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299 lines (208 loc) · 9.27 KB

YAML Library Migration

Key Value
Author(s) Easton Crupper
Date December 4th, 2024
Status In Progress


Please provide a summary of the new feature, redesign or refactor:

Vela uses as the YAML parsing library for pipeline and template files.

The buildkite project has been archived and has lingering security vulnerabilities.

In v0.26.0, Vela should will the official instead of

The Vela compiler will also do a small amount of custom unmarshaling in order to preserve one of the most common patterns that buildkite allowed: collapsing map keys (so long as the key is <<:).

For exactly one (1) release, Vela will have backwards compatibility such that version: "legacy" declared at the top of the Vela file will use the old buildkite library. This will let users with established and potentially complex pipelines to fix their YAML oddities at their own pace while also having a firm deadline.

Please briefly answer the following questions:

  1. Why is this required?

Vela should no longer use an archived and vulnerable library as the primary parser for pipeline and template files.

  1. If this is a redesign or refactor, what issues exist in the current implementation?


  1. Are there any other workarounds, and if so, what are the drawbacks?


  1. Are there any related issues? Please provide them below if any exist.

This has been attempted a number of times before, and it always has failed due to the lack of backwards compatibility.


Please describe your solution to the proposal. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • new/updated configuration variables (environment, flags, files, etc.)
  • performance and user experience tradeoffs
  • security concerns or assumptions
  • examples or (pseudo) code snippets

Backwards Compatibility

Vela will have the ability to compile every pipeline file (templates included) using the buildkite library for one release cycle. This will be determined by version: "legacy" at the top level of the pipeline config.

This quick band-aid will give users the ability to debug this change on their own timeline.

This can be accomplished by having two YAML types packages:

  • go-vela/server/compiler/types/yaml/yaml —> go-yaml
  • go-vela/server/compiler/types/yaml/buildkite —> buildkite

The types will be identical (except for parsing StageSlice due to the small differences). However, buildkite will have a ToYAML() function that converts already-parsed YAML objects into the new standard go-yaml type.

Determing which library to use will be a simple helper function:

func ParseYAML(data []byte) (*types.Build, []string, error) {
	var (
		rootNode yaml.Node
		warnings []string
		version  string

        The below block grabs the root YAML node, traverses all map keys at the
        top of the pipeline, and determines which version to use. This will work
        for both pipeline files and templates.
	err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &rootNode)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal pipeline version yaml: %w", err)

	if len(rootNode.Content) == 0 || rootNode.Content[0].Kind != yaml.MappingNode {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find pipeline version in yaml")

	for i, subNode := range rootNode.Content[0].Content {
		if subNode.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode && subNode.Value == "version" {
			if len(rootNode.Content[0].Content) > i {
				version = rootNode.Content[0].Content[i+1].Value


        Once the version is determined, we can choose the correct library.
	config := new(types.Build)

	switch version {
	case "legacy":
		legacyConfig := new(legacyTypes.Build)

		err := bkYaml.Unmarshal(data, legacyConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal legacy yaml: %w", err)

		config = legacyConfig.ToYAML()

		warnings = append(warnings, "using legacy version. Upgrade to go-yaml v3")

		// unmarshal the bytes into the yaml configuration
		err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, config)
		if err != nil {
			// if error is related to duplicate `<<` keys, attempt to fix
			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "mapping key \"<<\" already defined") {
				root := new(yaml.Node)

				if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, root); err != nil {
					fmt.Println("error unmarshalling YAML:", err)

					return nil, nil, err

				warnings = collapseMergeAnchors(root.Content[0], warnings)

				newData, err := yaml.Marshal(root)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, err

				err = yaml.Unmarshal(newData, config)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal yaml: %w", err)
			} else {
				return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal yaml: %w", err)

	return config, warnings, nil

This code will be removed in v0.27.0.

Custom Node Handling for <<: keys

Since go-yaml v3 gives devs the ability to get at the nitty gritty details of the YAML file, we can "solve" for one of the most common issues we are set to face with this migration.

Below is a simple recursive function that will merge anchor keys throughout a pipeline:

func collapseMergeAnchors(node *yaml.Node, warnings []string) []string {
	// only replace on maps
	if node.Kind == yaml.MappingNode {
		var (
			anchors      []*yaml.Node
			keysToRemove []int
			firstIndex   int
			firstFound   bool

		// traverse mapping node content
		for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 2 {
			keyNode := node.Content[i]

			// anchor found
			if keyNode.Value == "<<" {
				if (i+1) < len(node.Content) && node.Content[i+1].Kind == yaml.AliasNode {
					anchors = append(anchors, node.Content[i+1])

				if !firstFound {
					firstIndex = i
					firstFound = true
				} else {
					keysToRemove = append(keysToRemove, i)

		// only replace if there were duplicates
		if len(anchors) > 1 && firstFound {
			seqNode := &yaml.Node{
				Kind:    yaml.SequenceNode,
				Content: anchors,

			node.Content[firstIndex] = &yaml.Node{Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: "<<"}
			node.Content[firstIndex+1] = seqNode

			for i := len(keysToRemove) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				index := keysToRemove[i]

				warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("%d:duplicate << keys in single YAML map", node.Content[index].Line))
				node.Content = append(node.Content[:index], node.Content[index+2:]...)

		// go to next level
		for _, content := range node.Content {
			warnings = collapseMergeAnchors(content, warnings)
	} else if node.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode {
		for _, item := range node.Content {
			warnings = collapseMergeAnchors(item, warnings)

	return warnings

This function will only be invoked if the original pass at unmarshaling using v3 contains the specific error related to using duplicate map keys.


Lastly, as one might have seen in the example code snippets, Vela will introduce pipeline warnings with this migration. Not only will it help identify issues today related to the migration, it lays the groundwork for future efforts.

The warnings will, to start, just be a string slice in the pipelines table.


Please briefly answer the following questions:

  1. Is this something you plan to implement yourself?
  • Yes
  1. What's the estimated time to completion?
  • 2-3 weeks development, 2-3 months implementation of release, monitoring, education, etc.

Please provide all tasks (gists, issues, pull requests, etc.) completed to implement the design:

More details can be found on the discussion page for this migration.