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Awesome Stars Awesome

A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by stargazed

Total Updated

🏠 Contents


Name Description Author Stars
1 css-houdini-drafts Mirror of w3c 1839
2 IntersectionObserver Intersection Observer w3c 3621

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Name Description Author Stars
1 espeak-ng eSpeak NG is an open source speech synthesizer that supports more than hundred languages and accents. espeak-ng 4410
2 wrk Modern HTTP benchmarking tool wg 38258
3 audacity Audio Editor audacity 12914
4 libwebp Mirror only. Please do not send pull requests. See webmproject 2063

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Name Description Author Stars
1 PowerToys Windows system utilities to maximize productivity microsoft 113702
2 runner The Runner for GitHub Actions 🚀 actions 5006
3 TableCloth 식탁보 프로젝트 yourtablecloth 941

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Name Description Author Stars
1 thorvg Thor Vector Graphics is a lightweight portable library used for drawing vector-based scenes and animations including SVG and Lottie. It can be freely utilized across various software platforms and applications to visualize graphical contents. thorvg 818
2 mediapipe Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media. google-ai-edge 28200
3 Pinecone An unmaintained programming language wmww 872
4 gamium Multiple game engine sdk for scripting the behavior of game users dogu-team 97
5 webassembly A WebAssembly Monorepo saschazar21 152
6 emscripten Emscripten: An LLVM-to-WebAssembly Compiler emscripten-core 26027
7 touchegg Linux multi-touch gesture recognizer JoseExposito 3731
8 protobuf Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format protocolbuffers 66257
9 electron :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS electron 115102
10 images Source code of (formerly, to be used on your own server(s). weserv 2105
11 v8 The official mirror of the V8 Git repository v8 23668

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Name Description Author Stars
1 matcha 🍵 Drop-in semantic styling library in pure CSS. Highly customizable and perfect for simple websites and prototyping web apps! lowlighter 1798
2 sanitize.css A best-practices CSS foundation csstools 5234
3 normalize.css A modern alternative to CSS resets necolas 52681
4 lagom A Jekyll blog theme with just the right amount of style swanson 506
5 google-api-javascript-client Google APIs Client Library for browser JavaScript, aka gapi. google 3265
6 css-diner CSS Diner flukeout 2731
7 lanyon A content-first, sliding sidebar theme for Jekyll. poole 3253

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Name Description Author Stars
1 widgetbook Widgetbook is the custom widget library and collaboration platform for Flutter frontend teams. widgetbook 790

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Name Description Author Stars
1 docker-quine A Docker image that prints Dockerfile that generated the image iself mame 44
2 nodebestpractices ✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024) goldbergyoni 101426

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Name Description Author Stars
1 timecraft The WebAssembly Time Machine dispatchrun 329
2 asdf Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more asdf-vm 22440
3 esbuild An extremely fast bundler for the web evanw 38415
4 fx Terminal JSON viewer & processor antonmedv 19185

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Name Description Author Stars
1 push MarkJamesHoward 20
2 web-color-wheel arantius 216
3 rxjs-book rxjs-book 책 예제 sculove 97
4 lottie Lottie documentation for airbnb 4636
5 repo-badges ⭐ Use repo badges (build passing, coverage, etc) in your readme/markdown file to signal code quality in a project. dwyl 2913
6 all-contributors ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨ all-contributors 7742
7 twemoji Emoji for everyone. twitter 16921
8 modern-resume-theme A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages. sproogen 2117
9 FrontEnd-Note FrontEnd Knowledge Package 📦 SeonHyungJo 20
10 js-piscine-beta-2021-08 🔥 JavaScript crunch course from scratch 42js 34
11 WebDevCurriculum Knowre 웹개발 커리큘럼 Knowre-Dev 1075
12 online_ping_pong Fun online ping pong! imtaekh 17
13 BookBank Books ajitpal 799
14 모던 JavaScript 튜토리얼(The Modern JavaScript Tutorial in Korean ) javascript-tutorial 1870

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Name Description Author Stars
1 typespec microsoft 4677
2 openapi-generator OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3) OpenAPITools 22413
3 elasticsearch Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine elastic 71262
4 github-project-management :octocat: Github로 프로젝트 관리하기 cheese10yun 898
5 CS-study 🌎 진정한 컴퓨터공학도가 되기 위한 우리들의 지식 정리 공간 💥 Seogeurim 1202
6 tech-interview-for-developer 👶🏻 신입 개발자 전공 지식 & 기술 면접 백과사전 📖 gyoogle 15063

