: Setup LDAP Account Manager (LAM)
: Download and extract the distribution archive
Setup LDAP Account Manager (LAM)
The following parameters are available in the lam
Data type: Stdlib::Compat::Absolute_path
Specifies the directory where LAM should store its configuration
and other persistent data. A symlink is created in $installroot
that points to this directory. It should exist outside of $installroot
Data type: Enum['oss', 'pro']
The edition of LAM that should be installed.
Data type: String
The name of the group that is used by the webserver process.
Data type: Stdlib::Compat::Absolute_path
Specifies the base directory where LAM should be installed. A new subdirectory for each version will be created.
Data type: Variant[Stdlib::HTTPUrl,Stdlib::HTTPSUrl]
Specifies the base URL where the distribution archive can be downloaded. Useful when providing a local mirror for the Pro edition.
Data type: String
The name of the user that is used by the webserver process.
Data type: String
Specifies the version of LAM that should be installed.
Data type: Boolean
Data type: String
Data type: String