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Docker images of Neon


Currently we build two main images:

And additional intermediate image:

Building pipeline

We build all images after a successful release tests run and push automatically to Docker Hub with two parallel CI jobs

  1. neondatabase/compute-tools and neondatabase/compute-node

  2. neondatabase/neon

Docker Compose example

You can see a docker compose example to create a neon cluster in /docker-compose/docker-compose.yml. It creates the following conatainers.

  • pageserver x 1
  • safekeeper x 3
  • storage_broker x 1
  • compute x 1
  • MinIO x 1 # This is Amazon S3 compatible object storage

How to use

  1. create containers

You can specify version of neon cluster using following environment values.

  • PG_VERSION: postgres version for compute (default is 14)
  • TAG: the tag version of docker image (default is latest), which is tagged in CI test
$ cd docker-compose/
$ docker-compose down   # remove the conainers if exists
$ PG_VERSION=15 TAG=2937 docker-compose up --build -d  # You can specify the postgres and image version
Creating network "dockercompose_default" with the default driver
Creating docker-compose_storage_broker_1       ... done
  1. connect compute node
$ echo "localhost:55433:postgres:cloud_admin:cloud_admin" >> ~/.pgpass
$ chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
$ psql -h localhost -p 55433 -U cloud_admin
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t(key int primary key, value text);
postgres=# insert into t values(1,1);
postgres=# select * from t;
 key | value
   1 | 1
(1 row)
  1. If you want to see the log, you can use docker-compose logs command.
# check the container name you want to see
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                                                                                  NAMES
d6968a5ae912   dockercompose_compute                              "/shell/"      5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes>3080/tcp,>55433/tcp                                                                                       dockercompose_compute_1

$ docker logs -f dockercompose_compute_1
2022-10-21 06:15:48.757 GMT [56] LOG:  connection authorized: user=cloud_admin database=postgres application_name=psql
2022-10-21 06:17:00.307 GMT [56] LOG:  [NEON_SMGR] libpagestore: connected to 'host=pageserver port=6400'
  1. If you want to see durable data in MinIO which is s3 compatible storage

Access http://localhost:9001 and sign in.

  • Username: minio
  • Password: password

You can see durable pages and WAL data in neon bucket.