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Name Description Author Stars
1 absurd-sql sqlite3 in ur indexeddb (hopefully a better backend soon) jlongster 4207
2 GSAP GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform), a JavaScript animation library for the modern web greensock 20133
3 simple-peer 📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels feross 7497
4 i18next i18next: learn once - translate everywhere i18next 7868
5 rollup Next-generation ES module bundler rollup 25513
6 clsx A tiny (239B) utility for constructing className strings conditionally. lukeed 8562
7 stylex StyleX is the styling system for ambitious user interfaces. facebook 8500
8 bytenode A minimalist bytecode compiler for Node.js bytenode 2679
9 monaco-editor A browser based code editor microsoft 41084
10 pretty-diff colorized HTML diffs scottgonzalez 218
11 cz-cli The commitizen command line utility. #BlackLivesMatter commitizen 16978
12 react-dropzone Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js. react-dropzone 10641
13 react-beautiful-dnd Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React atlassian 33538
14 emotion 👩‍🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition emotion-js 17594
15 yuebing 🥮 Host your own video sharing site cobbzilla 227
16 globalThis ECMAScript spec-compliant polyfill/shim for globalThis. es-shims 155
17 canvas-liquid-effect Demonstration of liquid effect on HTML Canvas using Matter.js and SVG Filters (Blur + Contrast) n3r4zzurr0 110
18 matter-js a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■ liabru 17074
19 js-cloudimage-360-view Engage your customers with a stunning 360 view of your products. Any questions or issues, please report to scaleflex 2028
20 three.js JavaScript 3D Library. mrdoob 103718
21 can-autoplay The auto-play feature detection in HTMLMediaElement (<audio> or <video>). video-dev 299
22 Modernizr Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. Modernizr 25675
23 eslint-plugin-import ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports. import-js 5612
24 pikachu-volleyball Pikachu Volleyball implemented into JavaScript by reverse engineering the original game gorisanson 988
25 semantic-release 📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing semantic-release 21224
26 eslint-plugin-security ESLint rules for Node Security eslint-community 2231
27 open-api A Monorepo of various packages to power OpenAPI in node kogosoftwarellc 898
28 slash A collection of TypeScript/JavaScript packages to build high-quality web services. toss 2759
29 nearley 📜🔜🌲 Simple, fast, powerful parser toolkit for JavaScript. kach 3647
30 recordrtc-react szwang 95
31 samples WebRTC Web demos and samples webrtc 14130
32 web-audio-recorder-js .wav/.ogg/.mp3 recorder with Web Audio API higuma 780
33 dom-examples Code examples that accompany various MDN DOM and Web API documentation pages mdn 3568
34 RecordRTC RecordRTC is WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows. muaz-khan 6641
35 jsPDF Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone. parallax 29569
36 mhtml2html Converts MHTML files to a single HTML file using javascript msindwan 93
37 node-ytdl Command line youtube video downloader. fent 1254
38 commander.js node.js command-line interfaces made easy tj 26937
39 node-ytdl-core YouTube video downloader in javascript. fent 4575
40 Hangul.js 한글 자음/모음 분리/조합 자바스크립트 라이브러리. 자바스크립트 한글 오토마타 구현체입니다. e- 700
41 react-clean-architecture kpiteng 104
42 vanilla-lazyload LazyLoad is a lightweight, flexible script that speeds up your website by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, backgrounds, videos, iframes and scripts to when they will enter the viewport. Written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages IntersectionObserver, supports responsive images and enables native lazy loading. verlok 7738
43 webp-wasm Webp image convertor (webassembly, works offline in browser) le0pard 32
44 sharp High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library. lovell 29595
45 json-server Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously) typicode 73413
46 node Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨ nodejs 108840
47 KKuTu 글자로 놀자! 끄투 온라인 JJoriping 338
48 You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin you-dont-need 18899
49 react-lottie-player Fully declarative React Lottie player mifi 510
50 react-lottie Render After Effects animations on React based on lottie-web chenqingspring 1697
51 react-i18next Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem. i18next 9382
52 astexplorer A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers. fkling 6250
53 madge Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies pahen 9184
54 Under-the-hood-ReactJS Entire React code base explanation by visual block schemes (Stack version) Bogdan-Lyashenko 6571
55 epub.js Enhanced eBooks in the browser. futurepress 6550
56 daedalOS Desktop environment in the browser DustinBrett 9862
57 hotkey Trigger an action on an element with a keyboard shortcut. github 3239
