All communication between the Virtual Library servers and its clients happens using a RESTful API over HTTP.
This API has only one version(v1.0).
There are two standard return types:
- Standard return value
- Error
For a standard synchronous operation, the following JSON object is returned:
"status": "Success",
"status_code": 200,
"data": {}
HTTP code must be 200 or 201.
There are various situations in which something may immediately go wrong, in those cases, the following return value is used:
"error": "Error message"
HTTP code must be one of of 400, 404 or 500.
To filter your results on GET "/books" requests, filter is implemented for id, collections, genre, title, author, publish date and edition.
There is no default value for filter which means that all results found will be returned. The following is the language used for the filter argument:
The language follows the OData conventions for structuring REST API filtering logic. Values with spaces can be surrounded with quotes. Nesting filtering is also supported. For instance, to filter on a field in a configuration you would pass:
For filtering on publish date you would use 'from' and 'to'. One can be used independently on the other:
Here are a few GET query examples of the different filtering methods mentioned above:
The Virtual Library API only supports PostgreSQL database. if you have Docker installed, you can create a container running an instance of PostgreSQL compatible with the standard config.yml
by running:
docker run --rm --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=canonical_api -v ./postgresql.conf:/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
docker cp database_structure.sql postgres:/database_structure.sql
docker exec -it postgres bash
psql -U postgres -d canonical_api -a -f /database_structure.sql # inside the container's shell
Additionally, you can populate it for testing purposes with populate.sql by running:
docker cp populate.sql postgres:/populate.sql
docker exec -it postgres bash
psql -U postgres -d canonical_api -a -f /populate.sql # inside the container's shell
. Run docker stop postgres
to stop it.
The testing is limited but represents what should be done for the entire API.
The Virtual Library API supports only PATCH methods to alter entities in the database.
Create a new book instance.
$curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"title":"Sample Book Title", "author":"Sample Author", "genre":"Fiction", "publisher":"Sample Publisher"}' \
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"title":"", "author":"Other Author", "genre":"Horror", "publisher":"Sample Publisher", "pub_date":"10-12-2002"}' \
{"error":"book must have a title"}
Makes a query on the book database based on passed filters.
$curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/books"
[{"id":"431a68ea-f537-4597-82a8-8903be2ca597","title":"Sample Book Title","description":"","author":"Sample Author","edition":"","genre":"Fiction","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":""},{"id":"9923475d-aafb-4168-98fa-a1cf81ea7520","title":"Sample Book Title 2","description":"","author":"Sample Author","edition":"","genre":"Fiction","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-07-2002"},{"id":"901d72e4-68a4-42c5-a067-40d69f91d56d","title":"Other Book Title","description":"","author":"Other Author","edition":"","genre":"Horror","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-12-2002"},{"id":"e447d6e2-666e-42c3-9078-7e6b3e13a876","title":"Other Book Title 2","description":"","author":"Other Author","edition":"","genre":"Horror","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-12-2001"},{"id":"20c76a62-9ddc-4757-9185-841b61f8b1cf","title":"titulo","description":"","author":"Other Author","edition":"","genre":"","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-12-2002"},{"id":"7d1fd740-1bc6-4afc-adbe-dd5ba7729ec5","title":"Other Book Title 2","description":"","author":"Other Author","edition":"","genre":"Horror","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-12-2001"},{"id":"81e715a2-7d68-4031-b134-88dd2b4f2e7c","title":"Wrong Book","description":"","author":"Other Author","edition":"","genre":"Essay","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":""}]
$curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/books?authorFilter=Sample%20Author"
[{"id":"431a68ea-f537-4597-82a8-8903be2ca597","title":"Sample Book Title","description":"","author":"Sample Author","edition":"","genre":"Fiction","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":""},{"id":"9923475d-aafb-4168-98fa-a1cf81ea7520","title":"Sample Book Title 2","description":"","author":"Sample Author","edition":"","genre":"Fiction","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-07-2002"}]
Get a specific book instance by its ID.
$curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/book/9923475d-aafb-4168-98fa-a1cf81ea7520"
{"data":{"id":"9923475d-aafb-4168-98fa-a1cf81ea7520","title":"Sample Book Title","description":"","author":"Sample Author","edition":"","genre":"Fiction","publisher":"Sample Publisher","pub_date":"10-07-2002"},"status":"sucess"}
Changes any field in a specific book instance.
$curl -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"title": "Right Title"}' \
{"data":{"id":"","title":"Right Title","description":"","author":"","edition":"","genre":"","publisher":"","pub_date":""},"status":"success"}
Removes a book from the database.
$curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/book/20c76a62-9ddc-4757-9185-841b61f8b1cf"
$curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/book/20c76a62-9ddc-4757-9185-841b61f8b1cf"
{"error":"Book doesn't exist"}
Create a new collection instance.
$curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"colecao"}' \
{"status":"collection created"}
Changes the description of a specific collection instance.
$curl -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"description": "a collection of books"}' \
{"data":{"name":"","description":"a collection of books"},"status":"success"}
Removes a collection from the database.
$curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/collection/colecao"
{"status":"Collection deleted successfully"}
List all collections in the database.
$curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/collections"
{"data":[{"name":"colecao","description":"a collection of books"}],"status":"created"}
Adds a book with id {id} to a collection with name {name}. Is defined as DELETE because it creates a 'CollectionBooks' instance in the database.
$curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/collection/colecao/431a68ea-f537-4597-82a8-8903be2ca597"
$curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/collection/colecao/431a68ea-f537-4597-82a8-8903be2ca597"
{"error":"pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"collectionbook_pkey\""}
Removes a book with id {id} from a collection with name {name}. Is defined as DELETE because it deletes a 'CollectionBooks' instance from the database.
$curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/collection/colecao/431a68ea-f537-4597-82a8-8903be2ca597"
$curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8080/collection/colecao/431a68ea-f537-4597-82a8-8903be2ca597"
{"error":"book isn't a part of this collection"}