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File metadata and controls

1249 lines (936 loc) · 52.3 KB

TODO for venndir


  • Consider bookdown package docs with examples.
  • Allow custom item fontface.
  • Allow item coordinate nudging, and/or customization/persistence.
  • Combine help docs for venndir() and render_venndir().
  • Consider textvenn() option for HTML output, via print_colordf()


  • Improve outside label assignment, use nearest available outside point, after labels are spread by min_degrees.

    • Iterate each outside label, find nearest point/distance. For labels sharing the same nearest point, assign to closest one. Repeat.
    • Can be added into label_outside_JamPolygon() as second step, after it calculates the label position outside (or simulates that).
    • Larger rework would be to assign outside labels only when needed, then reassign also only when adding or removing outside visibility? Might be unnecessary if the rework above is effective.
  • Consider some visual default settings?

    • no set border
    • white set border
  • Consider adding outerborder,innerborder optional ... arguments, into the Venndir metadata for persistence?

  • Fix overlap labels shown outside for fully internalized sets, proportional.

    • An intersection overlap count should not be positioned outside together with an outside set label, since it means something different outside.
    • Overlap count label is not properly "grouped" with parent set label, though it is co-located. It should probably not be co-located, since it has different meaning than other unique set overlap labels.
  • DONE. Debug multi-line overlap label being cropped when second line is wider than the first line. Potential error with "grobwidth".

  • Legend:

    • DONE. Add some buffer space for left-aligned counts in "Size" column.
    • Consider option not to colorize the legend.


  • Consider option to "flip/mirror" the coordinates, for example trying to reproduce published layout, or optimize visual order of labels.

  • Refactor label rendering

    • New functions assembly_venndir_label(), repack_grobs().

    • Change to use grid::frameGrob() to build label parts.

    • Store font style in metadata, optionally per-overlap in label_df. Consider: main, count, signed, item

    • Store template in metadata, optionally per-overlap in label_df

    • Store show_labels in metadata, optionally per-overlap in label_df

    • Consider using grid::textGrob() as default.

      • Make gridtext and/or marquee optional?
  • render_venndir()

    • call new label functions, drop draw_gridtext_groups()
    • drop group_labels argument


Residual todo items of note:

  • Legend

    • DONE. Optional signed counts and percentage to legend.
  • Item labels

    • DONE. Debug: 4-way Venn may not be applying item_cex properly.

    • Consider adding item_fontfamily to be distinct from other labels.

    • DONE. cex fontsize adjustment seems not quite right.

    • Revisit item_buffer, width_buffer, other ideas to position labels inside polygons.

    • Consider optional columns for item labels in label_df: coords, label cex/fontsize, border, fill, fontcolor. When NA use automated/defaults, otherwise they override.

    • Consider radically different approach to label_fill_JamPolygon()

      • Brute force placement of labels.
      • Create item label grobs, calculate absolute height/width bounding boxes
      • Divide into N rows, start top-left, move left-to-right, place labels inside the polygon, in order, prevent overlapping labels. Repeat on each row.
      • If not all labels fit, down-size labels and try again. Use adaptive sizing as in sample_JamPolygon().
      • Final result: delete original item grobs, create new grobs with final font scaling, using coordinates as determined.
      • Consider allowing positive buffer to allow some spillover outside?
  • Test marquee as drop-in replacement for gridtext. Goals:

    • Note it requires R-4.3.0 or higher, might be too restrictive.
    • Improve inconsistent font kerning
    • Enable custom styling of labels.
    • Test large number of item labels compared with grid and gridtext.
  • Improve label kerning irregularities. Possible show-stopper for signed labels and sign item labels. Arrows are rendered wider than internal font metrics.

    • Linux system font kerning is inconsistent, unclear whether it is specific to gridtext, or grid::grid.text() also.
    • Most labels could be created parts, then assembled.
    • grid::grid.text() could be used instead of gridtext for most labels. Test grid.text() as drop-in replacement for gridtext::richtext_grob(). Note it lacks r,padding.
    • marquee could also be drop-in replacement. If it works best, all gridtext should be replaced with marquee.
  • Test PDF output with different font choices. Compare with ragg_png.

    • Need automated tests for PDF and PNG output. Not sure how yet.
  • textvenn()

    • Enable multi-line headers in output
    • Add optional legend with counts
  • README.Rmd

    • Add venn_meme()
  • Lower priority ideas

    • Consider other directional metrics, similar to "percent" label

      • Jaccard overlap
      • Kruskal concordance: (agree - disagree)/(n)
      • Others: Cohen's Kappa; Holley and Guilford's G; Hubert's Gamma; Yule's coefficient of association Q
      • Ingenuity directional z-score (for a single set)
    • DONE. sample_JamPolygon()

      • DONE. Consider more organic/efficient algorithm: instead of linear testing across n_seq, do sparse testing, then fine-tune. E.g. requested: 100; try 100, 150, 200; 150 failed, 200 worked; next try 175; if success try 162, if fail try 188; try 188; if success try 194


  • item labeling

    • Consider storing item label coordinates in the Venndir object. Then render_venndir() must be able to re-use item labels. It would allow editing the coordinates for fine-tuning.

    • Consider alternatives to label_fill_JamPolygon() to fill labels inside a polygon. Ideally, it minimizes overlapping labels, and maximizes placement of labels inside each polygon.

