- working in Rstudio : https://inbo.github.io/git-course/workflow_rstudio.html
- collaboration : https://inbo.github.io/git-course/workflow_review.html
- you have a local folder 'moneos' on your computer from working on the MONEOS report using github in previous year(s)
- open Rstudio
- open the project from previous year ('moneos_XXX.Rproj'), where XXX is a previous year
- in the Git side panel, make sure to select the 'main' branch
- create a new project using 'file' -> 'New Project...' -> 'version control' -> 'git'
- add 'https://github.com/inbo/moneos' to 'repository url'
- the name of the project (moneos) should appear automatically; if not, fill it in
- choose the parent directory for the moneos project directory
- create the project
- select 'file' -> 'open project'
- under the moneos folder, browse to the subfolder for the year of reporting (folder 'moneos_XXX' where XXX is the current year)
- select the 'moneos_XXX.Rproj' project
- under 'Tools' -> 'Global Options'
- under 'Tools' -> 'Project Options'
- browse to the folder 'moneos/moneos_XXX/000_template', where XXX stands for the year of reporting (e.g. 2022)
- copy the file '_.Renviron' to the folder 'moneos/moneos_XXX'
- rename the '_.Renviron' under 'moneos/moneos_XXX' to '.Renviron' (remove the underscore '_')
- in a text editor or in Rstudio, open the '.Renviron' file and adjust the folder paths to the paths used on your local pc
- if you are already working in Rstudio, close Rstudio and reopen it
- select the 'main' branch in Rtudio
For each chapter in the moneos report use a separate branch to work in.
In doing so you can work independently of other chapters and avoid interference between work done on different chapters.
read https://inbo.github.io/git-course/workflow_rstudio.html for more information on working with branches.
The chapter branches should be named as follows:
- 010_inleiding_en_overzicht
- 030_ecotopen
- 040_vegetatiekaart
- 050_hogere_planten
- 060_sedimentkenmerken
- 070_macrozoobenthos
- 080_hyperbenthos
- 090_vissen
- 100_watervogels
- 110_broedvogels
- 120_zoogieren
- 130_sedimentatie_erosie
- 140_slik_schorrand
Check in the git panel in Rstudio (or on github) if the chapter branch you want to work in already exists
- Select the branch for the chapter you want to work on.
the latest version of your branch from github.
While being in your chapter branch:
- Under the folder 'moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX' create a subfolder for your chapter with the same name as the chapter.
- Use this folder to store
files for data management and analysis.
The folder 'moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX/000_template' contains a number of template/example files for:
- data preparation: '10_template_data.Rmd'
- analysis and creation of figures and tables: '20_template_analyse.Rmd'
- writing the report: '000_template_rapport.Rmd'
- Go to the folder 'moneos/moneos_ZZZpreviousYearZZZ/chapterYYY', with ZZZpreviousYearZZZ the year you want to copy from and chapterYYY the chapter of interest.
- Copy the script files for data management and analysis to the folder 'moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX/chapterYYY' you created earlier.
- Make sure that the yaml header at the top of these files (between ---) has the correct information. !!This may change between years!!
- You can check this in the templates for data preparation and analysis in the folder 'moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX/000_template'.
- Make sure that 'hoofdstuk:' in the yaml header refers to the correct chapter.
- You can also specify a different 'title:'.
- Check that the chunk named '{r pad} corresponds to the examples in the template directory.
- Under 'moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX/150_geintegreerd_rapport' copy the bookdown script file from a previous year.
- Make sure the file has the same name as the chapter branch.
- Check that the chunks at the top of the file (chunks -hoofdstuk to -pad) correspond to the example as given in the '000_template.Rmd' file in the template directory ('moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX/000_template'). !!This may change between years!!
- Make sure that the variable 'hoofstuk' in the top chunk is specified correctly for your chapter.
- Make sure to start the name of all chunks with the number of the corresponding chapter:
- {r XXX-chunkname} with XXX the number of the chapter (in the templates this number is 000)
- follow the guidelines as above but use the template files in the folder 'moneos/moneos_XXXcurrentYearXXX/000_template' as a starting point.
- The following applies both for data analysis as for writing the report.
- Make sure to be in the git branch for the chapter you want to work on.
- make a habit of
potential work of others to the chapter, before you start to apply changes.- In doing so, you are sure to work on the latest version.
- A good habit is to do this daily.
- On a regular basis (e.g. daily, at the end of the day)
your changes to github.- In doing so, you ensure that they are visible to coworkers, and they can incorporate the changes in their version.
- Select the files you want to commit from the git sidepanel
- In the commit window
- Add a sensible 'commit message' to the committed changes.
- Hit the
- You can subsequently
the changes to github from the commit window or from the main github sidepanel.
- To write the chapter report, it can be useful to use the
mode in the RStudio editing panel.
mode works as a text editor and thus facilitates text editing.
- To collapse (hide) the R code chunks you can choose
Collapse all
- To visualize figures and tables, you can run
Run all
- Under
->Project Options
you can set the dictionary language, which enables spell checking in the designated language.
- Co-authors can add comments blocks (which will not be rendered in the pdf report) during reviewing.
- To build the report, go to the tab 'Build'.
- Make sure the 'pdf_report' is selected under 'build book'.
- Hit the build book button.
- When other chapters have been merged with main and are visible in your branch (see below).
- You can hide them by putting an underscore '_' in front of the chapter
filename. - Make sure to remove these underscores before merging with the main branch.
- You can hide them by putting an underscore '_' in front of the chapter
- Don't use '%' as is in captions of figures and tables.
- Use '\\%' instead.
- Don't use underscore '_' in column names of tables.
- make sure you merged the latest version of the main branch (potentially comprising already merged chapters) into your chapter branch before you make a pull request
- to merge the latest version of the main branch
- see https://inbo.github.io/git-course/workflow_review.html#Merge_changes_to_main
- switch to the 'main' branch in Rstudio
- hit the
button - switch back to your chapter branch
- open the (Git) terminal and enter the command: 'git merge main'
- to merge the latest version of the main branch
- create a pull request as explained in https://inbo.github.io/git-course/workflow_review.html#Create_a_pull_request
- a reviewer is mandatory to make a pull request; choose Joost Vanoverbeke as reviewer
- some checks are performed when you make a pull request. This may take a little time to finish
- In the first phase, only work in your own branch and on your own chapter (chapter directory and chapter
files) - if contribution to another chapter is needed
- work in the branch for that chapter
- communicate between contributors and make good agreements on who works when on the chapter
- make sure to
changes made by others before you start working on the chapter - make sure to
your changes when you have finished
- In the last phase, when chapters have been merged and a few modifications are needed
- communicate about the intended changes
- make sure to always merge the latest version of the main branch into your chapter branch before starting
- keep the changes short and merge quickly (pull request) with the main branch