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dlegland edited this page Aug 24, 2015 · 2 revisions

The imMeaures module provides several functions for measurements on digital images. Most functions are simple wrappers that manage 3D and/or color images, as well as eventual type conversion.

Some geometrical measures are provided as well, for description of particles in binary or in label images.

Image exploration

imHistogram                - Histogram of 2D/3D grayscale or color images
imHistogramDialog          - Open a dialog to setup image histogram display options
imColorHistogram           - Plot 3D histogram of a color image
imLineProfile              - Evaluate image value along a line segment
imEvaluate                 - Evaluate image value at given position(s)

Entropy and mutual information

imJointHistogram           - Compute joint histogram of two images
imEntropy                  - Compute entropy of an image
imJointEntropy             - Joint entropy between two images
imMutualInformation        - Mutual information between two images

Regions / particle analysis

imCentroid                 - Centroid of regions in a label image
imBoundingBox              - Bounding box of a binary or label image
imInertiaEllipse           - Inertia ellipse of a binary or label image
imInertiaEllipsoid         - Inertia ellipsoid of a 3D binary image
imInscribedCircle          - Maximal circle inscribed in a particle
imInscribedBall            - Maximal ball inscribed in a 3D particle
imEnclosingCircle          - Minimal enclosing circle of a particle
imOrientedBox              - Minimum-area oriented bounding box of particles in image
imFeretDiameter            - Feret diameter of a particle(s) for a given direction(s)
imMaxFeretDiameter         - Maximum Feret diameter of a binary or label image
imConvexity                - Convexity of particles in label image
imRegionFun                - Apply a function to each region of a label image

Particle moments

imMoment                   - Compute simple moment(s) of an image
imCMoment                  - Compute centered moment of an image
imCSMoment                 - Compute centered and scaled moment of an image
imHuInvariants             - Compute Hu's invariant for an image

Geometrical measures from binary images

perimeter                  - estimate perimeter of a structure
epc                        - compute Euler-Poincare Characteristic (EPC) of a structure.
tpl                        - compute total projection length
specificSurface            - implementation of Ohser's algo for surface comput.
specificIntMeanCurv        - Ohser's Integral of Mean Curvature
specificIntMeanCurvDetails - Ohser's Integral of Mean Curvature with details

General information on images

imSize                     - Compute the size of an image in [x y z] order
is3DImage                  - Check if an image is 3D
isColorImage               - Check if an image is a color image
imPhysicalExtent           - Compute the physical extent of an image
imGrayscaleExtent          - Grayscale extent of an image
imFindLabels               - Find unique labels in a label image

Descriptive statistics on pixel values

imSum                      - Sum of a grayscale image, or sum of each color component
imMean                     - Mean of a grayscale image, or mean of each color component
imStd                      - Standard deviation of pixel values
imVar                      - Variance of a grayscale image, or of each color component
imMin                      - Minimum value of a grayscale image, or of each color component
imMax                      - Maximum value of a grayscale image, or of each color component
imMedian                   - Median value of a grayscale image, or of each color component
imQuantile                 - Computes value that threshold a given proportion of pixels
imMode                     - Mode of pixel values in an image

Extract geometric primitives

imFind                     - Return coordinates of non-zero pixels in an image
imRAG                      - Region adjacency graph of a labeled image
imContours                 - Extract polygonal contours of a binary image
imBinaryToGraph            - Transform a binary image into a graph structure

See also the imGeodesics and imMinkowski modules.

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