Spring application that serves as backend for the MirrorGate application. The API is used by the dashboard module to retrieve the information to be displayed.
This project uses Spring Boot to package the collector as an executable JAR with dependencies.
This project depends on the mirrorgate-core module
If you want to run the tests, use
gradle test
To package the collector into an executable JAR file, run:
gradle build
The resultant fat jar can be found in
Copy this file to your server and launch it using:
java -jar mirrorgate-api-<version>.jar
If you want to change the database used, launch the fat jar with the following command:
java -Dspring.data.mongodb.uri="mongodb://localhost/dashboarddb" -jar mirrorgate-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
There are two different profiles defined in the application
- embedded: No security and local mongo instance. Configuration can be found on application-embedded.properties
- default: header based security and mongo connection specified in application.properties file
Active profiles can be changed using the property spring.profiles.active
You can generate Open API definition documentation running the SwaggerToMarkup test