Building a new genome in bcbio. Reference files were retrieved from NCBI (RefSeq genome and gtf files). There are some additional whitespaces in the file causing errors in the build. Solution: download the gff file instead and validate using gff3validator
and use as input to bcbio with the added parameter -gff3
. More info on genometools installs and commands found below. Another option woud be to use the GTF validator (perl-based), also listed below.
NOTE: Initially found during Moazed consult
- includes gtf to gff converter
- Download latest from:
- Documentation:
{installed_path}/gt -help
{installed_path}/gt gff3validator {gff_file}
{installed_path}/gt gtf_to_gff3 {gtf_file}
{installed_path}/gt gff3_to_gtf {gff_file}
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- Download: (press 'RELEASES")
- Documentation:
let's say tar is downloaded and extracted at /home/eval-2.2.8
That folder is noted as {eval} in the code:
perl -I {eval} {eval}/ -f {gtf_file} {fasta_file_associated_with_the_gtf}
'-f' is an option, it creates a fixed file with same title as the origial gtf with '.fixed.gtf' extension. A custom hg38 gtf ran for an hour. Memory ran out with 8GB for some reason, so I ran with 64GB just in case. Since it might be using information from the genome.fa extensively.