      • Consider defining adj based upon label relative distance to left-right edges of the polygon. Doing so would allow labels to fit cleanly within the polygon.
      • Evaluate wordcloud type approaches which can fill text words into a polygon shape. Github "Lchiffon/wordcloud2" also on CRAN. Note: wordcloud2 produces HTML/javascript, it also requires black-and-white mask for each shape, then places words inside the shape using active javascript. It often needs web page refresh.
    • Consider permitting item border and fill.

  • Font and character handling

    • Consider marquee package for potentially more robust unicode character and font handling.

      • It would involve converting existing markdown/HTML to CommonMark format, which uses styles by name.
      • Named styles could enable more flexible control over labeling overall. E.g. count could be a marquee::style() with fontfamily, fontsize, color, etc.
  • textvenn()

    • Consider optional text legend, counts per set, with total.

    • Consider optional multi-line headers, with one line per set name.

      • Goal: Prevent generating a very wide table.
      • Requires changes to the data.frame structure, very doable.
      • Consider supporting multi-line set names? Split them across rows using similar logic.
    • Consider option to display items beneath counts? Probably not practical, but could be combined with max_items=20, then abbreviate the item listing, something similar to: "item1, item2, item3, ... (523 others)". Or: cli::ansi_collapse(letters, style="head", trunc=20, ellipsis="..."), but split across multiple lines.

  • venndir(), render_venndir() - labeling placement options

    • Fix the grobs_tile() spacing, remove overlap with percent labels.

      • This issue might be solved with ragg::agg_png() font handling.
    • Find reproducible example of bad font kerning, post issue to gridtext. Consider marquee as alternative.

    • Consider adjustments to inner/outer labels. Examples:

      • Option to show counts/percentage only when the overlap label is shown.
      • Option to show overlap label for outside counts, e.g. "setA&setB". Probably need to split across multiple lines.
    • Consider shorter default segment_distance.

  • JamPolygon plotting

    • Need a method for adding components to venndir plot grid elements, e.g. text labels, points, any grid object.
    • Use case could be obtaining grid object, detecting the gTree elements by name, then adjusting item label positions?
    • Consider conversion to polypath-compatible coordinates, and sf.
  • DONE. Venndir polygon manipulations

    • DONE. customize an overlap: fill color, innerborder/outerborder/border
  • Add accessors to the Venndir object

    • DONE. setlist
    • DONE. overlaplist() - overlap item list
    • DONE. signed_counts() - return overlap count list
    • DONE. (overlapdf() and venndir_to_df()), alternatively: - using the setAs() methodology. Convenient conversion to data.frame format.
  • Summarize advice for fonts, plot resolution, anti-aliasing, etc.

    • ragg::agg_png() provides a notable improvement over png(), in RMarkdown put dev="ragg_png" in the kntir options, for example: knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev="ragg_png")
  • Consider other S4 objects?

    • Setlist - consistent representation for setlist

      • When signed_overlaps() is run, it first "detects" input type, then converts data accordingly. It could be stored properly.
      • list, signed list, incidence matrix, signed incidence matrix.
    • SignedOverlaps - Structured info


  • Based upon some excellent feedback:

    • DONE. Move default labels above, not beside the Venn diagram.
    • DONE. Add option for a plot title.
    • DONE. Related, make it "easy" to adjust outer labels.
    • DONE. Add option for signed counts below main counts in one column.
    • Add option to display signed counts in the legend.
    • Add option to display percentage in the legend.


  • Item label enhancements

    • Debug item_cex and item_cex_factor not being applied as expected.

      • Consider assigning item_cex to label_df or jps for persistence.
      • Consider specific logic when proportional=TRUE to assume that all polygons are already proportional to the number of items.
    • Consider option to retain item factor order when provided, to control the order they are placed.

    • Consider some method to adjust the relative "height" of item labels, for example multi-line labels should take proportionally more height?

    • Allow custom show_labels so the set names can be displayed outside.

    • Store item_cex and item_buffer somehow for re-use, otherwise plot(venndir_out) does not retain these settings.

    • Improve the default adjustment to item_buffer based upon number of items, and relative size of the polygon. With fewer items (2 or 1), it should more sharply use the center position.

    • Consider option to justify item label based upon its left-right position in the polygon. Item labels on left edge would be placed so the left edge of the label aligns with the left edge of the polygon. It could help reduce labels overlapping the outside of a polygon. It might make labels more crowded inside the polygon.

    • Consider some option to reduce item label overlaps.

    • Consider some approach to place count label box inside the polygon, with item labels around it? Probably not feasible.

    • Useful test case, to reproduce a published figure. Note that as_factor() does not affect item sorting, only the numeric prefix seems to work.

    as_factor <- function(x){
       factor(x, levels=unique(x))
       CLE=as_factor(c("1 CLE:",
          "2 IFNa>IFNb",
          "3 Anti-malarials effective\ntherapy for skin disease")),
       DM=as_factor(c("1 DM:",
          "2 IFNb>IFNa",
          "\n3 Triggered by immune\nstimulating herbal\nsupplements",
          "\n\n\n4 Anti-malarials effective\nin 25%, commonly causes\nmorbilliform rash",
          "\n\n\n\n5 Cannabinoid receptor\nagonist proising\ntreatment")),
          "1 Photosensitivity",
          "2 Triggered by viral and\nbacterial infections",
          "3 Increased\ntype I IFN"))),
       item_cex=c(1.5, 1.5, 1.2),


  • Adjust aesthetics based upon feedback.

