This module manages log groups and logs in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) based on a single configuration object. Logging provides access to logs from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources. These logs include critical diagnostic information that describes how resources are performing and being accessed.
Check module specification for a full description of module requirements, supported variables, managed resources and outputs.
Check the examples folder for actual module usage.
This module requires Terraform binary version 1.3.0 or greater, as it relies on Optional Object Type Attributes feature. The feature shortens the amount of input values in complex object types, by having Terraform automatically inserting a default value for any missing optional attributes.
This module requires the following OCI IAM permissions in compartments where log groups and logs are managed. Additionally, extra permissions are needed depending on the resource that logging is being enabled for.
For deploying log groups and logs in general:
Allow group <group> to manage logging-family in compartment <log-group-compartment-name>
For deploying flow logs (using the service_logs attribute. See Module Functioning):
Allow group <group> to manage subnets in compartment <subnet-compartment-name> where request.permission = 'SUBNET_UPDATE'
For deploying flow logs (using the flow_logs attribute. See Module Functioning):
Allow group <group> to inspect compartments in tenancy
Allow group <group> to manage subnets in compartment <subnet-compartment-name> where request.permission = 'SUBNET_UPDATE'
For deploying bucket logs (using the service_logs attribute. See Module Functioning):
Allow group <group> to use buckets in compartment <bucket-compartment-name>
For deploying bucket logs (using the bucket_logs attribute. See Module Functioning):
Allow group <group> to inspect compartments in tenancy
Allow group <group> to read objectstorage-namespaces in tenancy
Allow group <group> to use buckets in compartment <bucket-compartment-name>
Terraform modules can be invoked locally or remotely.
For invoking the module locally, just set the module source attribute to the module file path (relative path works). The following example assumes the module is two folders up in the file system.
module "logging" {
source = "../.."
tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid # for deploying bucket logs using bucket_logs attribute.
logging_configuration = var.logging_configuration
For invoking the module remotely, set the module source attribute to the logging module folder in this repository, as shown:
module "logging" {
source = ""
tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid # for deploying bucket logs using bucket_logs attribute.
logging_configuration = var.logging_configuration
For referring to a specific module version, append ref=<version> to the source attribute value, as in:
source = ""
In this module, log groups and logs are defined using the top-level logging_configuration variable. It contains a set of attributes starting with the prefix default_ and a set of attributes to define any number of log groups and logs. The default_ attribute values are applied to all log groups and logs, unless overridden at the object level. The module supports defining service and custom logs for single resources or for a set of resources within specified compartments. For defining logs to single resources, use either service_logs or custom_logs attributes. For defining service logs to a set of resources within specified compartments, use flow_logs or bucket_logs attributes. Additionally, logging_configuration defines the enable_cis_checks attribute, that by default enforces CIS recommendations throughout the module. For disabling the enforcement, set it to false.
Note: log_groups, service_logs, flow_logs, bucket_logs, and custom_logs are maps of objects. Each object is defined as a key/value pair. The key must be unique and not be changed once defined. See the examples folder for sample declarations.
- enable_cis_checks: (Optional) When true (default) enforces CIS recommendations when appropriate. For disabling the enforcement, set it to false.
The default_ attributes are the following:
- default_compartment_id: (Optional) The default compartment for all resources managed by this module. It can be overriden by compartment_id attribute in each resource. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either a compartment OCID or a reference (a key) to the compartment OCID. See External Dependencies section.
- default_defined_tags: (Optional) The default defined tags that are applied to all resources managed by this module. It can be overriden by defined_tags attribute in each resource.
- default_freeform_tags: (Optional) The default freeform tags that are applied to all resources managed by this module. It can be overriden by freeform_tags attribute in each resource.
The module can also be used to create Logging Analytics log groups and enable Logging Analytics.
To disable Logging Analytics, navigate to the Logging Analytics service page on the Console and select the "Service Details" section on the bottom left menu. From there, disable Logging Analytics by clicking the red "Terminate" button.
- onboard_logging_analytics: (Optional) Whether your tenancy will enable Logging Analytics. Set to true ONLY if wish to onboard your tenancy to Logging Analytics, set to false if your tenancy has ALREADY enabled Logging Analytics. Check in Console. Default is false.
- log_groups: (Optional) A map of log groups. In OCI, every log must belong to a log group. If a log group is not deployed, the module adds the logs to an existing log group. See External Dependencies section.
- compartment_id: (Optional) The compartment where the log group is created. default_compartment_id is used if undefined. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either a compartment OCID or a reference (a key) to the compartment OCID. See External Dependencies section.
- type: (Optional) Include this value and set it to "logging_analytics" to create a Logging Analytics log group, otherwise a default log group will be created.
- name: The log group name.
- description: (Optional) The log group description. It defaults to log group name if undefined.
