Each Enumeration type is represented by a combination of a typical NS_ENUM definition and a boxed class.
For example, the 'DayOfWeek' enumeration has the following definitions:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MSGraphDayOfWeekValue){
MSGraphDayOfWeekSunday = 0,
MSGraphDayOfWeekMonday = 1,
MSGraphDayOfWeekTuesday = 2,
MSGraphDayOfWeekWednesday = 3,
MSGraphDayOfWeekThursday = 4,
MSGraphDayOfWeekFriday = 5,
MSGraphDayOfWeekSaturday = 6,
@interface MSGraphDayOfWeek : NSObject
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) sunday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) monday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) tuesday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) wednesday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) thursday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) friday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) saturday;
+(MSGraphDayOfWeek*) UnknownEnumValue;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) MSGraphDayOfWeekValue enumValue;
The class method defined for each enumeration value returns a singleton instance of the boxed class. As there is no public way to initialize a new instance of an enumeration boxed type, it is generally safe to perform comparison via equality, i.e. myDayOfWeek == [MSGraphDayOfWeek tuesday]
Enumerations can be used in switch statements by using the enumValue
switch (myDayOfWeek.enumValue) {
case MSGraphDayOfWeekSunday:
// do something
case MSGraphDayOfWeekSaturday:
// do something
// MSGraphDayOfWeekEndOfEnum, or other unknown enum value
In the event that the service returns an enumeration value that is not recognized in the current version of the SDK it will deserialize to [{MyEnumType} UnknownEnumValue]
, with a corresponding .enumValue
of {MyEnumType}EndOfEnum
Enumerations are represented in collections by their boxed types. For example:
// Setting a collection property
MSGraphRecurrencePattern *recurrence = [[MSGraphRecurrencePattern alloc] init];
recurrence.daysOfWeek = @[[MSGraphDayOfWeek monday], [MSGraphDayOfWeek thursday], [MSGraphDayOfWeek friday]];
// Reading a collection property
for (MSGraphDayOfWeek *day in recurrence.daysOfWeek) {
// Do something with day