    • The arrows could be larger relative to the signed counts.

    • Consider removing the colon ":" between arrows and signed counts.

    • When adjusting arrow/signed count font sizes, the text is bottom-aligned, should probably be middle (top-middle-bottom) aligned.

      • Using vjust=0.5 caused signed labels not to be grouped properly.


  • Fix bug when names(setlist) contains parentheses, causing the set name to appear inside the polygon. Removing the parentheses fixes the problem, but unclear why this happens? Probably errant grep() call somewhere.


  • Need some way to move outside labels to the top (or bottom), the default makes labels wide, which is difficult to use in figures.

  • Need some way to nudge count labels, to adjust centering polygons.

  • Consider using cli for messaging, and for unicode symbol support?

  • Hide single-set signed labels with concordance and agreement

  • Add generic convenience functions

    • im(), im_value() for Venndir objects: return incidence matrix, or signed-incidence matrix.
    • setlist() - accessor for setlist
    • label_df() - accessor for label_df
    • overlaps() or get_overlaps() - some accessors for set overlaps
  • nudge_JamPolygon() - extend with scale, rotation.

  • Consider item_style with similar presets as label_style.

    • Use case is to allow shading/border for item labels, venndir() and venn_meme().
  • Consider adding validation for Venndir

    • Probably only necessary when editing jps and label_df, which may be rare
    • Check that label_df and jps are compatible
  • Consider signed_overlaps() S4 object?

    • Currently returns data.frame - usable but due to the fixed formatting. Could be useful to "lock it down" to add validation checks, and to provide convenience functions.
    • Probably not worth the effort yet.


  • Enhance venndir_to_df()

    • Add two additional formats:

      1. Venn item format, one column for each overlap, with list of items in each column. This is "user-convenient" and easy way to find a list of items without having to filter the table.
      2. Hit format, with item rows, and one column for each setlist entry, with values -1 or 1 indicating presence of that item. This format is programmatically easier to use, but requires some filtering of the table to find particular overlaps.
    • Consider changing return_type="data.frame", with "kable" optional.


  • Convert from vwline to gridGeometry, per pmur002 (author of both)

  • Consider formally recognizing three types of border:

    • outerborder - only appears outside the polygon boundary
    • innerborder - only appears inside the polygon boundary
    • border - appears exactly on the polygon boundary, default NA
    • each use suffix parameters: .lwd, .lty
    • requires changing venndir() to use outerborder and not border.
  • Consider customizable digits for percent overlap label.

  • textvenn() quality of life

    • Accept optional input data in ... for convenience
    • Add option to display percent overlap
    • Consider using something like show_labels
  • Consider adding example test cases:

    • Venn diagram labeled by gene symbol. Cho et al 2019, Figure 5A: Venn diagram showing +/-rapamycin ER-mito proteome. Genes are also colorized and highlighted, it might be too much as a visual, but is possible to replicate. It shows item labels outside the Venn diagram which may be useful venndir feature in future.


  • Consider adding argument title or main to add a title to the figure.

    • Define title as a grob that can be manipulated if needed.
    • The grob follows the figure, so multi-panel figures retain the title relative to each figure.
    • Consider options for placement: top, top-left, bottom, etc.; and text alignment options: just, hjust, vjust.
    • It may need its own simple wrapper function venndir_title() to hold these options, with useful defaults. It simply returns a grob.


  • Consider clisymbols to handle logic of Unicode arrow symbols.

  • Consider option not to sort item labels, which would allow user control over the order when displayed in the Venn diagram.

  • Document some "fancy" examples showing item labels:

    • One-column item layout.
    • Control over font sizes/colors via gridtext syntax.
    • Try examples using short text phrases as "items" in each overlap region.
    • Use of image instead of text label. It can be a mix of images and labels, using gridtext features.


  • Customize item fill logic

    • Generally spread labels more to the center.

    • Note: xyratio argument to label_fill_JamPolygon() is passed, but high values xyratio=10 cause labels to be placed too far at the top.

    • Consider new rules:

      • When more positions are produced than required, evenly distribute labels across that array of positions.
  • Consider improving how percent overlap is handled

    • Currently appends to the "text" column.

    • Undesired outcome: percent overlap uses the same font size as the count. It could use slightly smaller font, or same font size as signed counts.

    • It does not permit custom styling, fontsize, fontface, and only currently permits percent overlap.

    • Examples for optional style: "(24%)" "(24%) J:0.24"

    • It could permit optional metrics: Jaccard overlap, concordance coefficient

    • Consider adding column to include the label.

      • Jaccard.overlap=0.7
      • Concordance.overlap=0.45
      • {Name}.overlap=#


  • Add documentation. Here is a laundry list of tips:

    • Show examples with DESeq2 results; edgeR; limma.

    • Show how to import a list from a file.

    • Describe that the output is grid::gTree which can be drawn separately.

    • Show how to draw two Venn diagrams in one figure using patchwork, for example, do this twice, then add the results: patchwork::wrap_elements(grid::grid.draw(attr(vo, "gtree")))

    • Show how to change the setlist labels (as displayed in the figure), and legend labels (as displayed in the legend).

