We'd like a semantics for forall
that works as follows:
: If the expression reduces to$\true$ on all paths, theforall
reduces to$\true$ :in K:
rule (forall X : T :: E) => true requires "E reaches true on all paths for all evaluations of `X` in `inhabitants(T)`"
: If the expression reduces to$\false$ on any path, theforall
reduces to$\false$ :in K:
rule (forall X : T :: E) => false requires "E reaches false on any path for any one evaluation of `X` in `inhabitants(T)`"
Note that (forall-true)
and (forall-false)
are not mutually exclusive.
Since Reachability Logic claims hold vacuously on infinite traces, they may both hold.
Our implementation takes advantage of the following properties of Boogie:
- There are no transitions from
$\C[\k(\inhabitants{\Bool})]$ . i.e.$\C[\k(\inhabitants{\Bool})] = \X \C[\k(\inhabitants{\Bool})]$ - Expressions do not have side-effects.
- Execution traces for all expressions converges. (This makes axioms
mutually exclusive)
TODO: Prove that with these assumptions, the semantics above matches the semantics below.
Since K does not support this kind of reasoning within a semantics, we approximate it for Boogie using a meta definition. In this file, we interleave two K definitions:
the other at the object level (code-blocks tagged with object
imports BOOGIE
one, a meta-definition (code-blocks tagged with metak
imports K-FRONTEND
When Boogie's forall is encountered, we convert it to a binder. We use lambda
because the haskell backend does not support substitution.
syntax Expr ::= "(" "forallbinder" ValueExpr "::" Expr ")" [klabel(forallbinder) , symbol]
rule <k> (#forall X : T :: Expr) => (forallbinder ?I:Int :: (lambda X : T :: Expr)[intToT(T, ?I:Int)]) ... </k>
We then use a meta rule to heat the binder.
Note that this cannot be implemented as a object-level rule because we need to ensure that different forall
binders are not confused.
i.e. a forall
encountered along one program path must be evaulated separately from a forall
encountered alond a different path.
syntax Expr ::= "(" "forallbinderheated" ValueExpr "::" Expr ")" [klabel(forallbinderheated), symbol, strict(2)]
rule <k> triage(kseq { .Sorts } ( inj { SortExpr { }, SortKItem { } } ( Lblforallbinder { .Sorts } ( V, E )), Rest) , Pgm)
=> print("Evaluating quantifier:") ~> prettyPrint(V) ~> prettyPrint(E)
~> koreExec(setKCell(Pgm, kseq { .Sorts } ( inj { SortExpr { }, SortKItem { } } ( Lblforallbinderheated { .Sorts } ( V, E )), dotk { .Sorts }(.Patterns))))
~> forallContext(Rest, Pgm)
<freshVars> .K => getFreshVars(Pgm) ... </freshVars>
The evaluation of the quantified expression results in a disjunction of configurations, constrained by their path conditions.
syntax KItem ::= forallResult(Pattern, Pattern)
rule <k> triage( kseq { .Sorts }(inj{SortExpr{},SortKItem{}}(Lblforallbinderheated { .Sorts } (inj { QSort, SortValueExpr{} } ( V : QSort ), inj{SortBool{},SortExpr{}}(E))),dotk { .Sorts }(.Patterns))
, C
=> print("Quantifier result:") ~> prettyPrint(E) ~> print("for path condition:") ~> prettyPrint(makePathConditions(getConstraint(C), FreshVarsOrig, getFreshVars(C)))
~> forallResult( V : QSort
, \implies { SortGeneratedTopCell {}}
( makePathConditions(getConstraint(C), FreshVarsOrig, getFreshVars(C))
, \equals{SortBool{}, SortGeneratedTopCell{}} (E, \dv {SortBool{}}("true"))
<freshVars> FreshVarsOrig ...</freshVars>
// Note: This isn't very accurate. We assume that anything that looks like a predicate is a predicate.