58 v8n ☑️ JavaScript fluent validation library imbrn 4169
59 miragejs A client-side server to build, test and share your JavaScript app miragejs 5420
60 learn-react-testing 벨로퍼트와 함께하는 리액트 테스팅 velopert 70
61 c8 output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage bcoe 2006
62 clean-code-javascript Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript ryanmcdermott 92168
63 why-did-you-render why-did-you-render by Welldone Software monkey patches React to notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders. (Works with React Native as well.) welldone-software 11484
64 postcss-flexibility PostCSS plugin for Flexibility polyfill 7rulnik 296
65 awesome-dev-activity-review 📝 세상의 모든 개발 관련 구직 활동 리뷰 모음 junghyeonsu 190
66 stargazed 📋 Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! abhijithvijayan 474
67 react-helmet A document head manager for React nfl 17435
68 our42vent 슬랙에 마구잡이로 올라오는 42 이벤트들을 한 눈에 볼 수 있는 캘린더 웹사이트 innovationacademy-kr 16
69 vimium The hacker's browser. philc 23854
70 42world-Frontend-Mobile 42world 프론트 (구)저장소 42-world 14
71 browserslist 🦔 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-preset-env browserslist 13103
72 autoprefixer Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use postcss 21767
73 immer Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one immerjs 27946
74 minireset.css A tiny modern CSS reset jgthms 2789
75 APITester_For_Notion rkskekzzz 13
76 typejuice Documentation generator for TypeScript Declaration Files inspired by godoc. galvez 269
77 web-vitals Essential metrics for a healthy site. GoogleChrome 7706
78 stylelint A mighty CSS linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions. stylelint 11099
79 a11y Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta) addyosmani 1711
80 marktext 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows. marktext 48211
81 line-count A line counter for GitHub-hosted repositories, built with node.js cb372 144
82 ConStu 네? 뭐라고요??🙋‍♂️ 스터디를 찾고 있다구요?🤔 스터디에 관한 정보는 모두 여기에!! CodeSoom 30
83 markdown-tistory 작성된 마크다운의 내용과 이미지를 본인 티스토리에 업로드하는 프로젝트 jojoldu 276
84 react-testing-library 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. testing-library 19105
85 next.js The React Framework vercel 128449
86 tidory 🎨 티스토리 스킨 프레임워크, 티도리 pronist 193
87 flexboxfroggy A game for learning CSS flexbox 🐸 thomaspark 6968
88 ce Jspreadsheet is a lightweight JavaScript data grid component for creating interactive data grids with advanced spreadsheet controls. jspreadsheet 6800
89 react The library for web and native user interfaces. facebook 231226
90 react-cloud-music React 16.8打造精美音乐WebApp sanyuan0704 1954
91 react-skeleton-2018 리액트 프로젝트 설정을 0부터 해보자. velopert 50
92 github-readme-stats ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes anuraghazra 70752
93 github-profile-readme-generator 🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI. rahuldkjain 22090
94 client Write the README, now do it easily here! EASYME-md 298
95 42checkin-frontend 42 Seoul Cluster checkin service for cadets innovationacademy-kr 10
96 eva.js Eva.js is a front-end game engine specifically for creating interactive game projects. eva-engine 1759
97 phaser Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering. phaserjs 37397
98 javascript-pong A javascript version of the classic 1972 arcade game Pong! jakesgordon 205
99 you-dont-know-js-yet You Don't Know JS Yet study in 42Seoul 42js 26
100 react-modal Accessible modal dialog component for React reactjs 7378
101 refactoring refactoring 2판 스터디 roy-jung 39
102 WebpackTutorial A simple webpack tutorial AriaFallah 2229
103 react-socket-chat socket.io와 리액트를 활용한 채팅 어플리케이션 C17AN 5
104 react Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript typescript-cheatsheets 45726
105 identicon.js GitHub-style identicons as PNGs or SVGs in JS stewartlord 1322
106 42oauth The beginning of OAuth2 authentification innovationacademy-kr 11
107 33-js-concepts 모든 자바스크립트 개발자가 알아야 하는 33가지 개념 yjs03057 1753
108 emoji-search Simple React app for searching emoji andrewagain 486
109 calculator Simple calculator built with React andrewagain 1244
110 bmi-calculator React Hooks app for calculating BMI GermaVinsmoke 202
111 gatsby The best React-based framework with performance, scalability and security built in. gatsbyjs 55557
112 classnames A simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together JedWatson 17652
113 wtfjs 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples denysdovhan 35809
114 create-react-app Set up a modern web app by running one command. facebook 102972
115 sakura 🌸 A javascript plugin to Make it rain sakura petals using CSS animations and requestAnimationFrame (vanilla JS and improved version of jQuery-Sakura). jhammann 134
116 github-contributions-chart :octocat: Generate an image of all your Github contributions sallar 5310
117 shields Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format badges 24122
118 junior-recruit-scheduler 주니어 개발자 채용 정보 jojoldu 11316