    • Show how to adjust the figure size to prevent overlap with legend.

    • Show how to adjust font sizes, legend font size, legend row padding.

    • Show how to supply custom colors.

    • Show how colors can be defined for 8 sets, then display only a subset, so the colors are consistent for each set displayed.

    • Show how to convert input from hit matrix to setlist.

    • Show how to convert input from overlap counts to setlist.

    • Show how to convert input from signed overlap counts to setlist, more complicated, can be useful when reproducing a figure.

    • Show how to nudge proportional circles during venndir() call.

    • Show how to display all labels inside, outside, or signed/count labels inside/outside - with and without item labels.

    • Show how to include percent overlap labels.

    • Show how to move an outside label manually.

    • Show how to supply a custom set of JamPolygon shapes instead of using pre-defined fixed shapes, or shapes from eulerr::eulerr().

    • Show how to set shape="ellipse" with proportional diagrams.

    • Show effect of set.seed(123) for reproducibility.

    • Show how to customize curate_venn_labels() to use customized "signs".

    • Show how to extract items for each overlap.

      • Placeholder:
      itemlist_by_overlap <- split(vns@label_df$items,
    • Show how to make an incidence matrix; or signed incidence matrix.

  • Add R package integration functions

    • Probably most useful to integrate packages that produce setlist data, or to Upset plots for people who also prefer that functionality. Probably less useful to integrate with other Venn diagram packages.

    • stats_to_hitlist() - consider generic function to convert stats table to signed hits - generic function could be re-used for package-specific:

      • DESeq_to_hitlist() - consider converting DESeq2 results to hits
      • topTable_to_hitlist() - convert limma::topTable()
      • edgeR_to_hitlist()
    • ChIPpeakAnno() integration with makeVennDiagram()

      • It optionally includes labels with enrichment ratios
    • to_VennDetail()

    • to_ggVennDiagram()

    • to_VennDiagram()

    • to_UpsetR() - send data to create an Upset plot

    • to_venn() - send data to venn package

    • to_RVenn() - send data to RVenn package

  • Add remaining small features

    • venndir() argument rotate_degrees is not yet functional.
    • venndir() add argument to control line width
    • Consider launch_venndir_shiny() with R-Shiny front-end.
  • Consider JamPolygons using outerborder instead of border

    • Methods currently assume all borders are outerborder, the other option is innerborder. This was a design decision, might need to change. If there is need to display just a border (not inner, not outer) on the line itself, there is not a mechanism to do so currently.
    • Need changes to find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygon() and venndir() to use outerborder instead of border.
    • Need changes to plot.JamPolygon() to use border instead of thin border, and outerborder instead of border.
  • Investigate R crash - probably specific to Quartz on MacOS Sonoma 14.4, 14.5

    • Reproducible workflow in RStudio:
    vo <- venndir(make_venn_test(100, 3, do_signed=TRUE), show_labels="ncs")
    # open new device
    # this time crashes
    vo <- venndir(make_venn_test(100, 3, do_signed=TRUE), show_labels="ncs")
  • venndir_legender()

    • Currently it is drawn using the plot viewport. But when drawn after the viewport is closed (grid::popViewport()) the legend appears at the edge of the figure region, which can be outside the venndir plot. Consider option for the legend to use the figure viewport and not the venndir plot viewport.


  • Prepare for Bioconductor (or CRAN)

    • DONE. Remove any calls to internal package functions, using :::

      • gridtext_richtext_grob() is a custom function, must be removed. It calls internal functions in gridtext that can't be ported easily, for example .Call(). The custom function was solely intended to allow vectorized padding, currently the bottom,left,top,right is applied to all labels, and cannot be custom for each label. The driving goal was to have smaller margins between signed count labels, since they usually have smaller font size. Otherwise the distance between signed labels, line-by-line, was too far. First option, just call gridtext::richtext_grob() and remove the ability to use different padding. Second option, wrap the call inside mapply() which is what is done inside gridtext for multiple grobs anyway. It won't be any slower. Final option is to ask Dr. Claus Wilke to allow a list of vectors as input for argument padding.
  • plot.JamPolygon()

    • DONE. Consider option to return grid grobs instead of drawing them to the graphical device.
  • render_venndir(), and venndir()

    • DONE. Consider option to return the grid grobs to be rendered elsewhere. Return the viewport as defined by plot.JamPolygon().
    • DONE. Consider something like post plot hook, to call a function after the plot is rendered, before calling grid::pop.viewport(). (Note: "DONE" means this functionality is possible, but because the grid grobs make it possible for the user to do whatever they want.)


  • DONE. Fix bug where sets is properly subsetting setlist but is not properly subsetting set_colors. Verify other components are also properly subset as needed.


  • Currently venndir() does not store item_cex and item_buffer in the Venndir object, so calling render_venndir() does not retain these values.

  • Consider functions to adjust components of Venndir figure, to be visualized by render_venndir().

    • Nudge outer label position by set name, or overlap_set

      • When provided a value that matches "label_df$ref_polygon", it should affect all rows with that value.
      • When provided a value that does not match "label_df$ref_polygon", it should look for corresponding value in "label_df$name" or "label_df$venn_name", then convert to "label_df$ref_polygon". Then proceed to update all rows with that ref_polygon value.
    • Nudge inner label position, same syntax as above.

