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% Getting to Jython 2.7 and Beyond % Jim Baker % jim.baker@{,}

Jython background

  • Implementation of Python for the Java platform
  • Compiles to Java bytecode
  • Under development since 1997
  • Jython 2.7 release candidate 2 now available

Questions you might have or heard from others

  • Isn't Jython a dead project?
  • Doesn't Jython have a GIL, just like CPython?
  • Isn't Jython much slower than other Python implementations?
  • Doesn't Jython only implement a subset of Python?

Questions you might have or heard from others

  • Isn't Jython a dead project?
  • Doesn't Jython have a GIL, just like CPython?
  • Isn't Jython much slower than other Python implementations?
  • Doesn't Jython only implement a subset of Python?

Answer: No

About me

I have a vested interest:

  • Core developer of Jython
  • Co-author of Definitive Guide to Jython from Apress
  • Committing on Jython since 2007...
  • User of Python (including Jython) since 2003
  • Software developer at Rackspace

Various tweets

December 2013:

Can Jython be saved or is it pretty much dead at this point?

Various tweets

December 2013:

Can Jython be saved or is it pretty much dead at this point?

July 2014:

So is jython basically dead or what?

Various tweets

December 2013:

Can Jython be saved or is it pretty much dead at this point?

July 2014:

So is jython basically dead or what?

January 2015:

Is it still around? I thought the project was dead :V

Sometimes we are too optimistic

From my note to reviewers of this talk proposal:

I assume Jython 2.7.0 will see a final release by the end of this year, and certainly well before PyCon.

Sadly, one last bug precludes this being true. But we were close!

Demo RC2

But here is release candidate 2!

Try importing the GIL

$ bin/jython
Jython 2.7rc2+ (default:0213400c518f, Apr 9 2015, 23:01:27)
[Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java1.7.0_75
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from __future__ import GIL

No global interpreter lock:

$ bin/jython
Jython 2.7rc2+ (default:0213400c518f, Apr 9 2015, 23:01:27)
[Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java1.7.0_75
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from __future__ import GIL
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: Never going to happen!

One performance benchmark...

$ python2.7 -m test.pystone 1000000
Pystone(1.1) time for 1000000 passes = 8.87509
This machine benchmarks at 112675 pystones/second

One performance benchmark...

$ python2.7 -m test.pystone 1000000
Pystone(1.1) time for 1000000 passes = 8.87509
This machine benchmarks at 112675 pystones/second


$ jython27 -m test.pystone 1000000
Pystone(1.1) time for 1000000 passes = 6.24945
This machine benchmarks at 160014 pystones/second

One terrible performance benchmark...

$ jython -m test.pystone 1000000
Pystone(1.1) time for 1000000 passes = 6.24945
This machine benchmarks at 160014 pystones/second


$ python2.7 -m test.pystone 1000000
Pystone(1.1) time for 1000000 passes = 8.87509
This machine benchmarks at 112675 pystones/second
  • Really, pystone??!!!
  • Does not consider JVM startup time nor JIT warmup
  • Ignores GC issues

PyPy 2.5.1

Only 21x faster!

$ pypy -m test.pystone 1000000
Pystone(1.1) time for 1000000 passes = 0.29528
This machine benchmarks at 3.38662e+06 pystones/second

On the other hand...

  • But still, considered that we only focused on compatibility, not bad performance
  • Most of the performance improvement from the efforts to improve Java 7 or Java 8
  • Actually do care about pystone because it measures some of the costs of dynamic overhead

Understanding projects

  • Look at the email lists, wikis, code, what's new, bug reports, linked PRs and patches
  • And especially the commit log, as guided by the above
  • Commits to tell you what has changed

What about subset of Python language?

  • Not just language features
  • Standard library
  • Python ecosystem

What about subset of Python language?

  • Not just language features
  • Standard library
  • Python ecosystem

How have we responded?

Example: Deleted text in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

- Python's inventor Guido van Rossum and
- the rest of PythonLabs continues to help
- and support Jython by their understanding
- of how Jython must live with the limits of
- Java.

Example: Deleted text in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

- Python's inventor Guido van Rossum and
- the rest of PythonLabs continues to help
- and support Jython by their understanding
- of how Jython must live with the limits of
- Java.

Let's not do that!

Example: Inserted text in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

This change makes it much better:

+ Jython: Python for the Java Platform

+ Jython follows closely the Python language
+ and its reference implementation CPython,
+ as created by Guido van Rossum.
+ Jython 2.7 corresponds to CPython 2.7.

Examples of compatibility changes

Support we have added:

  • six and all of its crazy import hook magic - single source for Python 2 and 3
  • characteristic and its class decorator magic
  • socket/select/ssl using Netty
  • requests and its beautiful API
  • pip and setuptools, via ensurepip
  • while also support this functionality for Windows
  • including executable zip archives
  • and on localized platforms, including fixed issues to support Finnish, Japanese, Turkish, and more
  • which also means CJK encodings


Demo testing requests on Windows


  • Precise integration with Java
  • Java can directly import Python modules (at last!)
  • Integrates with setuptools to produce jars
  • Includes future integration as well with Maven via Aether
  • Sprint topic for this week!

