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+# Momento Javascript NodeJS SDK - Momento <-> Eventbridge Project Example
+## About
+The project demonstrates a write-through cache pattern for DynamoDB using DynamoDB Streams, AWS EventBridge and Momento.
+The app can be used to create, update and delete items in a DynamoDB table and the changes will be reflected in the cache/topic in real-time.
+### **Prerequisites:**
+- Momento Cache: momento-eventbridge-cache. If cache does not exists, can create one using the [momento console](https://console.gomomento.com/) .
+- Momento API Key, can be created using [momento console](https://console.gomomento.com/) if you haven’t already created one
+- AWS Account AccessId, AWS Secret Key, AWS Region, (and AWS Session Token if you are using temporary credentials)
+## Getting Started
+First, edit the `.env.development` file (create one if not exists) with your momento and aws credentials:
+VITE_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN= (if you are using temporary credentials)
+Then, install all dependencies and run the development server:
+npm install
+npm run dev
+Open [http://localhost:5173](http://localhost:5173) with your browser to explore the demo app.
+For more info, visit our website at [https://gomomento.com](https://gomomento.com)!