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Name Description Author Stars
1 kotlin-openapi3-dsl Build your OpenApi3 spec in kotlin! derveloper 65

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Name Description Author Stars
1 jekyll-toc A GitHub Pages compatible Table of Contents generator without a plugin or JavaScript :octocat: allejo 495

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Name Description Author Stars
1 starter 📖 The starter kit for your Mintlify docs mintlify 835
2 csslayout A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS. Now it has 100+ patterns and continues growing! phuocng 8090

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Name Description Author Stars
1 translated-content The source repository of all translated content for MDN Web Docs mdn 1758
2 :octocat: Improve your profile with these amazing badges. alexandresanlim 10748

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Name Description Author Stars
1 The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier. a11yproject 3766

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Name Description Author Stars
1 flow Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality. facebook 22116

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Name Description Author Stars
1 awesome-pinned-gists 📌✨ A collection of awesome dynamic pinned gists for GitHub matchai 1969
2 accessibility 모두를 위한 설계. 레진 웹 접근성 가이드라인. lezhin 680
3 webcontainer-core Dev environments. In your web app. stackblitz 4032
4 Awesome_Resume_Portfolio 개발자를 위한 이력서 작성 가이드, 포맷 그리고 다양한 예시들 codingmonster-tv 1777
5 material-design-icons Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols) google 50950
6 naming-cheatsheet Comprehensive language-agnostic guidelines on variables naming. Home of the A/HC/LC pattern. kettanaito 14000
7 awesome-ffmpeg 👻 A curated list of awesome FFmpeg resources. transitive-bullshit 1010
8 headver SemVer compatible version specification that has {head}.{yearweek}.{build} system. line 284
9 JDD-Description Ju-Dung-A-Li Driven Development Lee-WonJun 1936
10 use-effect-cheatsheet useEffect - common use cases and alternatives penx 43
11 refactor-like-a-superhero How to refactor code efficiently and without pain. bespoyasov 1007
12 awesome-cafe ☕ 모각코하기 좋은 국내 카페 리스트 utilForever 1256
13 Clean-Code Clean Code 스터디의 결과물 정리를 위해 만든 저장소입니다. Yooii-Studios 849
14 awesome-monorepo A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures. korfuri 5395
15 made-in-korea 🇰🇷 Curating the best projects that were made and mainly contributed by Korean developers 738 65
16 coding-interview-university A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. jwasham 309817
17 awesome 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics sindresorhus 341219
18 Refactoring 『리팩터링, 2판』(한빛미디어, 2020) WegraLee 276
19 clean-code-javascript-ko 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript - 한글 번역판 🇰🇷 qkraudghgh 2088
20 goQuality-dev-contents { 고퀄리티 ⚡ 개발 컨텐츠 모음 } Integerous 9318
21 copilot-docs Documentation for GitHub Copilot github 23276
22 You-Dont-Know-JS A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter. getify 180574
23 awesome-typescript-korean 😎한국어로만 선별된 타입스크립트 리소스 리스트 🇰🇷 typescript-kr 690
24 awesome-typescript A collection of awesome TypeScript resources for client-side and server-side development. Write your awesome JavaScript in TypeScript dzharii 4677
25 awesome-a11y A curate list about A11Y brunopulis 1834
26 misbrands The world's most hated IT stickers mkrl 8792
27 ft_transcendence-b PONG 프로젝트 총괄 레포지토리입니다. 404-DriverNotFound 2
28 css-modules Documentation about css-modules css-modules 17716
29 awesome-korean-resume 한국어로된 멋진 이력서 목록, 그리고 짜잘한 팁 9j 602
30 FEDevtalk 🍀 Naver Front-End Conference, FE devtalk 🎉 NAVER-FEPlatform 351
31 digital-garden 당근마켓 공개 지식 저장소 daangn 360
32 TeachYourselfCS-KR 컴퓨터 과학 스스로 학습하기 minnsane 1370
33 Front-End-Checklist 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers thedaviddias 69337
34 Front-End-Performance-Checklist 🎮 더 빠르게 작동하는 프론트엔드 성능 체크리스트 parksb 655
35 Must-Know-About-Frontend 🎓 취준생이라면 알면 좋을 프론트엔드 관련 지식들 baeharam 3323
36 dbstudy Cubrid DB study innovationacademy-kr 17
37 backend-interview-question 백엔드 개발자로 입사를 준비하며 받았던 질문, 예상했던 질문, 인터넷 참고한 질문(CC BY-NC) ksundong 4982
38 piscine 🔥 JavaScript crunch course from scratch 42js 17
39 jsgamewiki A collection of good links for gaming with javascript DaRaFF 1226
40 modern-javascript-exam 코드숨 모던 자바스크립트 튜토리얼 정주행 스터디 질문 모음집 CodeSoom 77
41 frontend-dev-bookmarks Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers. dypsilon 42977
42 software-books 소프트웨어 관련 서적들을 볼 수 있는 곳들, by innovationacademy-kr 31
43 tech-hr Technical HR document innovationacademy-kr 531
44 software-resources 개발관련 정보를 얻을 수 있는 곳들, by 이노베이션 아카데미 innovationacademy-kr 446
45 awesome-devteam 좋은 개발팀을 만드는데 도움이 되는 자료 leehosung 3387
46 effective-typescript Effective TypeScript 2nd Edition: 83 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript danvk 1591
47 2021-woowacourse-frontend 우아한테크코스 3기 프론트엔드 과정 정리 365kim 84
48 Tech-Stack 📚 신입 개발자로서 성장을 위한 전공 지식을 정리합니다 😊 HyeminNoh 1230
49 fe-news FE 기술 소식 큐레이션 뉴스레터 naver 5795
50 hitchhikers_guide 은하수 .. 됐고, hitchhiker 들을 위한 안내서 innovationacademy-kr 215
51 FE-Interview-Study fed-gren 8
52 📘 This is a pretty simple template. Apply this template to your repository and introduce it to others efficiently. rhea-so-archive 48
53 Newbie-Guideline 컴퓨터과학/공학 신입생 및 비전공자 신입을 위한 지침서 pr0gr4m 1762
54 Interview_Question_for_Beginner 👦 👧 Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. 👾 JaeYeopHan 19993

