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Ten Things You Didn't Know Rails Could Do
Presenter: James Edward Gray II
James (@JEG2) has been a Rails programmer for about as long as it has been fashionable to be one and a Rubyist even longer than that. As you probably know from listening to him on the Ruby Rogues podcast, James loves to dig into how our community and code works.
Rails is huge. Even if you have worked with it for a long time, it's unlikely that you have stumbled across everything yet.
Do you really know what all of the built-in Rake tasks do? Have you seen all of the methods ActiveSupport makes available to you? Are you aware of all the queries ActiveRecord is capable of?
In this talk, I'll dig into the extras of Rails and see if I can't turn up some features that you don't see all of the time, but that might just be handy to know about anyway. I'll make sure you come out of this able to impress your friends at the hackfest.
@jeg2 is known as "Mr. Ruby Rogue."
Uh-oh: it's now FORTY-TWO things.
- Get a hug, every Friday
Run a rails app from a single file, under 20 lines.
Find TODOs: rake notes:todo rake notes:fixme rake notes:custom ANNOTATION=foo
Sandbox your consolerails c --sandbox
Run Helper Methods in the Console
Use non-webrick servers in dev
rails s thin
Custom configuration with Railties ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new
Shorthand migrations:
rails g resource user name:index email:uniq token:string{6} bio:text string{6}: a lengith limit :index: adds an index :uniq: adds a unique index
Associations: rails g resource article user:references OR rails g resource article user:belongs_to
rake db:migrate:status - tell you whether a migration has been run
Import your CSV, with headers:true, header_convertions: symbol
Store CSV in your database, with load & ...dump?
Pluck fields out of the database.
User.select(:email).map(&:email) -> User.pluck(:email)
Count records in groups Event.group(:trigger).count: group them, & count 'em up
Let you override associations belongs_to :previous_owner, class_name: "Owner"
Instantiate Records w/o a database User.instantiate('id' => 1, 'email' => '[email protected]')
Use limitless strings in postgresql ...something like, :delete_limit?
Use Full Text Search in Postgresql
rails g resource article subject bodi:text Use "tsvector" type in your migration Uses a generic inverted index plainto_tsquery('english', ?) -- postgres function for queriing it It does stemming for you.
Use a different database for each user. You end up having to connect to it in each controller action, so you're hitting the right database for each request.
Why do this?
- To give us new ideas
- It's fun!
Updating Ruby's fashion sense
Atomic file writes File.atomic_write { |f| f.puts 'um' }
Merge nested hashes Hash#deep_merge
Remove specific Keys from a Hash Hash#except(:key1, :key2)
Add defaults to a Hash Hash#reverse_merge
Answer questions about strings "magic".inquiry.magic? #-> true
Hide comments from your users with <%# ERb comments %>
Use a shorter ERb syntax % if current_user.try(:admin?) <%= render "edit_links" %> % end ...but you have to include PercentLineEnhancer into Erubis. The whole line has to be ruby, and it's all removed from the output.
Use blocks to avoid assignment in views. Write helper methods to a) do your math for you, and b) yield the value to a block. Delimits the scope of the variable. (You can also use #tap.)
Generate multiple tags at once. content_tag_for(:div, @article) now operates on collections.
Render any object: class MyModel def to_partial_path "not_my_normal_model_path" end end render :partial as ('as' is the important bit)
Group menu entrieswith grouped_options_for_select
Subclass ActiovView::Helpers::FormBuilder, and then... f.labeled_text_field_with_errors :my_attribute (You have to add these methods.)
Route Exceptions the rails router is a rack application, so then: match "/404"...
Route to Sinatra (for APIs) ...and he gave some kind of authorization example that I kind of missed.
Stream CSV to users with format.csv
, and headers['Content-Dispostion']
Do some work in the background require 'thread' @thread ||= THread.new do while job = queue.pop job.call end end ...(rest of the example) But you can queue up just a plain old lambda. That's pretty nice.
Publish a static site using rails - cache everything, then he has a rake task that touches earch page on the site. (This one included to ensure EVERYONE learned something from the talk.)
Slides are coming online. TODO ping him, since I missed the URL.
Photo: John Parker (urgetopunt) (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
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