The project is using Maven for build.
Maven enhanced with JRuby using Polyglot, allows the build to be written using a Ruby DSL - check Mavenfile.
If you're coming from a Ruby world and do not have Maven setup, you can alternatively
jruby -S gem install ruby-maven
and use the rmvn
executable (instead of mvn
The usual ./mvnw package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
builds a .gem that includes the JRuby extension .jar
There's a rake target as well that shells out: jruby -S rake jar
NOTE: the ext .jar needs to be build (see the Building section above on rake jar
The full unit test suite can be boostraped using Rake: jruby -S rake test
Tests can also be run individually e.g. jruby -Ilib:src/test/ruby src/test/ruby/test_bn.rb
NOTE: make sure to -Ilib otherwise you end up using the OpenSSL default gem shipped with JRuby.
fill in change-log entries for release
at lib/jopenssl/version.rb, make sure pom.xml is regenerated e.g. usingrmvn validate
andgit commit
the changes -
./mvnw -Prelease -DupdateReleaseInfo=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package
gem push the build gem from pkg/ e.g.
gem push pkg/jruby-openssl-0.9.15.gem
tag the release e.g.
git tag v0.9.15
to next SNAPSHOT (e.g.""
) and commit make sure pom.xml is regenerated (./mvnw validate
) -
git push origin master --tags