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Name Description Author Stars
1 hello 😎 당신의 블로그를 위한 최고의 티스토리 스킨 pronist 2015

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Name Description Author Stars
1 lottie-spec Lottie Animation format documentation and tools lottie 57
2 PyAnimalese 동물의 숲 NPC 목소리로 문장을 읽어주는 프로그램입니다. hwi-middle 124
3 skyvern Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision Skyvern-AI 11393
4 sentry Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring getsentry 39593
5 mazassumnida Github 프로필에서 boj 프로필을 이쁘게 보여주는 프로젝트 mazassumnida 612
6 pretendard 어느 플랫폼에서든 사용할 수 있는 system-ui 대체 글꼴 | A system-ui alternative font for all cross-platform orioncactus 2795
7 Realtime-IT-Contest-notification IT 공모전 실시간 알림 repository ruby-kim 19

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Name Description Author Stars
1 rescript ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript. rescript-lang 6812

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Name Description Author Stars
1 flox Developer environments you can take with you flox 2844
2 zed Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter. zed-industries 52843
3 tauri Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend. tauri-apps 88243
4 oal A high-level language for OpenAPI oxlip-lang 31
5 hyperfine A command-line benchmarking tool sharkdp 23555
6 dust A Nintendo DS emulator written in Rust for desktop devices and the web, with debugging features and a focus on accuracy kelpsyberry 249
7 javy JS to WebAssembly toolchain bytecodealliance 2342
8 turborepo Build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust vercel 26766
9 stc Speedy TypeScript type checker dudykr 5786
10 delta A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output dandavison 25024
11 swc Rust-based platform for the Web swc-project 31485
12 deno A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. denoland 101092

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Name Description Author Stars
1 jekyll-TeXt-theme 💎 🐳 A super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, documentation, etc. kitian616 3207
2 NES.css NES-style CSS Framework | ファミコン風CSSフレームワーク nostalgic-css 20818

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Name Description Author Stars
1 skill-icons Showcase your skills on your Github readme or resumé with ease ✨ tandpfun 8226

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Name Description Author Stars
1 asdf-plugins Convenience shortname repository for asdf community plugins asdf-vm 1268
2 emailwiz Script that installs/configures a Dovecot, Postfix, Spam Assassin, OpenDKIM Debian web server LukeSmithxyz 1853
3 dotfiles 🔧 .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS mathiasbynens 30477
4 zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh zsh-users 31906
5 hook-flow A flowchart that explains the new lifecycle of a Hooks component. donavon 2170

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Name Description Author Stars
1 ssgoi it support animated page transition with every browser including safari meursyphus 150
2 daisyui 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼  The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library saadeghi 34823

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Name Description Author Stars
1 Ice Powerful menu bar manager for macOS jordanbaird 15590

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Name Description Author Stars
1 bootcamp_python Bootcamp to learn Python for Machine Learning 42-AI 409