    • Nudge a set shape (This workflow is lower priority for now.) Best practice is to re-run venndir() using argument circle_nudge.

      • Second-best is a wrapper function that extracts data from Venndir and just calls venndir() with corresponding arguments. It should capture: JamPolygons for each set; set_colors; setlist_labels, legend_labels, sets, etc.
  • Consider option to style item labels. Probably most useful for venn_meme(). For example, allow shading, rounded rectangle border, as with set labels.


  • Fix bugs with proportional diagrams:

    • One empty set in setlist causes an error.

    • One set fully encompassed inside another set causes the set label to be hidden.

    • The two bugs are related:

      • The "set label" is assigned to appear where there is a unique "overlap_set" - for example "set_A" should appear where there is "set_A" unique overlaps that do not overlap another set.
      • This condition is always valid for Venn diagrams.
      • For proportional diagrams, sometimes "set_A" is fully inside "set_B". We could call these "orphan set labels".
      • Previously the label "set_A" was associated with overlap_set="set_A&set_B".
      • This set label also used its own outside label position, the goal was to allow potentially showing the set label "set_A", distinct from the overlap label "set_A&set_B", both pointing to "set_A&set_B".
      • Visually it could be confusing, when count labels were displayed outside - there were two labels pointing to the same polygon region.
      • The logic to assign an "orphan set label" to the best available overlap set also occurred in multiple functions, nothing was stored in the Venndir object to review this assignment.
      • Finally, the collection of labels which should appear together was complicated because the label position hjust_inside, hjust_outside, vjust_inside, vjust_outside relied upon knowing which labels were being placed together, and this logic failed.
    • The fix (fixes):

      • Associate set label to "ref_polygon" and store in Venndir@jps.

      • Update render_venndir() to recognize this association, instead of re-determining the association.

      • Update venndir_label_style() to recognize this association so it can properly assign hjust and vjust to affected labels. This function is one feasible place to make the changes.

      • Another alternative draw_gridtext_groups() which assembles the grouped labels into a "group" in order to draw one border around them. This step may be ideal to place labels together in more flexible ways.

        • Labels are laid out within active grid viewport context, then the observed dimensions in grid space are used to define the extent of the resulting grid::roundrectGrob().
        • This step optionally re-centers the group of labels when adjust_center=TRUE, so the center of the group is at the label point, instead of the focal point of labels (normally the set name is "topleft", the overlap count is "bottomleft", and signed counts are "right").
        • This function could provide a convenient way to assemble labels without having to rely upon hjust and vjust.
        • This function could also enable different layouts, like set label at the top, counts at the bottom; set label at the top, then counts bottomleft and signed counts bottomright.
  • Fix venndir() argument rotate_degrees which is currently not functioning.

  • Consider minor adjustments to venndir_legender() labeling.

    • Option to hide the trailing colon ":"
    • Option to left-justify set labels
  • Consider returning the viewport from render_venndir(), and venndir() when it calls render_venndir() due to do_plot=TRUE.

    • consider adding as an attribute of the Venndir object
    • the grid viewport is useful when adding to or adjusting an existing figure, otherwise the coordinate system is not usable.
  • Write more intensive validation for Venndir objects.

  • Consider option for black-and-white legend.

  • Write vignette with larger variety of examples for venndir()

  • Expand help docs for JamPolygon

  • Write brief vignette for JamPolygon objects

  • Tests for JamPolygon object functions

    • generate test shapes: circle, circle with hole (donut), two disjoin squares, square with hole and nested square inside the hole.
    • point_in_JamPolygon(), has_point_in_JamPolygon() points in the polygon, in the hole, in the nested internal solid area.
    • labelr_JamPolygon() to generate label position inside solid polygon, also test with has_point_in_JamPolygon()
    • nearest_point_JamPolygon(), farthest_point_JamPolygon() to confirm proper nearest/farthest points.
    • intersect_JamPolygon(), union_JamPolygon(), minus_JamPolygon()
    • buffer_JamPolygon() - confirm polygon with hole can become larger polygon without a hole. Probably check area_JamPolygon() before/after several use cases.
  • Consider moving JamPolygon to a separate R package.

    • Painful but might make JamPolygon a lightweight standalone option, usable in other Jam packages (without guilt).
    • Dependencies: polyclip, polylabelr, vwline
  • Consider adding JamPoints, JamLines objects? Ugh. What have I done?

    • There is currently no way to "Add a point" to a JamPolygon figure, since the figure is created in grid using a viewport.


  • DONE. Consider changing default to do_sparse=FALSE so the default behavior is to return a typical matrix class and not Matrix compressed form.

  • DONE. Consider removing matrixStats from dependencies, it is only used once.

  • DONE. Add examples to rescale_coordinates().

  • DONE. Fix alpha_by_counts=TRUE.

  • DONE. Consider optional labels for Venndir

    • setlist_labels - optional user-customized labels for the Venn diagram, which may or may not match the name of the set.
    • legend_labels - optional user-customized labels for the Venn legend, again, these may be abbreviated or adjusted to be suitable for the legend.


  • Outer label positions and line segments should be improved.

    • Sometimes the outer label is across the diagram from the count label, the line segment reaches to the far side. Test with nested proportional set Venn.
    • should be influenced by the position of the relevant count label.
  • Consider whether to include percent in the Venndir legend.

