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393 lines (307 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

393 lines (307 loc) · 11.4 KB
copyright lastupdated keywords subcollection
2017, 2024
cli, command line interface, object storage, curl


Using cURL

{: #curl}

You can get the most out working with the command line in most environments with {{}} and cURL. {: shortdesc}

Here's a 'cheat sheet' of basic curl commands for the {{}} REST API. More detail can be found in the API reference for buckets or objects.

Using curl assumes a certain amount of familiarity with the command line and Object Storage, and have the necessary information from a service credential, the endpoints reference, or the console. If any terms or variables are unfamiliar, they can be found in the glossary.

Note: Personally Identifiable Information (PII): When naming buckets or objects, do not use any information that can identify any user (natural person) by name, location, or any other means. {: tip}

Request an IAM Token

{: #curl-iam}

Two ways you can generate an IAM oauth token for authenticating requests are using a curl command with an API key (described later), or from the command line by using {{}} CLI.

Request an IAM token by using an API key

{: #curl-token}

Ensure that you have an API key. You can get one from {{}}.

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     --data-urlencode "apikey={api-key}" \
     --data-urlencode "response_type=cloud_iam" \
     --data-urlencode "grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey"

{: codeblock}

Get your resource instance ID

{: #curl-instance-id}

Some of the following commands require an ibm-service-instance-id parameter. To find this value, go to the Service credentials tab of your Object Storage instance in the cloud console. Create a credential if needed, then use the View credentials menu to see the JSON format. Use the value of resource_instance_id.

For use with curl APIs, you need only the UUID that starts after the last single colon and ends before the final double colon. For example, the ID crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/81caa0254631ce5f9330ae427618f209:39d8d161-22c4-4b77-a856-f11db5130d7d:: can be abbreviated to 39d8d161-22c4-4b77-a856-f11db5130d7d. {: tip}

List buckets

{: #curl-list-buckets}

curl "https://(endpoint)/"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "ibm-service-instance-id: (resource-instance-id)"

{: codeblock}

Add a bucket

{: #curl-add-bucket}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)"
 -H "Authorization: Bearer (token)"
 -H "ibm-service-instance-id: (resource-instance-id)"

{: codeblock}

Add a bucket (storage class)

{: #curl-add-bucket-class}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)"
 -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"
 -H "Authorization: Bearer (token)"
 -H "ibm-service-instance-id: (resource-instance-id)"
 -d "<CreateBucketConfiguration>

{: codeblock}

A list of valid codes for LocationConstraint can be referenced in the Storage Classes guide.

Create a bucket CORS

{: #curl-new-cors}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/?cors"
 -H "Content-MD5: (md5-hash)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"
 -d "<CORSConfiguration>

{: codeblock}

The Content-MD5 header needs to be the binary representation of a base64-encoded MD5 hash.

echo -n (XML block) | openssl dgst -md5 -binary | openssl enc -base64

{: codeblock}

Get a bucket CORS

{: #curl-get-cors}

curl "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/?cors"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Delete a bucket CORS

{: #curl-delete-cors}

curl -X "DELETE" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/?cors"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

List objects

{: #curl-list-objects}

curl "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Get bucket headers

{: #curl-head-bucket}

curl --head "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Get bucket metadata

{: #curl-get-bucket-metadata}

The use of the config API endpoint isn't the same as the endpoint for your bucket itself. Use of this command returns metadata for the specified bucket. {: note}

curl{my-bucket} \
                        -H 'authorization: bearer <IAM_token>'

{: codeblock}

Delete a bucket

{: #curl-delete-bucket}

curl -X "DELETE" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Upload an object

{: #curl-put-object}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)" \
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)" \
 -H "Content-Type: (content-type)" \
 -d "(object-contents)"

{: codeblock}

Get an object's headers

{: #curl-head-object}

curl --head "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Copy an object

{: #curl-copy-object}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "x-amz-copy-source: /(bucket-name)/(object-key)"

{: codeblock}

Check CORS information

{: #curl-options-object}

curl -X "OPTIONS" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)"
 -H "Access-Control-Request-Method: PUT"
 -H "Origin: http://(url)"

{: codeblock}

Download an object

{: #curl-get-object}

curl "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Check object's ACL

{: #curl-acl-object}

curl "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)?acl"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Enable a firewall

{: #curl-enable-firewall}

The use of the config API endpoint isn't the same as the endpoint for your bucket itself. Use of this command enables a firewall for the specified bucket. No other {{}} services can access the bucket when the firewall is active. {: note}

curl -X PATCH{my-bucket} \
                        -H 'authorization: bearer $IAM_TOKEN' \
                        -d '{"firewall": {"allowed_ip": ["", ""]}}'

{: codeblock}

Enable activity tracking

{: #curl-enable-activity-tracking}

Note the use of the config API endpoint isn't the same as the endpoint for your bucket itself. Use of this command enables activity tracking for the specified bucket.

curl -X PATCH{my-bucket} \
                        -H 'authorization: bearer <IAM_token>' \
                        -d '{"activity_tracking": { \
                                "read_data_events": True, \
                                "write_data_events": True}'

{: codeblock}

Allow anonymous access to an object

{: #curl-public-object}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)?acl"
 -H "Content-Type: (content-type)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "x-amz-acl: public-read"

{: codeblock}

Delete an object

{: #curl-delete-object}

curl -X "DELETE" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Delete many objects

{: #curl-delete-objects}

curl -X "POST" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)?delete"
 -H "Content-MD5: (md5-hash)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"
 -d "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

{: codeblock}

The Content-MD5 header needs to be the binary representation of a base64-encoded MD5 hash.

echo -n (XML block) | openssl dgst -md5 -binary | openssl enc -base64

{: codeblock}

Start a multipart upload

{: #curl-multipart-initiate}

curl -X "POST" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)?uploads"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Upload a part

{: #curl-multipart-part}

curl -X "PUT" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)?partNumber=(sequential-integer)&uploadId=(upload-id)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "Content-Type: (content-type)"

{: codeblock}

Complete a multipart upload

{: #curl-multipart-complete}

curl -X "POST" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)?uploadId=(upload-id)"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"
 -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"
 -d "<CompleteMultipartUpload>

{: codeblock}

Get incomplete multipart uploads

{: #curl-multipart-get}

curl "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/?uploads"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Stop incomplete multipart uploads

{: #curl-multipart-abort}

curl -X "DELETE" "https://(endpoint)/(bucket-name)/(object-key)?uploadId"
 -H "Authorization: bearer (token)"

{: codeblock}

Configure a Static Website

{: #curl-configure-static-web}

curl --location --request PUT 'https://<endpoint>/<bucketname>?website' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer <token>' --header 'ibm-service-instance-id: <resource_instance_id> \
--header 'Content-MD5: <hashed-output>' --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '<WebsiteConfiguration>

{: pre}

As a reminder, the Content-MD5 header needs to be the binary representation of a base64-encoded MD5 hash.

echo -n (XML block) | openssl dgst -md5 -binary | openssl enc -base64

{: pre}

Next Steps

{: #curl-next-steps}

The detailed description of the RESTful API for {{}} can be found in the S3 Compatibility API Documentation{: external} or the Configuration API Documentation{: external}.