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Name Description Author Stars
1 codemod The end-to-end platform for creating, sharing, and running codemods with engines like jscodeshift, ast-grep, ts-morph, and more. Automate code migrations, cleanups, and refactors for you, your team, and the community. AI-powered and CLI-first. codemod-com 518
2 xstate Actor-based state management & orchestration for complex app logic. statelyai 27613
3 nextjs-routes Type safe routing for Next.js tatethurston 591
4 es-toolkit A modern JavaScript utility library that's 2-3 times faster and up to 97% smaller—a major upgrade to lodash. toss 7472
5 rrweb record and replay the web rrweb-io 17021
6 clean-code-typescript 🚿 타입스크립트를 위한 클린코드 - 한글 번역판 🇰🇷 738 1299
7 expo An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web. expo 36156
8 overlay-kit The simplest and most intuitive way to manage overlays in React. toss 322
9 liveblocks Liveblocks provides customizable pre‑built features that boost user engagement by adding collaboration to your product. All without derailing your roadmap. liveblocks 3688
10 suspensive All in one for React Suspense toss 590
11 knip ✂️ Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Knip it before you ship it! webpro-nl 7361
12 jest-preview Debug your Jest tests. Effortlessly.🛠🖼 nvh95 2351
13 bestofjs ⭐ A place to find the best components to build amazing web applications. The best of JavaScript! bestofjs 2764
14 themes Radix Themes is an open-source component library optimized for fast development, easy maintenance, and accessibility. Maintained by @workos. radix-ui 5992
15 es-hangul A modern JavaScript library for handling Hangul characters. toss 1410
16 regex-doctor Monitor your RegExp consumption and provide suggestions to improve performance. antfu 152
17 supabase-js An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. Query your Supabase database, subscribe to realtime events, upload and download files, browse typescript examples, invoke postgres functions via rpc, invoke supabase edge functions, query pgvector. supabase 3367
18 appsmith Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API. appsmithorg 35189
19 trpc 🧙‍♀️ Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy. trpc 35509
20 ts-morph TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes. dsherret 5130
21 stackgraph 변수 의존성 관계도와 메타데이터를 정적 분석 및 시각화 daangn 21
22 ollama-js Ollama JavaScript library ollama 2593
23 placemark A flexible web-based editor, converter, visualization tool, for geospatial data placemark 1217
24 danger-js ⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review danger 5301
25 sandpack A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox. codesandbox 5082
26 ui Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source. shadcn-ui 78233
27 spot Spot is a concise, developer-friendly way to describe your API contract. airtasker 559
28 triplit A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggable storage (indexeddb, sqlite, durable objects), syncs over websockets, and works with your favorite framework (React, Solid, Vue, Svelte). aspen-cloud 2419
29 markslides Entrance repository of MarkSlides markslides 35
30 query-key-factory A library for creating typesafe standardized query keys, useful for cache management in @tanstack/query lukemorales 1292
31 cva Class Variance Authority joe-bell 5925
32 background-removal-js Remove backgrounds from images directly in the browser environment with ease and no additional costs or privacy concerns. Explore an interactive demo. imgly 5977
33 supabase The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications. supabase 75964
34 Next-js-Boilerplate 🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 15 with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Drizzle ORM + Husky + Lint-Staged + Vitest + Testing Library + Playwright + Storybook + Commitlint + VSCode + Netlify + PostCSS + Tailwind CSS ✨ ixartz 9822
35 tailwindcss A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. tailwindlabs 84432
36 next-enterprise 💼 An enterprise-grade Next.js boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps. Packed with features like Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, testing tools, and more to accelerate your development. Blazity 6433
37 hyper A terminal built on web technologies vercel 43596
38 fresh The next-gen web framework. denoland 12768
39 redoc 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation Redocly 23851
40 tsup The simplest and fastest way to bundle your TypeScript libraries. egoist 9516
41 locatorjs infi-pc 1452
42 pixijs The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. pixijs 44292
43 vanilla-extract Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript vanilla-extract-css 9695
44 autocomplete IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell withfig 24656
45 seshat Code like an Egyptian puzzlet 62
46 qwik Instant-loading web apps, without effort QwikDev 21027
47 react-dnd Drag and Drop for React react-dnd 21171
48 devicescript TypeScript for Tiny IoT Devices (ESP32, RP2040, ...) microsoft 3354
49 corepack Zero-runtime-dependency package acting as bridge between Node projects and their package managers nodejs 2664
50 fluentui Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications. microsoft 18753
51 resvg-js A high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs. thx 1623
52 react-notion-x Fast and accurate React renderer for Notion. TS batteries included. ⚡️ NotionX 4969
53 nextjs-notion-starter-kit Deploy your own Notion-powered website in minutes with Next.js and Vercel. transitive-bullshit 6388
54 darkreader Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension darkreader 19937
55 sentence-splitter Split {Japanese, English} text into sentences. textlint-rule 120
56 editable 🌱 A collaborative rich-text editor framework that focuses on stability, controllability, extensibility, and performance. 一款强到离谱的富文本编辑器框架,专注于稳定性、可控性、扩展性和性能。 editablejs 1817
57 websites Daangn on the WWW daangn 658
58 playwright Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. microsoft 68407
