Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AppAuthenticatorEnrollEndpoint | string | The authenticator enrollment endpoint | [optional] |
AuthenticatorId | string | The unique identifier of the app authenticator | [optional] |
CreatedDate | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the Authenticator was created | [optional] |
Key | AuthenticatorKeyEnum | [optional] | |
LastUpdated | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the Authenticator was last modified | [optional] |
Name | string | The authenticator display name | [optional] |
OrgId | string | The `id` of the Okta Org | [optional] |
Settings | WellKnownAppAuthenticatorConfigurationSettings | [optional] | |
SupportedMethods | List<SupportedMethods> | [optional] | |
Type | string | The type of Authenticator | [optional] |