  • Consider an option to include percent in textvenn() output. It would appear on the line below the overlap count.

  • Consider allowing vectorized show_labels to be applied to each overlap in order.


  • DONE. render_venndir() - broken when provided with venndir() output separately.

  • DONE. venn_meme() - some visual adjustments are needed

    • DONE. Fix regression in gridtext, item labels do not recognize <br>.
    • Center item labels in the polygon for few number of items (especially one). Current state: item label is placed near edges and not in the center. Current state: item_buffer is the best way to adjust manually. DONE for venn_meme() not for general use.
  • DONE. Label segment for nested, nested sets, uses the full set as fallback. Ideally, it would use the region with the fewest overlaps with other areas.


  • DONE. venndir() error

    • Error is caused when two sets do not overlap, and proportional=TRUE. See find_venn_overlaps_JamPolygon() in venndir-base-polyclip.R#428 intersect_JamPolygon() in venndir-polyclip.R#245.


  • venndir_legender()

    • Use "Set" and "Size" capitalized.
    • Left-align text in "Set" column; right-align numbers in "Size".
    • Consider option not to colorize the table rows.
    • Consider adding a column "Color" with filled cell. Bonus points for having the color be a perfect square (not rectangular).
    • Apply contrasting color, when rows are filled with set_colors, currently text is always black.


  • plot.JamPolygon(), plot() (JamPolygon)

    • Allow and document how to create a multi-panel plot. For example, how can it be used with patchwork to assemble a Venn diagram beside a heatmap, or beside output from plot_sedesign()?


  • render_venndir() throws font-related warnings when the output PNG or PDF font library is not found, and sometimes substitutes Unicode characters with ".". It seems to happen uniquely to PDF output, might be platform- and device-dependent. Some suggested workarounds include:

    • Use extrafonts package to import the desired fonts. Not tested.
    • Use specific fontfamily which is recognized for the requested output, however in RMarkdown when creating PNG and PDF files for the same chunk, it appears that the PNG and PDF recognized fonts are not consistent.


  • Remove all "sp",sf,"rgeos" functions

  • Remove all portions of remaining functions that call "sp",sf,"rgeos"

    • polygon_label_segment() - still uses a hybrid approach, accepting sp and jp objects.
  • Verify the new venndir() returns equivalent data as venndir_OLD() even if it is returned in different manner.

    • Clean up output data format
  • Verify render_venndir_polyclip() accepts equivalent input data.

  • Consider making venndir() output equivalent to previous versions, so that methods that expect specific output might still work?

  • Consider S4 Venndir object, with slot names:

    • slots:

      • jp - set polygons, name, label, color
      • jps - set/overlap polygons, name, label, type, overlap
      • label_df - overlap count, signed count, count label, items (optional)
      • setlist - the input setlist for easy reference
    • methods:

      • validate() - check internal consistency, set names, overlaps, label xy

        • names(setlist) matches names(jp), are found in names(jps)
        • jps overlap names -> set names -> found in names(setlist), names(jp)
        • label_df overlap names all present in jps overlap names
        • label_df specific overlap count sum equals jps overlap count
      • setlist() - accessor for setlist slot

      • im() - calls list2im_opt()

      • im_signed() (or im_value()) - calls list2im_value()

      • plot() - calls render_venndir()

  • label positioning shorthand: NOCPSI

    • Set _N_ame, _O_verlap Name, _C_ount, _P_ercentage, _S_igned, _I_tems
    • uppercase is "outside", lowercase is "inside" the relevant polygon
    • Default: Ncps: set _N_ame outside; _c_ount/_s_igned inside, others hidden
    • To show items: NCSi: _N_ame/_C_ount/_S_igned outside; items inside
  • consider table item display inside/outside

    • gridExtra::tableGrob() with 1 to 3 columns, which could be positioned beneath other name/count labels. Seen in published Venn diagram figure. Probably only works well for a small number of items.


  • Optionally display overall percentage below main count label.

  • Consider JamPolygon which is a data.frame:

    • data.frame details:

      • Each row is strictly one polygon, multipart polygons are still one row.

      • x: list column with one or more numeric vectors.

      • y: list column with one or more numeric vectors.

      • name - unique entry, essentially rownames()

      • label - by default uses name but can be anything including NA, also it can contain the same label as another polygon.

        • Unclear whether it can store gridtext::richtext_grob()?
      • labels - optional, label each multipart polygon - not implemented yet

      • fill - internal polygon fill color

      • border, border.lwd, border.lty - outer border

        • Consider R package vwline for variable width lines, part of which enables rendering the outer/inner portion of a line.
      • innerborder, innerborder.lwd, innerborder.lty - inner border

      • family, fontsize - grid::gpar() for the label.

      • label_x, label_y - to position the label inside the polygon

      • outerlabel_x, outerlabel_y - to position the label outside the polygon?

    • plot.JamPolygon()

      • Wrapper to render JamPolygon likely using grid methods.
    • print.JamPolygon(), summary.JamPolygon()

      • summary function to print contents, probably using


  • Idea: Consider reporting "overlaps not shown" using gridExtra::grid.table()

  • Related: Could gridExtra::grid.table() be used for Venn labels?

    • It would need to be rendered with textGrob() then replaced with gridtext::richtext_grob()
  • Marry gridtext and ggrepel for non-overlapping labels.

