- "require serverside load" - a widgetType variable that says that for every page load, there should be a simultaneous backend load of the entity as well, so that all server-side stuff happens in one go. (eg, saving to elasticsearch and a graphdb shouldn't require two loads of the same node. But, the client-side needs to have awareness of when that work has completed. hmmmmm....
Next Widgets:
- a link-follower widget, so pages that generate lists of things (eg from searching another site), can call the individual thing pages, thereby populating them with content
- computer vision widget
- "comments" widget - embedded google doc?
Layout/UI stuff
- better use of space, smaller fonts, less whitespace
- a "hidden" tray for the housekeeping widgets, small icons to indicate that they are running
- separate template/display from logic in a sensible way.
a platform for the read-write collections API
basic terms:
- 'thing' - ie instance, object, etc
- 'thing type' - eg class : ie. things have a type: eg "joe is a person."
- widget - a piece of functionality that can be added to a thing
- widget type - eg, the class of widget
primary interactions:
- view and browse existing things
- 'attach' a widget of your own to an individual thing, that others will be able to see
- configure a widget to do special stuff.
- 'attach' a default widget to all things of the same type
- extract all the data from a thing in a computer-friendly format
- create a widget definition that can do all sorts of stuff.
- ability to add lots of basic sections via web interface. ie, a
things a widget might do:
- run some computation on other data the thing has, and present it.
- watch the things other data, and send a notice if it changes
- provide a graphical widget for manipulating data, and saving it with the thing so other people can see it
- call another webservice and display that data
- be a text field
widgets can be:
- attached to individual things when available
- attached mutliply to the same thing, with different configurations (ie multiple widgets of teh same type)
- listed as "available widgets" for a type
- set up as 'default widgets' with specific configurations, applied to every thing of that type
code vs config:
WidgetTypes are CODE
individual widgets are CONFIG
widgetTypes should be generic enough that you can do lots of different things depending on how you config it.
so the config can go into an interface.
a widget is an INSTANCE of a class, with data applied.
all widgetType classes extend a common base class, Widget
data in a widget is of two types: -- configuration : what you need to know about the widget for it to run -- data : all the other data it holds
WidgetType - definition - static methods and properties on Widget class
Widget - attached to a thing Type
WidgetInstance - attached to a thing.
Other tools
- ElasticSearch is what I'm currently using to support search (using the inappropriately-name solw widget right now-- yikes!) -- istalled the HEAD plugin for a elasticsearch frontend for now: http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/ -- sudo bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head from /usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/[version number]