- defined_tags: (Optional) The log group defined tags. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) The log group freeform tags. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
- service_logs: (Optional) A map of service logs. Use this when defining service logs for single resources. Logs are created in the same compartment as the enclosing log group.
- name: The log name.
- log_group_id: The log group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either one of the reference keys defined in log_groups attribute, a log group OCID or a reference key defined in log_groups_dependency variable. See External Dependencies section.
- service: The resource service name for which the log is being created. Sample valid values: "flowlogs", "objectstorage". Supported services may change over time. See Services Integrated with the Logging Services and their Categories.
- category: The category name within each service. This is service specific and valid values may change over time. See Services Integrated with the Logging Services and their Categories.
- resource_id: The resource id to create the log for.
- is_enabled: (Optional) Whether the log is enabled. Default is true.
- retention_duration: (Optional) The log retention duration in 30-day increments. Valida values are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. Default is 30.
- defined_tags: (Optional) The log defined tags. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) The log freeform tags. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
- flow_logs: A map of flow logs. Use this when defining flow logs in bulk within specified compartments. Logs are created in the same compartment as the enclosing flow log group.
- name_prefix: (Optional) a prefix to flow log names.
- log_group_id: The log group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either one of the reference keys defined in log_groups attribute, a log group OCID or a reference key defined in log_groups_dependency variable. See External Dependencies section.
- target_resource_type The target resource type for flow logs. Valid values: "vcn", "subnet", "vnic".
- target_compartment_ids The list of compartments containing the resources of type defined in target_resource_type to create flow logs for. The module searches for all resources of target_resource_type in these compartments. For "vnic" target_resource_type, NLB (Network Load Balancer) private IP VNICs are also included.
- is_enabled: (Optional) Whether the flow logs are enabled. Default is true.
- retention_duration: (Optional) The flow log retention duration in 30-day increments. Valida values are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. Default is 30.
- defined_tags: (Optional) The flow log defined tags. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) The flow log freeform tags. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
- bucket_logs: A map of bucket logs. Use this when defining bucket logs in bulk within specified compartments. Logs are created in the same compartment as the enclosing bucket log group.
- name_prefix: (Optional) a prefix to bucket log names.
- log_group_id: The log group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either one of the reference keys defined in log_groups attribute, a log group OCID or a reference key defined in log_groups_dependency variable. See External Dependencies section.
- target_compartment_ids: The list of compartments containing the buckets to create logs for. The module seaeches for all buckets in these compartments.
- category: The category of operations to enable the bucket logs for. Valid values: "read" or "write".
- is_enabled: (Optional) Whether the bucket logs are enabled. Default is true.
- retention_duration: (Optional) The bucket log retention duration in 30-day increments. Valida values are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. Default is 30.
- defined_tags: (Optional) The bucket log defined tags. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) The bucket log freeform tags. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
- custom_logs: A map of custom logs. Use this when defining custom logs for single resources. Logs are created in the same compartment as the enclosing log group.
- compartment_id: (Optional) The compartment where log is created. default_compartment_id is used if undefined. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either a compartment OCID or a reference (a key) to the compartment OCID.
- name: The log name.
- log_group_id: The log group. This attribute is overloaded: it can be either one of the reference keys defined in log_groups attribute, a log group OCID or a reference key defined in log_groups_dependency variable. See External Dependencies section.
- dynamic_groups: The list of dynamic groups associated with this configuration
- parser_type: (Optional) The type of fluent parser. Valid values: "NONE", "SYSLOG", "CSV", "TSV", "REGEXP", "MULTILINE", "APACHE_ERROR", "APACHE2", "AUDITD", "JSON", "CRI". Default is "NONE".
- path: Absolute paths for log source files. Wildcards can be used.
- is_enabled: (Optional) Whether the log is enabled. Default is true.
- retention_duration: (Optional) The log retention duration in 30-day increments. Valida values are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. Default is 30.
- defined_tags: (Optional) The log defined tags. default_defined_tags is used if undefined.
- freeform_tags: (Optional) The log freeform tags. default_freeform_tags is used if undefined.
As of Oct/2023, these are the OCI services that are integrated with the Logging service. Use this as reference to fill in service and category attributes when creating logs using the service_log attribute.
