#Presentations on Digital Pedagogy
by General Editors, Davis, Gold, Harris, Sayers
##Past Presentations
- Gold, Matthew K. "Books Matter: Circulating Digital and Printed Texts." Ph.D. Program in English, Graduate Center, CUNY. March 27, 2015. http://cunydhi.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2015/03/26/books-matter-circulating-digital-and-printed-texts-32715/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Liberal Education Unbound: The Life of Signature Student Work in the Emerging Digital Learning Environment,” panelist with Randy Bass, Jennifer Ebbeler, and J. Elizabeth Clark. The Centennial Annual Meeting: Liberal Education, Global Flourishing, and the Equity Imperative. Association of American Colleges and Universities. January 22, 2015.
- Harris, Katherine D., “Successful Collaboration is Fueled by Failure in Digital Humanities,” Alabama Digital Humanities Center Speaker Series, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, November 2014.
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Engaging Undergraduates with Digital Scholarship Projects,” Digital Humanities in Practice, October 22, 2014, Temple University. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/engaging-undergraduates-with-digital-scholarship-projects/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Big Ideas in Digital Pedagogy,” (keynote) Digital Pedagogy Institute: Digital Pedagogy and the Undergraduate Experience, August 11, 2014, University of Toronto, Scarborough, http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2014/08/11/big-ideas-in-digital-pedagogy/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Pedagogy in the Liberal Arts: Models, Keywords, and Prototypes,” Whittier College. February 6, 2014. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2014/02/06/digital-pedagogy-in-the-liberal-arts/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Humanities and Undergraduate Education,” Breakout Session. “Get Started in the Digital Humanities with Help from DHCommons Workshop.” Modern Language Association 2014 Annual Convention, January 9, 2014, Chicago, IL. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2014/01/09/digital-humanities-and-undergraduate-education/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Models, Keywords, and Prototypes,” Washington and Lee University. December 11, 2013. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2013/12/11/digital-pedagogy-in-the-humanities/ *Davis, Rebecca Frost, “The Future of Undergraduate Digital Humanities.” 2013 Digital Humanities Conference, July 17, 2013, Lincoln, NE (with Cheryl Ball, Ryan Cordell, Jarom McDonald, Miriam Posner, John Theibault and organized by Brian Croxall and Kate Singer). http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2013/08/19/surveying-digital-humanities-at-small-liberal-arts-colleges/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Pedagogy Keywords,” NITLE Online Seminar, April 10, 2013. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/digital-pedagogy-keywords-nitle-seminar/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Mapping Technology Use for Teaching and Learning at Liberal Arts Colleges,” Plenary Address, “Hybrid Thinking About The Role of Technology For Liberal Education.” Great Lakes Colleges Association, Faculty Workshop, April 6, 2013. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/mapping-technology-use-for-teaching-and-learning/
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Pedagogy Keywords,” Plenary Address. Austin College Digital Humanities Colloquium, Sherman, Texas, USA. February 20, 2013. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2013/02/20/digital-pedagogy-keywords/
- Harris, Katherine D., “It’s Not About the Tools: Weaving Digital Humanities into Literature Courses,” Digital Humanities Colloquium, Austin College, February 19-21, 2013.
- Harris, Katherine D., “Original to Digital Surrogates: Using Rare Books in Student-Driven Digital Projects” (video) co-presented with Danelle Moon (Director, Special Collections, King Library, SJSU), Rare Book & Manuscript Pre-Conference Panel, “Future of Discussion and Outreach.” June 21, 2012.
- Sayers, Jentery, Katherine D. Harris & Diane Jakacki co-taught course on Digital Pedagogy, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria. June 4-8, 2012. Resulting website with workshops & resources: http://web.uvic.ca/~englblog/pedagogydhsi/about/
- Sayers, Jentery and Katherine D. Harris, co-taught “Workshop on Digital Pedagogy in Literary Studies,” Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle. June 2, 2012.
- Sayers, Jentery and Harris, Katherine D., co-taught workshop, “Blending Digital Pedagogy with Literary Studies” Workshop, University of Puget Sound. May 31 & June 1, 2012.
- Davis, Rebecca, “Digital Humanities and Liberal Education.” Workshop, Institute for Pedagogy in the Liberal Arts. Oxford College, Emory University, May 17-18, 2012. http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/digital-humanities-and-liberal-education-at-oxford-ipla/
- Harris, Katherine D., “Risking Failure by Screwing Playing around with Digital Pedagogy,” CUNY Digital Humanities Institute, New York. April 2, 2012.
- Harris, Katherine D., “Doing the Risky Thing: Playing Around in Digital Humanities,” on Digital Pedagogy, Re:Humanities, Swarthmore College. March 28 & 29, 2012. Video & Storify of tweets.
- Harris, Katherine D., Digital Pedagogy Seminar (online) with Jentery Sayers, NITLE (National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education). March 27, 2012. See links from presentation.
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Humanities for Undergraduates.” Shared Futures / Difficult Choices: Reclaiming a Democratic Vision for College Learning, Association of American Colleges and Universities 2012 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 26, 2012 (session organizer and moderator, with Janet Simons, Angel Nieves, Christopher Blackwell, Kathryn Tomasek, Laura McGrane and Jen Rajchel). http://rebeccafrostdavis.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/my-latest-from-nitles-techne-blog/
- Harris, Katherine D., Digital Pedagogy Poster Session & Old Books, New Tools Roundtable (text of talk here). Modern Language Association Convention. January 5 & 6, 2012.
- Harris, Katherine D., “How to Get Started in Digital Humanities,” MLA Pre-Conference Workshop (see agenda), Seattle (as pedagogy person on opening panel). January 5, 2012. KDH reflections on the break-out sessions on digital pedagogy
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital and Networked Learning: Liberal Arts Education and Digital Scholarship” Religion and Media Workshop: “What’s Next for Texts: Scripting Religion in a Networked World,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, November 18, 2011.
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Integrating Digital Humanities in the Undergraduate Curriculum”, THATCamp Pedagogy (at Vassar College), October 15-16, 2011. (with Kathryn Tomasek)
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Integrating Digital Humanities in the Undergraduate Curriculum”, THATCamp Kansas, September 22-23, 2011. (with Kathryn Tomasek)
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Workshop: Integrating Digital Humanities Projects into the Undergraduate Curriculum,” Big Tent Digital Humanities, Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, June 18, 2011. (with Kathryn Tomasek)
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Integrating Digital Humanities Projects into the Undergraduate Curriculum.” Bootcamp. The Humanities and Technology Camp, Liberal Arts Colleges (THATCampLAC), St. Norbert’s College, De Pere Wisconsin, June 4, 2011. (with Kathryn Tomasek)
- Davis, Rebecca Frost, “Digital Humanities at Small Liberal Arts College: Innovation and Integration,” Coalition for Networked Information, Project Briefing: Fall 2010 Membership Meeting, December 14, 2010.