In this lab you deploy a trained model container to an IoT Edge device.
If you have not cloned this repository to your working environment, do so now. All of the artifacts for this lab are located under starter-artifacts/databricks
- From the Azure Portal, navigate to your deployed Azure Databricks workspace and select Launch Workspace.
- Within the Workspace, using the command bar on the left, select Workspace, Users and select your username (the entry with house icon).
- In the blade that appears, select the downwards pointing chevron next to your name, and select Import.
- On the Import Notebooks dialog, select File.
- Select browse and then navigate to
and selectAzure ML Labs.dbc
- Select Import.
- A folder named after the archive should appear. Select that folder.
- Navigate into the folder
06 Deploy to IoT Edge
- The folder will contain one or more notebooks. These are the notebooks you will use in completing this lab. Start with the first notebook and follow the instructions.