Python class, extending Java interfaces

from import Serializable
from java.util.concurrent import Callable

class BarClamp(Callable, Serializable):

  def call(self):
    return 42

Python class, clamped

To import a Python class that you want to import into Java, add a couple of lines:

from import Serializable
from java.util.concurrent import Callable
from clamp import clamp_base

BarBase = clamp_base("bar")  # Java package prefix

class BarClamp(BarBase, Callable, Serializable):

  def call(self):
    return 42

Clamping your class

Key insight: ahead-of-time builds through setuptools to produce a jar for Java linkage:

import ez_setup

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

  name = "clamped",
  version = "0.1",
  packages = find_packages(),
  install_requires = ["clamp"],
  clamp = ["clamped"],

Using from Java

Simply import clamped Python classes into Java code!

import bar.clamped.BarClamp;

public class UseClamped {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BarClamp barclamp = new BarClamp();
    try {
      System.out.println("BarClamp: " +;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      System.err.println("Exception: " + ex);


Not exactly interesting code!


  • Blazing fast WSGI bridge for servlet containers
  • Passes standard WSGI tests in wsgiref.validate
  • Sprinting on adding ServletFilter support this Friday (April 17)
  • And uses Clamp!

Plug in with standard WAR support

Add to your web.xml these config directives:

<web-app xmlns=""

Fireside code

Start with

from javax.servlet.http import HttpServlet
from clamp import clamp_base

ToolBase = clamp_base("")

218 lines of code currently

Bridge to HttpServlet

Implement init method for javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet:

class WSGIServlet(ToolBase, HttpServlet):
  def init(self, config):
    application_name = config.getInitParameter(
    parts = application_name.split(".")
    if len(parts) < 2 or not all(parts):
      raise Exception(...)
    module_name = ".".join(parts[:-1])
    module = __import__(module_name)  # DYNAMIC CODE!
    self.application = getattr(module, parts[-1])
    self.servlet_environ = dict(BASE_ENVIRONMENT)
      "wsgi.errors": AdaptedErrLog(self)


Demo project

$ pip install bottle mako
$ pip install \
$ pip install \

Hello, World code

from bottle import Bottle, MakoTemplate, route

simple_app = app = Bottle()
hello_template = MakoTemplate(
  '<b>Hello ${name}</b>!')

def index(name):
  return hello_template.render(name=name)

Create a single jar

$ jython install singlejar

Package a war file

$ jar cf hellowsgi.war -C warpack .

Run with Jetty

$ java -jar jetty-runner.jar hellowsgi.war

Run Apache Benchmark

$ ab -k -c 20 -n 50000 localhost:8080/hello/world

Before JIT and loading modules

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%      2
  66%      3
  75%      3
  80%      4
  90%     13
  95%     27
  98%     46
  99%     63
 100%   6774 (longest request)

Should fix this startup time!

With JIT warmup

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%      1
  66%      2
  75%      2
  80%      2
  90%      2
  95%      3
  98%      3
  99%      4
 100%     11 (longest request)

So steady state performance is definitely decent

Better Java integration


Existing C integration: JFFI

  • Standard project from Java Native Runtime
  • Heavily used by JRuby
  • Used internally by Jython - example: Posix support
  • But not part of standard Python ecosystem

Better C integration: JyNI

  • Idea: simply add JyNI jar to the Java CLASSPATH to enable C extension API support
  • Written by Stefan Richthofer
  • Now works for a number of packages - tkinter
  • Challeng is adding full GC support (!)
  • Next steps: ctypes, cffi, ...
  • Stefan has applied for GSOC

Python bytecode support

Consider this simple function:

def f(a):
    return a + 1

Python bytecode disassembly

Results in this code body for function f:

>>> import dis
>>> import simple
>>> dis.dis(simple.f)
  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
              6 BINARY_ADD
              7 RETURN_VALUE

Running Python bytecode with ceval.c

	w = POP();
	v = TOP();
	if (PyInt_CheckExact(v) && PyInt_CheckExact(w)) {
		/* INLINE: int + int */
		register long a, b, i;
		a = PyInt_AS_LONG(v);
		b = PyInt_AS_LONG(w);
		/* cast to avoid undefined behaviour
		   on overflow */
		i = (long)((unsigned long)a + b);
		if ((i^a) < 0 && (i^b) < 0)
			goto slow_add;
		x = PyInt_FromLong(i);

Just a bit more

	else if (PyString_CheckExact(v) &&
			 PyString_CheckExact(w)) {
		x = string_concatenate(v, w, f, next_instr);
		/* string_concatenate consumed the ref to v */
		goto skip_decref_vx;
	else {
		x = PyNumber_Add(v, w);

A little bit more

	if (x != NULL) continue;

case Opcode.BINARY_ADD: {
	PyObject b = stack.pop();
	PyObject a = stack.pop();


Dive into ceval.c and

Jython $2.7.x$, where $x &gt; 0$

  • Mostly around performance, Java integration, and of course the usual bug fixes
  • Python bytecode compiler for Android, large complex methods
  • More hooks for Java integration
  • Plan to work on 2.7.x as long as Python 2.7 in wide use
  • Time-based releases, not feature-based
  • Every 6 months seems reasonable
  • Ideally use new workflow CPython is working on
  • Java 9 may also add more features to optimize dynamic languages
  • Integrating Zippy to provide PyPy-like performance (requires Graal JVM)

Jython 3.x?!

Plan to sprint on language support this week:

  • Comes up periodically!
  • Would be nice for unicode strings and bytestrings to have direct correspondence to Java
  • Remove code!
  • Release schedule: we will get there at some point!
  • But target 3.5 or maybe 3.6 of the Python language