -> python 3 -> will open a notebook in new tab esc + m -> markdown mode esc + y -> code mode
Conda: package and environment manager
An orchestrated and repeatable pattern
which systematically transforms and processes information
to create prediction solutions
- Asking the right question
- Preparing data( as you will have random data, you need to transform it)
- selecting the algorithm
- Training the model
- testing the model (use new data which was not used for training)
Early steps are important (Each step depends on previous step)
Expect to go backwards (Later knowledge affects previous steps)
Data is never as you need it (Data will have to be altered)
More data is better ( More data => better results)
Don't pursue a bad solution (Re-evaluate, fix or quit)
Don't we already know the question : "Question": "Predict if a person will develop diabetes" -->need statement to direct and validate the data
Solution statement guidelines a. Define scope(including data sources) : b. Define target performance c. Define context for usage d. Define how solution will be created
a. Define scope(including data sources) Understand the feature in data(age, race, gender,..) identify critical features() focus on at risk population select data source (pima Indian diabetes study is a good source of data based on population in Arizona in 1990s, UCI machine learning repository) "Question": "Using Pima indian Diabetes data, Predict which people will develop diabetes"
b. Performance targets Binary result (true or false) but even coin flip has 50% accuracy Also, genetic difference are factor Hence, 70% accuracy is common target "Question": "Using Pima indian Diabetes data, predict with 70% or greater accuracy, which people will develop diabetes"
c. Context for usage Disease prediction Medical research practices show there is unknown variations between people hence, Likelihood is used in healthcare "Question": "Using Pima indian Diabetes data, predict with 70% or greater accuracy, which people are likely to develop diabetes"
d. Solution creation Machine learning workflow - process pima indian data - Transform data as required "Question": "Use machine learning workflow to process and transform Pima indian Diabetes data to create a prediction model, This model must predict which people are likely to develop diabetes with 70% or greater accuracy"
find the data we need
Inspect and clean the data
Explore the data
mold the data to tidy data
Tidy data:
Tidy datatsets are easy to manipulate, model and visualize, and have a specific structure:
each variable
is a column
each observation
is a row
each type of observational unit
is a table
- Hadley wickham
Trivia: 50-80% of a ML project is spent on getting, cleaning and organizing data.
Google(caution: a lot of unvalidated data)
Government databases
professional or company data sources
your company/ your department
All of the above
Pima Indian diabetes data Originally from UCI Machine Learning repository pima-data.csv - in demo folder , based on UCI data female patients at least 21 years old 768 patients observation rows 10 columns 9 feature columns number of pregnancies,blood pressure, glucose, insulin level... 1 class column Diabetes - true or false
Data rule #1: closer the data is to what you are predicting, the better Data rule #2: data will never be in the format you need (pandas DataFrames for reformatting) Data rule #3: Accurately predicting rare events is difficult Data rule #4: Track how you manipulate data (change tracking)
Loading cleaning and inspecting data
Change Tracking: Jupyter Notebook python interpretor interaction stored via code cells documentation stored via markup cells still need source code management(Git, TFS, SVN, etc)
use pandas to read in demo data
identified corelated features
cleaned data
molded data
checked true/false ratio
discussed data rules
Complete project and modified data for course http://bit.ly/ml_python
https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/mettl-prod/data-science/SMSCollection.txt https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/mettl-prod/data-science/train.csv