This is a list of past meetings of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) SIG of the Netherlands eScience Center. There is also a list of upcoming meetings.
In 2019-2021 we followed the Stanford course on NLP with Deep Learning. The course meetings were additional meetings which are not listed in this overview.
Date | Session host(s) | Participants | Topic |
2024-12-12 | Carsten | 6 | Tess Dejaeghere: LLMs for NER on historic texts |
2024-11-14 | Carsten | 7 | Carsten Schnober: Page Embeddings: Extracting and Classifying Historical Documents with Generic Vector Representations |
2024-10-17 | Carsten | 9 | Stella Verkijk (VU Amsterdam): Automatic Event Detection in Early Modern Dutch (VOC) documents |
2024-09-19 | Carsten, Erik | 8 | NLP Conferences, Establishing Trustworthiness: Rethinking Tasks and Model Evaluation (Litschko et al., 2023) video |
2024-07-18 | Erik | 7 | Knowledge Extraction from Text (notebook) |
2024-06-20 | Carsten | 9 | Claudiu Forgaci: "mintEMU - The Legacy of the European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism at TU Delft: A Text Mining Approach" (slides, video recording) |
2024-05-23 | Laura, Carsten | 11 | Lorella Viola (VU): "Conceptual changes in health disinformation narratives. A social media, graph-based analysis of the HPV vaccine case in Italy" video recording |
2024-04-25 | Carsten | 9 | Thijs Vroegh: Dynamic toplic modelling |
2024-03-21 | Carsten | 10 | Eva Viviani and Laura Ootes: Brainstorm session on NLP lesson development |
2024-02-29 | Carsten | 10 | Kody Moodley and Chris Meijer: "How strict is EU law?" video recording |
2024-02-01 | Laura | 13 | Angel Daza: "Informed Evaluation for Named Entity Recognition on Dutch Biographies" |
2024-01-11 | Carsten | 12 | Raoul Schram: "Topic modelling: Data exploration in clinical psychology" video recording |
2023-11-23 | Laura | 6 | Thijs Vroegh: "Historiographing the Era of the American Revolution: semi-supervised & dynamic topic modeling" |
2023-10-26 | Carsten | 7 | Gabriele Sarti: "Post-hoc Interpretability for Language Models" |
2023-09-28 | Laura | 9 | Carsten Schnober: "Classifying the Quality of Digitized VOC Documents" |
2023-06-15 | Laura | 13 | Sandro Pezzelle: Semantic representations of words in (multimodal) masked language models video recording |
2023-06-01 | Laura | 9 | Malte Lüken: The Structural Topic Model: Introduction, application, and challenges video recording |
2023-05-11 | Laura | 8 | Carsten Schnober, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Eva Viviani, Laura Ootes: Looking back at the EACL Dubrovnik |
2023-04-06 | Laura | 15 | Roelant Ossewaarde: Speech Recognition |
2023-03-09 | Erik | 14 | Bert hands-on session (notebook) |
2022-12-12 | Erik | 9 | Project status and Bert Brainstorm |
2022-11-14 | Jisk | 6 | NLP @ NLeSC and Bert Brainstorm |
2022-10-17 | Ole | 9 | Guest talk by Marijn Koolen: What can Online Book Reviews tell us about Readers and Platforms |
2022-09-19 | Erik | 7 | NLP @ NLeSC |
2022-05-30 | Erik | 10 | Guest talk by Suzan Verberne: Text mining for health knowledge discovery from social media |
2022-05-02 | Dafne | 5 | NLP @ NLeSC and Video discussion |
2022-04-04 | Jisk | 9 | NLP @ NLeSC and Video discussion |
2022-03-07 | Erik | 7 | NLP @ NLeSC and Video discussion |
2022-02-07 | Erik | 7 | NLP @ NLeSC and Paper discussion |
2022-01-10 | Erik | 5 | NLP @ NLeSC |
2021-12-13 | Erik | 6 | NLP @ NLeSC and Conference summary |
2021-11-15 | Erik | 5 | NLP @ NLeSC and Paper discussion |
2021-10-18 | Erik | 6 | NLP @ NLeSC and Stanford NLP with Deep Learning |
2021-09-20 | Erik | 4 | CLIN 2021 and BERT, projects, Stanford NLP |
2021-07-26 | Erik | 3 | CLIN 2021 and BERT |
2021-06-28 | Erik | 6 | NLP @ NLeSC and Stanford NLP with Deep Learning |
