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Script is a string of opcodes specifying conditions that allow moving bitcoins from one transaction to another.

Script can be used in two contexts:

  • In transaction outputs, as a predicate (e.g. “only an owner of this key is allowed to spend funds”). Such script is called simply a script or a scriptPubKey.
  • In transaction inputs, as an input to a script from a corresponding output (e.g. “here is a signature made with the key mentioned in the output”). Such script is called a signature script or a scriptSig.

Typically an output script contains interesting opcodes while the input script contains only static data, without any opcodes (because any operations in the input script can be always pre-computed).

In case of P2SH payments, the output script contains only a hash of an actual predicate script. The input script then contains both the static data and a corresponding predicate script (called "redemption script").



Returns a new empty BTC::Script instance. Use << or + operators to add operators to the script.

>> << OP_9 << "some pushdata operation" << OP_VERIFY
=> OP_9 736f6d65207075736864617461206f7065726174696f6e OP_VERIFY

new(hex: String)

Returns a new BTC::Script instance deserialized from a given hex-encoded string.

>> "76a914f2b27f7f9e519a6e77228a603c5c9a8434946a2288ac")
=> OP_DUP OP_HASH160 f2b27f7f9e519a6e77228a603c5c9a8434946a22 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

new(data: String)

Returns a new BTC::Script instance deserialized from a given binary string.

>> "76a914f2b27f7f9e519a6e77228a603c5c9a8434946a2288ac".from_hex)
=> OP_DUP OP_HASH160 f2b27f7f9e519a6e77228a603c5c9a8434946a22 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

new(op_return: String or Array of Strings)

Returns a new BTC::Script instance containing OP_RETURN opcode followed by one or more pushdata binary strings.

>> "correct horse battery staple")
=> OP_RETURN 636f727265637420686f727365206261747465727920737461706c65

>> ["correct horse battery", "battery staple correct"])
=> OP_RETURN 636f727265... 6261747465...

new(public_keys: Array, signatures_required: Integer)

Returns a new BTC::Script instance containing an OP_CHECKMULTISIG opcode with the provided public keys and a required number of signatures:

>> a, b, c = [1,2,3].map{ Key.random.public_key }
>> [a, b, c], signatures_required: 2)
=> OP_2 0357f93e... 025f3ed5... 021a90c5... OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG

Instance Methods


Returns a serialized binary form of the script.


Returns true if this script is of standard kind. Valid non-standard scripts are allowed, but are not relayed by nodes with default configuration and may take longer to be included in a block.

As of March 2015, scripts returning true from the following methods are considered standard:

  • public_key_hash_script?
  • script_hash_script?
  • standard_multisig_script?
  • public_key_script?
  • standard_op_return_script?


Returns true if the script consists of pushdata operations only (uncluding small integer opcodes: OP_0, OP_1 etc). This is used to verify input script for P2SH output.


Returns a human-readable representation of script. E.g. instead of raw binary 76a914f2b2... returns "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 f2b2...".


Returns an array of opcodes (integers) and pushdatas (strings). OP_0 is encoded as an empty string.


Returns a raw binary representation of script (see data) in hex encoding.


Returns a complete copy of a script.


Returns true if both scripts can be serialized in the same binary string.

Regular Scripts


Returns true if the script is of form <pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG (rarely used pay-to-pubkey script).


Returns a raw public key if this script is public_key_script?.


Returns true if this script is a P2PKH script (OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <20-byte hash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG). This is the most used kind of script that corresponds to a pay-to-pubkey-hash address.


Returns a 20-byte hash of the public key if this script is public_key_hash_script?.


Returns true if this script is a P2SH script (OP_HASH160 <20-byte hash> OP_EQUAL).


Returns a 20-byte hash of the script if this script is script_hash_script?.

Null Data (OP_RETURN) Scripts


Returns true if this script contains OP_RETURN opcode followed by pushdata.


Returns true if this script contains OP_RETURN opcode followed by one pushdata string with a length of 40 bytes or less.


Returns the first pushdata string if this script is op_return_script?.


Returns all pushdata strings if this script is op_return_script?.

Multisig Scripts


Returns true if this script is a valid multisig script of form <M> <public keys> <N> OP_CHECKMULTISIG where:

  • Both N and M are greater than zero
  • N is greater or equal M
  • N equals the number of public keys.

Both N and M can be encoded as small integer opcodes (OP_1 to OP_16) or as pushdatas containing little-endian integers.


Returns true if this script is a multisig script with additional constraints:

  • Both N and M are encoded as small integer opcodes (OP_1, OP_2 etc.)
  • Both N and M are not greater than 15.

Note: this applies to multisig scripts used as redeem scripts within P2SH. Standard bare multisig scripts (not wrapped in P2SH) must have N no greater than 3.


Returns an array of raw public keys if this script is multisig_script?.


Returns a number of required signatures if this script is multisig_script?.


standard_address(network: BTC::Network)

Returns BTC::PublicKeyAddress or BTC::ScriptHashAddress if the script is a standard output script for these addresses. Returns nil for all other scripts.

If network is not specified, BTC::Network.default is used.


Returns a P2SH script that wraps the receiver: OP_HASH160 #{} OP_EQUAL.

simulated_signature_script(strict: true|false)

Returns a dummy signature script of the same length and structure as the intended signature script for the receiver. Only a few standard script types are supported.

Set strict to false to allow imprecise guess for P2SH script (2-of-3 multisig). Default is true.

Returns nil if could not determine a matching script.



Appends a non-pushdata opcode to the script.

append_pushdata(string, opcode: Integer)

Appends a pushdata opcode with binary string in the most compact encoding.

Optional opcode may be equal to OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_PUSHDATA2, or OP_PUSHDATA4 to specify a non-compact encoding.

Raises ArgumentError if opcode does not represent a given string length.


Removes all occurences of the opcode. Typically used by verification engine to remove OP_CODESEPARATOR.


Removes all occurences of pushdata opcodes containing string.


Appends a BTC::Script instance to receiver.


Appends BTC::Script instance to receiver. Same as append_script(script).


Appends an opcode specified by the Integer. Same as append_opcode(integer).


Appends a pushdata opcode with a given string. Same as append_pushdata(string).


Appends an array of BTC::Script instances, opcode and strings. Array may contain nested arrays.


Returns a copy of the receiver with appended object using <<. It is defined as self.dup << argument.