- hide / unhide shapes by pattern
- allow wildcards in text matching for replacing?
- add PPT.AddTable function
- Updated docs and tweaked DESCRIPTION (UTF8, no staged installation)
- Add
argument toPPT.AddGraphicstoSlide2
, tweaked examples and sample PPTX to show feature - Add
enumeration - PPT.UpdateAutosizedTextboxes: Update size of text boxes with autosize set to true
- PPT.AddTextBox: Font name argument added
- PPT.ReplaceShapeByGraphic: Find shape using text pattern and replace by image
- PPT.ReplaceGraphic: the shapes to operate on (e.g. only text fields) can now be specified.
- PPT.AddGraphicstoSlideExample rewritten, not compatible with older version any more
- PPT.FitGraphicInShape2 function to place graphics inside shape
- Add frame of reference to PPT.AddGraphicstoSlide2 to allow better positioning
- PPT.AddShape: add arbitarry shapes and modify, position, size, filling and lines
- PPT.UpdateCurrentSlide to set the current slide
- PPT.ReplaceTextByGraphic: find text, delete it and place graphic on slide
- reworked PPT.AddGraphicstoSlide2
- PPT.AddGraphicstoSlide2: features for adding graphics to slides