    • Follow: wilkelab/gridtext#33 There is a working pull request in gridtext, pending changes in ggrepel. Just awaiting each package author approval.
  • venndir_legendir()

    • Consider option to display "Total" unique items as the bottom row.
  • Fix issue with Venn numeric label coloring when background color is dark.

    • The venndir_legendir() label shows light text correctly, the signed labels appear to be adjusted correctly, but the count label appears not to be adjusted correctly. Some cells are correct, others are not, suggesting this is a mismatched ordering issue. Observed with 4-way Venn, it appears only the overlap regions adjust text, not the unique-set regions.


  • DONE. Urgent: Transition from "sp" and "rgeos" to polyclip since "rgeos" has been removed from CRAN. Ugh.

    • Current status:

      • Most individual functions are ported with equivalent functions provided by polyclip::polyclip().
      • There are still edge cases with polygons having holes, nested polygons (multi-part polygons) which are not handled consistently.


  • debug issue when LOCALE is "C" the labels are not shown, and error is generating saying gridtext does not recognize characters, referencing some simple unicode characters (up/down arrows, etc.)

    • workaround is to change LOCALE to "en_US.UTF-8" with: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "en_US.UTF-8") but unclear why it's a problem? This workaround does not seem portable for other actual locales.
  • Optionally display overall percentage below main count label


  • venndir_legender()

    • For signed data, include direction labels, colorized properly. "size" "direction" "579" "(↑: 123, ↓: 456)"
    • It should call curate_venn_labels() which means it needs the arguments curate_df,unicode to allow customization.
  • DONE. Migrate from "sp" to polyclip

    • "sp" is being retired October 2023. Decided not to use sf due to heavy dependencies focused on geographical map software libraries which are not relevant here.

    • polyclip provides the basic manipulations required: intersect, union, subtract, rotate, buffer.

    • Does venndir need to accept past object formats with "sp" objects?

      • Migration function to convert old "sp" to new polyclip object.
    • Replace venn_spdf with data.frame equivalent format.

    • Functions to port:

      • find_vennpoly_overlaps() - input SpatialPolygons, output SpatialDataFrame
      • eulerr2polys() - output SpatialPolygons
      • intersect_polygons() - input/output SpatialPolygons
      • union_polygons() - input/output SpatialPolygons
      • get_largest_polygon() - input/output SpatialPolygons
      • sp_circles(),sp_ellipses() - output SpatialPolygons
      • nudge_sp() - input/output SpatialPolygons
      • rescale_sp(),rescale_ps(),rescale_p(),rescale_coordinates() - ?
      • polygon_label_segment()
      • sp_polylabelr()
      • sp_percent_area()
      • get_sp_buffer()


  • render_venndir()

    • label positioning

      • Count label placement should center the main counts at the target location, with signed counts offset to the right side.
      • When main label and count label are shown together, the x-center position should be the center of the combined set label, main count label.
      • The main goal is to have the main count positioned as well inside and centered within the Venn polygon as possible. The signed counts should be considered embellishments to the main count label, so they can be slightly outside the polygon as long as they are anchored to the main counts.
      • Currently, the whole label is centered in the polygon, which sometimes makes the main count label appear on the border between two polygons.
      • When set label and counts are shown together, consider placing the main label centered at the top, count label on the left, signed labels on the right, such that the signed labels are positioned at the middle relative to the count label on the left.
    • Consider option to display percentage beside counts for each section, as seen in several other Venn diagram tools. It's probably too much to include percentages with the signed counts.

    • Consider using grid coordinates for more rendering, specifically so labels might be positioned relative to other objects, seen when resizing a graphical window. Probably not a use case worth "solving" now that I write it out.

    • Line segments should more reliably point to "just inside" the polygon shape, where the overlap is more or less a fixed amount, and slightly more than the current defaults. Currently the line mostly points to the border, it's hard to see that the line ends just inside.

  • Consider new function reposition_venn_gridtext_labels()

    • based upon draw_gridtext_groups()
    • Purpose would be to adjust label positions after grobs are defined, so the actual height/width is defined, but before rendering.
    • Currently there is a bug, when group_labels=TRUE for labels outside, the whole group of labels is adjusted to right/left side of the connecting line segment. When group_labels=FALSE this step does not occur.
    • This function should allow re-positioning labels within a label group, such as having the title at top-center, with count labels in one or two columns beneath it, properly aligned among themselves below the title.
    • This function could also therefore enable themes, with different types of layouts. Some themes could represent the style of popular Venn diagram packages, to facilitate using alongside those packages.


  • venndir() and render_venndir()

    • DONE: option to hide border around polygons/circles; or adjust line width
  • Debug rare issue with incorrect text spacing within labels in Venn diagrams?

    • appears to be some rare grid state where signed labels have too much visible spacing between arrows and numbers, for example "^^: 12" appears like "^^: 12" for most labels, but not all.
    • a fresh R session seems to resolve the problem. Using the same R object in another new R session, the venndir output is rendered normally.
    • does not resolve the problem in the new plot window.
    • the effect is exagerrated with unicode=TRUE, and diminished but still present with unicode=FALSE. Whitespace is still much wider than normal.
  • Debug issue when group_labels=FALSE.