syntax Pattern ::= getConstraint(Pattern) [function]
rule getConstraint(Lbl'-LT-'generatedTop'-GT-' { .Sorts }(_)) => \top{SortGeneratedTopCell{}}()
rule getConstraint(\and{S}(L,R)) => \and{S}(getConstraint(L), getConstraint(R))
rule getConstraint(\or{S}(L,R)) => \or{S} (getConstraint(L), getConstraint(R))
rule getConstraint(\forall{_} (_, _) #as P) => P
rule getConstraint(\exists{_} (_, _) #as P) => P
rule getConstraint(\top{_} () #as P) => P
rule getConstraint(\equals{_, _}(_, _) #as P) => P
rule getConstraint(\ceil{_, _} (_) #as P) => P
rule getConstraint(\implies {_} (_, _) #as P) => P
rule getConstraint(\not{_} (_) #as P) => P
syntax Pattern ::= makePathConditions(Pattern, origVars: Patterns, newVars: Patterns) [function]
rule makePathConditions(PC, dotk {.Sorts}(.Patterns), _) => PC
rule makePathConditions( PC
, kseq {.Sorts}(inj{Sort, _}(V1), P1s)
, kseq {.Sorts}(inj{Sort, _}(V2), P2s)
=> makePathConditions(\and{SortGeneratedTopCell{}}(\equals { Sort, SortGeneratedTopCell{} } (V1, V2), PC), P1s, P2s)
requires V1 =/=K V2
rule makePathConditions( PC
, kseq {.Sorts}(inj{Sort, _}(V), P1s)
, kseq {.Sorts}(inj{Sort, _}(V), P2s)
=> makePathConditions(PC, P1s, P2s)
The results and path-conditions from these branches are combined into an object-level boolean function using object-level logical connectives.
rule <k> (\bottom{_}() => .K) ~> forallResult(_, _) ... </k>
rule <k> (\bottom{_}() => .K) ~> koreExec(_, _) ... </k>
rule <k> (\bottom{_}() => .K) ~> \or{_}(_, _) ... </k>
rule <k> (\bottom{_}() => .K) ~> \and{_}(_, _) ... </k>
rule <k> forallResult(V : QSort, E1) ~> forallResult(V : QSort, E2)
=> forallResult(V : QSort, \and {SortGeneratedTopCell{}} (E1, E2))
We may sometimes need to alpha-rename the bound variable to enable this.
rule <k> (forallResult(V1 : QSort, E1) => forallResult(V1 : QSort, E1)[freshVariable(!I)/V1:KVar])
~> (forallResult(V2 : QSort, E2) => forallResult(V2 : QSort, E2)[freshVariable(!I)/V2:KVar])
requires V1 =/=K V2
We bring each branch to the front to allow them to be triaged.
rule <k> (forallResult(_, _) #as Curr) ~> (_:Pattern #as Next) => (Next:KItem ~> Curr:KItem) ... </k>
rule <k> (forallResult(_, _) #as Curr) ~> (koreExec(_, _) #as Next) => (Next:KItem ~> Curr:KItem) ... </k>
Finally, when all branch branches are fully reduced, we cool the result back into the original context,
replacing the forallbinderheated
with forallbindercooled
to indicate to the object-definition that the forall
has been fully evaluated.
syntax Expr ::= "(" "forallbindercooled" ValueExpr "::" Expr ")" [klabel(forallbindercooled), symbol, strict(2)]
syntax KItem ::= forallContext(kcellRest: Pattern, config: Pattern)
rule <k> forallResult(V : QSort, E)
~> forallContext(Rest, Pgm)
=> koreExec( WorkingDir +String "/" +String Int2String(!_I) +String "-true.kore"
, \and { SortGeneratedTopCell{} }( setKCell(Pgm, kseq { .Sorts }( inj{SortBool{},SortKItem{}}(\dv {SortBool{}} ("true")), Rest))
, \forall{SortGeneratedTopCell{}}(V : QSort,E)
) )
~> koreExec( WorkingDir +String "/" +String Int2String(!_J) +String "-false.kore"
, \and { SortGeneratedTopCell{} }( setKCell(Pgm, kseq { .Sorts }( inj{SortBool{},SortKItem{}}(\dv {SortBool{}} ("false")), Rest))
, \exists{SortGeneratedTopCell{}}(V : QSort, negatePredicate(E))
) )
<freshVars> _:Patterns => .K ... </freshVars>
<workingDir> WorkingDir </workingDir>