This module provides a convenient bit of glue code around pyScss, allowing your Pyramid projects to use stylesheets authored in SCSS.
Install using setuptools, e.g. (within a virtualenv):
$ pip install pyramid_scss
Or if you prefer to get the latest from Github:
$ git clone git://
The only setting which is necessary is asset_path
which is an asset spec which points to the root folder where your SCSS stylesheets are. An easy way to set that is to add this line to the [app:main]
section of your project.ini
scss.asset_path = myproject:assets/scss
can be a newline delimited string of multiple asset paths. Each path will be searched, in order, until the matching stylesheet is found. An unmatched request will raise pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound
is a path to the static assets necessary to construct a stylesheet. Unlike asset_path
, this setting only accepts one path. static_url_root
is required if you set static_path
, and it serves as a path prefix when generating the URL for a static resource.
is the path where generated assets will be output, such as spritemaps. Also, output_url_root
is a required setting if output_path
is provided, and will be prefix the path component of the URL generated in reference to compiled resources.
There are a couple of other options. compress
controls whether or not the output documents are compressed (all whitespace stripped):
scss.compress = false
The other option is cache
, which will store both the contents of the file and the rendered output in memory:
scss.cache = true
First, use config.include
to initialize the extension:
Second, assuming you are using URL dispatch, add a route to serve css:
config.add_route('css', '/css/{css_path:.*}.css') config.add_view(route_name='css', view='pyramid_scss.controller.get_scss', renderer='scss', request_method='GET')
TODO: Add a traversal example.
In the example above, an SCSS stylesheet located at myproject/assets/scss/style.scss
(using the asset_path
configured in the Configuration section) could be accessed by a URL request to http://myproject/css/style.css
. This route would also resolve stylesheets in subdirectories of asset_path