    • The main set labels are no longer positioned to left or right of the incoming segment, they are positioned over center of the segment endpoint. This code might be errantly inside a conditional block.
  • consider "normalizing" proportional polygon coordinates so the x,y ranges are roughly consistent with those used by fixed 3-way and 4-way Venns. Potential benefit with other functions that may use absolute or relative sizes for things like segment_buffer and item_buffer.

  • consider venndir_output object class?

    • could be useful for re-use and editing

    • suggested slotNames

      • venn_spdf: soon to be using sf in form of data.frame

        • contains polygons for each main set (spdf will change to sf)
        • polygons for each individual Venn overlap
        • colors and alpha transparency assigned to main sets
        • x_label,y_label coordinates of label inside each polygon center, however not used? the label_df[,c("x","y")] are slightly different.
      • label_df: data.frame

        • contains label information to be rendered: text, venn_counts, overlap_set, type
        • x,y coordinates of polygon center
        • x_offset,y_offset to position label outside relative to x,y
        • segment_buffer used for segment depth into polygon
        • label positioning inside/outside; vjust/hjust/halign; padding
        • optionally contains items in each overlap
        • optional: show_items, items, item_cex, item_degrees
      • rv_label_df: (optional?) adjusted data.frame from render_venndir()

      • setlist: new list representing the input data, for convenience

  • consider text output from venndir_legender() for use by textvenn()

  • need convenient method to adjust set labels that are too wide

    • current option is to edit names(setlist)

      • not convenient when using venndir() as a one-liner
      • in theory only the display should be affected, not actual names
      • the returned object names would also be affected
    • option to "alias" the sets

      • use something like A, B, C
      • DONE: show both the alias and full name in venndir_legender() legend
    • option to adjust labels on the fly

      • custom adjustment function, rather than editing upfront in setlist

      • could provide a few common adjustment functions

        • word wrap: when label is too wide, it imposes word wrapping of whitespace
        • shortener: when label is too wide, it crops and makes labels unique
        • aliaser: assigns single values from LETTERS or jamba::colNum2excelName()


  • Overall: replace use of "sp" (SpatialPolygons) with sf (Simple Features)

    • requires changing venn_spdf into the sf equivalent, which could be nearly drop-in replacement. The sf default object is based upon data.frame already.

    • requires converting sp-specific functions: nudge_sp(), rescale_ps(), rescale_sp(), rescale_p(), rescale_coordinates(), get_sp_buffer(). Some functions like get_sp_buffer() may be built-in with sf.

    • remove dependencies "sp" and "rgeos".

    • replace "rgeos" functions with with built-in sf equivalents:

      • "rgeos" gArea() -> sf::st_area()
      • "rgeos" gDifference() -> sf::st_difference()
      • "rgeos" gBuffer() -> sf::st_buffer()
      • "rgeos" gIntersects() -> sf::st_intersects()
      • "rgeos" gSimplify() -> sf::st_simplify()
      • "rgeos" gUnaryUnion() -> sf::st_union(x)
      • "rgeos" gContains() -> sf::st_contains()
      • "rgeos" gUnion() -> sf::st_union(x, y)
  • venndir()

    • accept incidence matrix input, by calling im_value2list()
    • properly convert newline "\n" characters to <br> internally, without having to encode this code at input.
    • properly detect when input data is not signed, to change overlap_type="overlap" and suppress the display of directional arrows.
    • consider calling venndir_legend(), perhaps as an option.
  • venn_meme()

    • Examples for venn_meme(wtah, proportional=TRUE) causes an error in polygon_label_fill() potentiallly trying to fill labels into a polygon overlap that does not exist in the object. It previously skipped those sections, however an error is thrown.
    • Consider renaming as venndir_meme()
  • For fun, consider renaming functions similar to render_venndir(). Some ideas:

    • DONE: venndir_legend() -> venndir_legender()?
    • find_vennpoly_overlaps() -> venndir_descender(), it descends the polygon overlap combinations.
    • get_venn_shapes() -> venndir_attender()
    • curate_venn_labels() -> venndir_amender()
    • make_venn_test() -> venndir_extender() (not sure this one is valid)
    • nudge_venndir_label() -> venndir_bender() - general purpose function to adjust, rotate, re-position the polygons and labels. Alternate ideas: venndir_mender(), venndir_blender()
    • make_venn_combn_df() -> venndir_blender() since it combines the Venn sets into expected combinations of overlaps; or venndir_sender() since the function takes set names, "sends" them out to create a set of Venn overlap combinations.
    • venndir_sender() new function to return setlist for venndir() output


  • check build issues on R-4.2.3, dependency on data.table

  • DONE: Add venndir legend, a simple list with the number of elements in each set.

  • Add optional percentage to the Venn overlap counts.

    • calculation appears to use the overall percentage items.
    • The default layout would place percentage velow the main counts:

+--------------------+----------------------------+ | set_name, overlap_name, or blank | +===================:+:===========================+ | overlap_count | ^: up_counts | +--------------------+ | | [overlap_percent%] | v: down_counts | +--------------------+----------------------------+

  • Consider organizing labels using template styling, with commony used presets

    • See above for one example.
  • When showing items, and there are more than max_items, use the appropriate label instead of only showing the overlap counts. Honor the argument overlap_type as if items were not enabled for this region.

  • consider using equivalent data.table implementation for list2im_value(), but only if this step appears to be too slow for routine use.

  • Migrate previous items that are still active from