2021-05-03 | Erik | 6 | NLP @ NLeSC and Stanford Deep Learning video |
2021-03-25 | Erik | 3 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2020-09-28 | Erik | 3 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2020-06-29 | Erik | 3 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2020-04-09 | Erik | 6 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-10-03 | Erik | 3 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-09-12 | Erik | 4 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-07-18 | Erik | 3 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-06-13 | Erik | 4 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-05-23 | Erik | 5 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-05-02 | Erik | 4 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-04-15 | Erik | 8 | Planning PI Day and overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-03-21 | Erik | 5 | Planning PI Day and overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-03-04 | Erik | 6 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-02-14 | Erik | 7 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2019-01-14 | Erik | 6 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2018-12-03 | Erik | 7 | Overview of running natural language processing projects at NLeSC |
2018-11-08 | Erik | 8 | Inventory NLP software @ eScience |
2018-10-04 | Erik | 4 | paper: AllenNLP: A Deep Semantic Natural Language Processing Platform |
link: ALlenNLP on GPUs | |||
2018-08-30 | Erik | 5 | paper: Deep Contextualized Word Representations |
links: blog about conference - ELMo: code and models - alternative approach | |||
2018-05-28 | Erik | 7 | eScience projects |
2018-04-26 | Erik | 3 | conference: ACL 2017 |
2018-02-05 | Erik | paper: Detecting annotation noise in automatically labelled data | |
2018-01-11 | Janneke | paper: Don’t count, predict! A systematic comparison of context-counting vs. context-predicting semantic vectors | |
2017-10-05 | Janneke | paper: Text Preprocessing for Unsupervised Learning: Why It Matters, When It Misleads, and What to Do about It | |
2017-05-17 | Vincent | paper: Offline bilingual word vectors, orthogonal transformations and the inverted softmax | |
2017-04-05 | Janneke | paper: Characterizing the Google Books corpus: Strong limits to inferences of socio-cultural and linguistic evolution | |
2017-03-29 | Jisk | paper: Topic modeling for untargeted substructure exploration in metabolomics | |
2017-01-23 | ? | paper: Predicting the Compositionality of Nominal Compounds: Giving Word Embeddings a Hard Time | |
2016-12-06 | Dafne | paper: Exploiting Similarities among Languages for Machine Translation | |
2016-11-17 | Carlos | paper: A Bayesian Model of Diachronic Meaning Change | |
2016-11-03 | Janneke | paper: How Transferable are Neural Networks in NLP Applications | |
2016-08-11 | Carlos | paper: Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker? Debiasing Word Embeddings | |
2016-06-06 | Janneke | paper: Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP | |
2016-03-17 | Arnold | papers: QTLMiner: QTL database curation by mining tables in literature Recovering Semantics of Tables on the Web | |
2016-03-10 | Jisk | paper: Augur: Mining Human Behaviors from Fiction to Power Interactive Systems | |
2016-01-28 | Patrick | Word Representations via Gaussian Embedding | |
2016-01-14 | Lars | Building a Scientific Concept Hierarchy Database (SCHBASE) | |
2015-06-26 | Patrick | GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation | |
2015-05-12 | Janneke | talk: Provenance in the project BiographyNet (Antske Fokkens) | |
2015-04-00 | Jisk | paper: Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussion Communities | |
2014/2015 | various | NLP book |