The files parser is intended to just list the name and mimetype of the files and subdirectories in a given directory. Unlike other parsers, this one doesn't parse the file content per se, but only list those files so that you can point to them (get back their path or URL relative to your bundle) easily in your code. The parser accepts multiple files or directories, which it will recursively search for files that match the given filter (default .*
The list of files will be converted into a structured directory tree, where each directory contains a list of the files and directories within that directory. For example the following file tree:
a video.mp4
will be parsed into the following structure (not showing the rest of the structure, such as values and types):
"files": [
"a video.mp4"
"directories": [
"subfolder": [
"files": [
"folder": [
"files": [
The output context has the following structure:
— list of file groups (input folders):name
— name of the groupfiles
— list of files in the base directory specifieddirectories
— tree structure of subdirectory and its contentsname
— name of the directoryfiles
— list of files in this directorydirectories
— recursive tree of subdirectories
Each File
has the following properties:
— name of the fileext
— file extensionpath
— the path to the file, relative to the folder being scannedmimeType
— mime type of the file
- directories:
- directories:
- files:
- ext: "mp4"
mimeType: "video/mp4"
name: "another video"
path: "empty intermediate/subfolder"
name: "subfolder"
name: "empty intermediate"
- directories:
- files:
- ext: "svg"
mimeType: "image/svg+xml"
name: "graphic"
path: "subdir/subdir"
name: "subdir"
- ext: "mp4"
mimeType: "video/mp4"
name: "A Video With Spaces"
path: "subdir"
name: "subdir"
- ext: ""
mimeType: "application/octet-stream"
name: "File"
path: ""
- ext: "txt"
mimeType: "text/plain"
name: "test"
path: ""
name: "Files"