59 frontend 같이 농구할 사람이 없다고? slamapp 88
60 browser-sdk 토스페이먼츠 결제 연동 SDK tosspayments 103
61 ytmdesktop A Desktop App for YouTube Music ytmdesktop 4137
62 ts-reset A 'CSS reset' for TypeScript, improving types for common JavaScript API's mattpocock 7967
63 excalidraw Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams excalidraw 89253
64 SyncedStore SyncedStore CRDT is an easy-to-use library for building live, collaborative applications that sync automatically. YousefED 1769
65 colyseus ⚔ Multiplayer Framework for Node.js colyseus 5967
66 yaml YAML parser and stringifier for JavaScript eemeli 1338
67 valtio 🧙 Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla pmndrs 9254
68 zod TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference colinhacks 34951
69 vitest Next generation testing framework powered by Vite. vitest-dev 13530
70 typescript-eslint ✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript typescript-eslint 15430
71 eslint-plugin 지극히 개인적인 eslint 플러그인 JJoriping 7
72 sentry-javascript Official Sentry SDKs for JavaScript getsentry 8063
73 silverbullet The knowledge tinkerer's notebook silverbulletmd 2829
74 oazapfts Generate TypeScript clients to tap into OpenAPI servers oazapfts 512
75 ts-creator A code generator to generate TypeScript code generator from TypeScript code HearTao 386
76 react-error-boundary Simple reusable React error boundary component bvaughn 7129
77 ts-ast-viewer TypeScript AST viewer. dsherret 1229
78 redwood The App Framework for Startups redwoodjs 17435
79 typescript-clean-architecture It is my attempt to create Clean Architecture based application in TypeScript. pvarentsov 1422
80 Sorrygle Text-based MIDI writing language and its compiler JJoriping 94
81 TDungeon TDungeon is a small adventure game that runs in the Typescript type system cassiozen 1177
82 swagger-typescript-api Generate the API Client for Fetch or Axios from an OpenAPI Specification acacode 3470
83 openapi-typescript-codegen NodeJS library that generates Typescript or Javascript clients based on the OpenAPI specification ferdikoomen 3030
84 fp-ts Functional programming in TypeScript gcanti 10940
85 clean-architecture-with-typescript A Monorepo and Clean Architecture project for various TypeScript services that share the same domain. falsy 715
86 angular Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀 angular 96623
87 embed Library to embed Typeforms in your website Typeform 290
88 wrp-ts TypeScript Implementation of Webview/Worker Request Protocol pbkit 34
89 hexo A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js. hexojs 39821
90 html-react-parser 📝 HTML to React parser. remarkablemark 2203
91 nx Build system, optimized for monorepos, with plugins for popular frameworks and tools and advanced CI capabilities including caching and distribution. nrwl 24179
92 leva 🌋 React-first components GUI pmndrs 5123
93 react-clean-architecture A realistic approach to implement clean architecture on react codebases eduardomoroni 1553
94 clean-architecture-for-frontend Sample Code of Frontend Clean Architecture woochanleee 42
95 jotai 👻 Primitive and flexible state management for React pmndrs 19156
96 clean-architecture-front-end Example of clean architecture in front-end (Next.js) dimitridumont 180
97 auto-assign 🤖 A Probot app that adds reviewers to pull requests when pull requests are opened. kentaro-m 253
98 react-jsonschema-form A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema. rjsf-team 14489
99 nest-auth-example Nest.js authentication with Passport. Realworld example leosuncin 416
100 react-youtube react.js powered YouTube player component tjallingt 1868
101 storybook-addon-next A no config Storybook addon that makes Next.js features just work in Storybook RyanClementsHax 219
102 plaiceholder Beautiful image placeholders, without the hassle. joe-bell 2281
103 prisma Next-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB prisma 40635
104 notion-sdk-js Official Notion JavaScript Client makenotion 5018
105 type-gymnastics Collection of wonderful TypeScript type gymnastics code snippets. g-plane 368
106 git-js A light weight interface for running git commands in any node.js application. steveukx 3566
107 pbkit-devtools pbkit devtools pbkit 10
108 react-konva React + Canvas = Love. JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using React. konvajs 5842
109 monorepo-template 기술블로그 프론트엔드 모노레포 글쓰기의 참고 자료로 제공될 레포지토리 입니다. kowoohyuk 215
110 berry 📦🐈 Active development trunk for Yarn ⚒ yarnpkg 7520
111 checkout Action for checking out a repo actions 6097
112 ultra-runner 🏃⛰ Ultra fast monorepo script runner and build tool folke 1211
113 formik Build forms in React, without the tears 😭 jaredpalmer 34069
114 join-react-context join multiple react context into one. support typescript. disjukr 25
115 patch-package Fix broken node modules instantly 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 ds300 10557
116 recharts Redefined chart library built with React and D3 recharts 24393
117 slider React Slider react-component 3060
118 dnd-kit The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React. clauderic 13569
119 motion A modern animation library for React and JavaScript motiondivision 26744
120 lexical Lexical is an extensible text editor framework that provides excellent reliability, accessibility and performance. facebook 20299
121 meta-typing 📚 Functions and algorithms implemented purely with TypeScript's type system ronami 1562
122 productive-box Are you an early 🐤 or a night 🦉? Let's check out in gist techinpark 185
123 pbkit Protobuf toolkit for modern web development pbkit 312
124 react-use React Hooks — 👍 streamich 42285
125 ink 🌈 React for interactive command-line apps vadimdemedes 27439
126 ladle 🥄 Develop, test and document your React story components faster. tajo 2653
127 FxTS A functional programming library for TypeScript/JavaScript marpple 943
128 vite Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! vitejs 69907
129 squoosh Make images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser. GoogleChromeLabs 22296
130 react-hooks-testing-library 🐏 Simple and complete React hooks testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. testing-library 5266