For any updates, use OCI CLI to execute oci logging service list
Service | Service Name | Categories |
Analytics Cloud | "oacnativeproduction" | "audit", "diagnostic" |
API Gateway | "apigateway" | "access", "execution" |
Application Dependency Management | "adm" | "remediationrecipelogs" |
Application Performance Monitoring | "apm" | "dropped-data" |
Connector Hub | "och" | "runlog" |
Container Engine for Kubernetes | "oke-k8s-cp-prod" | "kube-apiserver", "all-service-logs", "cloud-controller-manager", "kube-controller-manager", "kube-scheduler" |
Content Delivery Network | "contentdeliverynetwork" | "access", "error" |
Data Flow | "dataflow" | "diagnostic" |
Data Integration Service | "dataintegration" | "disworkspacelogs" |
Data Science | "datascience" | "pipelinerunlog" |
DevOps | "devops" | "all" |
Email Delivery | "emaildelivery" | "outboundaccepted", "outboundrelayed" |
Events Service | "cloudevents" | "ruleexecutionlog" |
File Storage | "filestorage" | "nfslogs" |
Functions | "functions" | "invoke" |
GoldenGate | "goldengate" | "process_logs", "error_logs" |
Integration | "integration" | "activitystream" |
Load Balancers | "loadbalancer" | "access", "error" |
Media Flow | "mediaflow" | "execution" |
Network Firewall | "ocinetworkfirewall" | "threatlog", "trafficlog" |
Object Storage | "objectstorage" | "read", "write" |
Operator Access Control Service | "operatoraccessprod" | "access" |
Site-To-Site VPN | "oci_c3_vpn" | "read" |
Virtual Cloud Network - Flowlogs | "flowlogs" | "vcn", "subnet", "vnic", "all" (valid for subnets only) |
WAA Service | "waa" | "all" |
WAF Service | "waf" | "all" |
An optional feature, external dependencies are resources managed elsewhere that resources managed by this module may depend on. The following dependencies are supported:
compartments_dependency: A map of objects containing the externally managed compartments this module may depend on. All map objects must have the same type and must contain at least an id attribute with the compartment OCID. This mechanism allows for the usage of referring keys (instead of OCIDs) in default_compartment_id and compartment_id attributes. The module replaces the keys by the OCIDs provided within compartments_dependency map. Contents of compartments_dependency is typically the output of a Compartments module client.
log_groups_dependency: A map of objects containing the externally managed log_groups this module may depend on. All map objects must have the same type and must contain at least an id attribute with the log_group OCID. This mechanism allows for the usage of referring keys (instead of OCIDs) in log_group_id attributes. The module replaces the keys by the OCIDs provided within log_groups_dependency map.
Attempting to onboard your tenancy to Logging Analytics more than once will cause errors.
`Error: 409-Conflict, Error on-boarding LogAnalytics for tenant idbktv455emw as it is already on-boarded or in the process of getting on-boarded`
Avoid this error by first checking in your Oracle Cloud Console if Logging Analytics has been enabled. If it has been enabled, set the
variable tofalse
. -
bucket_logs and flow_logs attributes should not be used if this module is used in conjunction with another module that creates the compartments referenced in target_compartment_ids attribute of bucket_logs and flow_logs. Such an attempt makes Terraform plan to fail with the following error:
Error: Invalid for_each argument on .terraform/modules/oci_lz_orchestrator.oci_lz_logging/logging/ line 38, in data "oci_objectstorage_bucket_summaries" "these" 38: for_each = toset(local.bucket_logs_compartment_ids) ├──────────────── │ local.bucket_logs_compartment_ids is tuple with 3 elements The "for_each" set includes values derived from resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, and so Terraform cannot determine the full set of keys that will identify the instances of this resource. When working with unknown values in for_each, it's better to use a map value where the keys are defined statically in your configuration and where only the values contain apply-time results. Alternatively, you could use the -target planning option to first apply only the resources that the for_each value depends on, and then apply a second time to fully converge. Error: Invalid for_each argument on .terraform/modules/oci_lz_orchestrator.oci_lz_logging/logging/ line 115, in data "oci_identity_compartment" "these" 115: for_each = toset(local.flow_logs_compartment_ids) ├──────────────── │ local.flow_logs_compartment_ids is tuple with 1 element The "for_each" set includes values derived from resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, and so Terraform cannot determine the full set of keys that will identify the instances of this resource. When working with unknown values in for_each, it's better to use a map value where the keys are defined statically in your configuration and where only the values contain apply-time results. Alternatively, you could use the -target planning option to first apply only the resources that the for_each value depends on, and then apply a second time to fully converge. Error: Invalid for_each argument on .terraform/modules/oci_lz_orchestrator.oci_lz_logging/logging/ line 137, in data "oci_core_vcns" "these" 137: for_each = toset(local.flow_logs_compartment_ids) ├──────────────── │ local.flow_logs_compartment_ids is tuple with 1 element The "for_each" set includes values derived from resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, and so Terraform cannot determine the full set of keys that will identify the instances of this resource. When working with unknown values in for_each, it's better to use a map value where the keys are defined statically in your configuration and where only the values contain apply-time results. Alternatively, you could use the -target planning option to first apply only the resources that the for_each value depends on, and then apply a second time to fully converge.
In such scenario, create logs using the service_logs attribute instead.