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To implement zero-copy data transfer we use a shared memory approach. This requires that every data structure needs to be entirely contained in the shared memory and must not internally use pointers or references. The complete list of restrictions can be found here. Therefore, most of the STL types cannot be used, but we reimplemented some constructs. This example shows how to send/receive a iox::vector and how to send/receive a complex data structure containing some of our STL container surrogates.

Expected Output


Code Walkthrough

The following examples demonstrate how to send/receive the STL containers that were reimplemented in iceoryx so that they meet our requirements.

Publisher application sending a iox::vector

In this example we want our publisher to send a vector containing double. Since we cannot use dynamic memory, we use the iox::vector with a capacity of 5.

iox::popo::Publisher<iox::vector<double, 5>> publisher({"Radar", "FrontRight", "VectorData"});

We use a while-loop similar to the one described in the icedelivery example to send the vector to the subscriber. After successfully loaning memory we append elements to the vector until it's full.

for (uint64_t i = 0U; i < sample->capacity(); ++i)
    // we can omit the check of the return value since the loop doesn't exceed the capacity of the
    // vector
    sample->emplace_back(static_cast<double>(ct + i));

The only difference here to the std::vector is that emplace_back returns a bool - true if the appending was successful, false otherwise. emplace_back fails when the vector is already full. In our case, we can omit the check of the return value since the for-loop doesn't exceed the capacity of the vector.

Subscriber application receiving a iox::vector

Our subscriber application iterates over the received vector to print its entries to the console. Note that the separator is only used for a easy to read output.

for (const auto& entry : *sample)
    s << separator << entry;
    separator = ", ";

Publisher application sending a complex data structure

In this example our publisher will send a more complex data structure. It contains some of the STL containers that are reimplemented in iceoryx. A list of all reimplemented containers can be found here.

struct ComplexDataType
    iox::forward_list<iox::string<10>, 5> stringForwardList;
    iox::list<uint64_t, 10> integerList;
    iox::list<iox::optional<int32_t>, 15> optionalList;
    iox::stack<float, 5> floatStack;
    iox::string<20> someString;
    iox::vector<double, 5> doubleVector;
    iox::vector<iox::variant<iox::string<10>, double>, 10> variantVector;

Contrary to the STL containers, the iceoryx containers have a static size, i.e. you have to provide the capacity (= max. size).

We use again a while-loop to loan memory, add data to our containers and send it to the subscriber. Since we must not throw exceptions all used insertion methods return a bool that indicates whether the insertion was successful. It will fail when a container is already full. To handle the return value we introduce a helper function.

void handleInsertionReturnVal(const bool success)
    if (!success)
        std::cerr << "Failed to insert element." << std::endl;

Now let's add some data to our containers. For the lists we use the push_front methods which can be used similar to the corresponding STL methods.

// forward_list<string<10>, 5>
// list<uint64_t, 10>;
handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->integerList.push_front(ct * 2));
handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->integerList.push_front(ct + 4));
// list<optional<int32_t>, 15>

!!! note If you're not familiar with optional, please have a look at How optional and error values are returned in iceoryx.

Now we fill the stack

for (uint64_t i = 0U; i < sample->floatStack.capacity(); ++i)
    handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->floatStack.push(static_cast<float>(ct * i)));

and assign a greeting to the string.

sample->someString = "hello iceoryx";

For the vectors we use the emplace_back method, which can be used similar to the corresponding std::vector method.

for (uint64_t i = 0U; i < sample->doubleVector.capacity(); ++i)
    handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->doubleVector.emplace_back(static_cast<double>(ct + i)));
// vector<variant<string<10>, double>, 10>;
handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->variantVector.emplace_back(iox::in_place_index<0>(), "seven"));
handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->variantVector.emplace_back(iox::in_place_index<1>(), 8.0));
handleInsertionReturnVal(sample->variantVector.emplace_back(iox::in_place_index<0>(), "nine"));

With in_place_index the passed object is constructed in-place at the given index.

Subscriber application receiving a complex data structure

The subscriber application just prints the received data to the console. For the optionalList we have to check whether the optional contains a value. As in the first example, the separator is used for a clear output.

for (const auto& entry : sample->optionalList)
    (entry.has_value()) ? s << separator << entry.value() : s << separator << "optional is empty";
    separator = ", ";

To print the elements of the floatStack, we pop elements until the stack is empty.

auto stackCopy = sample->floatStack;
while (stackCopy.size() > 0U)
    auto result = stackCopy.pop();
    s << separator << result.value();
    separator = ", ";

Please note that pop returns a iox::optional which contains the last pushed element or a nullopt if the stack is empty. Here, we don't have to check whether the optional contains a value since the loop ensures that we only pop elements when the stack contains some.

To print the elements of the variantVector we iterate over the vector entries and access the alternative that is held by the variant via its index. We use the not STL compliant get_at_index method which returns a pointer to the type stored at the index. If the variant does not contain any type, index() will return an INVALID_VARIANT_INDEX.

for (const auto& i : sample->variantVector)
    switch (i.index())
    case 0:
        s << separator << *i.template get_at_index<0>();
    case 1:
        s << separator << *i.template get_at_index<1>();
        s << separator << "variant does not contain a type";
        s << separator << "this is a new type";
    separator = ", ";
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