131 type-challenges Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge type-challenges 44025
132 responsive-viewer Responsive Viewer - chrome extension to show multiple screens in one view. skmail 806
133 msw Industry standard API mocking for JavaScript. mswjs 16216
134 jest Delightful JavaScript Testing. jestjs 44400
135 immutable-js Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. immutable-js 32988
136 faker Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js faker-js 13284
137 use-color 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⚠️ Archiving this repo; Pretty much useless to have this as an hook ⚠️🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 junhoyeo 268
138 hwp.js Open source hwp viewer and parser library powered by web technology hahnlee 1232
139 remix Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals. remix-run 30491
140 vitebook Blazing fast alternative to Storybook. vitebook 866
141 DefinitelyTyped The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions. DefinitelyTyped 49008
142 toss-ui toss 101
143 velog-client velopert 696
144 tui.editor 🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. nhn 17289
145 transform A polyglot web converter. ritz078 8241
146 react-redux-typescript-guide The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript piotrwitek 13354
147 graphql-ws Coherent, zero-dependency, lazy, simple, GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol compliant server and client. enisdenjo 1756
148 nextjs-github-pages 🚀 Deploy a Next.js app to GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions. gregrickaby 470
149 iconoir An open source icons library with 1600+ icons, supporting React, React Native, Flutter, Vue, Figma, and Framer. iconoir-icons 3927
150 craco Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for Create React App. dilanx 7442
151 toolkit The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions. actions 5089
152 giscus A comment system powered by GitHub Discussions. :octocat: 💬 💎 giscus 8897
153 docs The open-source repo for github 16588
154 puppeteer JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox puppeteer 89359
155 react-web-editor The react-web-editor is a WYSIWYG editor library. you can resize and drag your component. It also has simple rich text editor CHEWCHEWW 264
156 iron-session 🛠 Secure, stateless, and cookie-based session library for JavaScript vvo 3759
157 grafana The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. grafana 65835
158 backend-b PONG의 API 서버 레포지토리입니다. 404-DriverNotFound 3
159 query 🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query. TanStack 43301
160 react-navigation Routing and navigation for your React Native apps react-navigation 23730
161 react-animated-numbers 👾 Library showing animation of number changes in react.js heyman333 265
162 k-popo Fast, less-than-1kB Korean postposition (josa, 조사) resolver with a pleasant API. alattalatta 23
163 resume-nextjs Next.js 로 누구나 쉽게 만드는 Static HTML 이력서 uyu423 285
164 trophy-quiz-mobile david718 46
165 Beauty-Saurus 🦖 Beautiful Docusaurus ✨ Easy-Starter ✨ Project Beauty-Saurus 56
166 BLEX 💻 BLOG EXPRESS ME baealex 52
167 seed-design The Seed Design System daangn 633
168 stackflow 🧱 Mobile-first stack navigator framework with composable plugin system daangn 817
169 VoiceSpace 피로감은 덜하지만, 더욱 현실감 있는 음성채팅을 위한 프로젝트 VoiceSpaceUnder5 30
170 vsinder Dating App for VSCode benawad 2474
171 html-to-image ✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG. bubkoo 5952
172 takenote 📝 ‎ A web-based notes app for developers. taniarascia 6935
173 ts-react-redux-tutorial 타입스크립트를 + 리덕스를 프로처럼 사용해봅시다! velopert 126
174 github-profile-trophy 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme ryo-ma 5451
175 RBYE web developer Requirements By Years of Experience lastrites2018 21
176 nestjs-recipe NestJS Best Practices Recipe arielweinberger 852
177 42Notifier 42 API로 새로운 이벤트를 슬랙에 전송해 주는 슬랙봇 🤖 nfl1ryxditimo12 7
178 42checkin-backend 42 Seoul Cluster checkin service for cadets innovationacademy-kr 10
179 react-kakao-maps-sdk React components for using kakao map api JaeSeoKim 289
180 Realtime application framework (Node.JS server) socketio 61468
181 sleact ZeroCho 315
182 gitmoji An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜 carloscuesta 15953
183 react-toastify React notification made easy 🚀 ! fkhadra 12929
184 reactGo Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux App! reactGo 2802
185 Project02-A-RealTime-Translation-Messenger 파파고 API를 이용한 실시간 번역 채팅 웹/앱 서비스입니다. boostcamp-2020 59
186 React95 🌈🕹 Windows 95 style UI component library for React react95-io 6756
187 commit-message-checker GitHub Action that checks commit messages of pushes and pull request against a regex pattern GsActions 100
188 TypeScript TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. microsoft 101740
189 material-ui Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever. mui 94438
190 styled-components Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅 styled-components 40581
191 React-Hooks-Context-API-Todo-Example React Hooks + Context API Todo Example Vallista 10
192 code-server VS Code in the browser coder 69295
193 badge42 🚀 Dynamically generated 42 badge for your git readmes. JaeSeoKim 435

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Name Description Author Stars
1 seed-icon Figma를 진실의 원천으로 하는 아이콘 관리소 daangn 44
2 good-first-issue Make your first open-source contribution. DeepSourceCorp 2575

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Name Description Author Stars
1 assemblyscript A TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly. AssemblyScript 17057

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Name Description Author Stars
1 bun Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one oven-sh 75229
2 zig General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. ziglang 36284

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📝 License

To the extent possible under law, hyo-choi has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.