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Susan M. Schwartz SusaniuSchwartz
Welcome to usasmmhive site. we give genuine accounts (Payment solution such as Cash Apps,Payoneer,wise etc) & USA High Quality review Which is 100% Safety, reli Caslifornia,USA

Yannick Heinrich yageek
Small diabolist lost in electronics and computer science. 🌍

@ricardo-ch Strasbourg, France

Mizux Mizux
OSS Release Engineer @google

@google Tours, France



Tainá Couto Gonçalves TaigcoutoProf
Docente de Tecnologia da Informação no SENAC de Pindamonhangaba, formada em Ciência da Computação com especialização em Gamificação.


CH Liu chehsunliu
Trivial Contributor

Taipei, Taiwan

Lucas Francisco da Matta Vegi lucasvegi
Ph.D. in Computer Science (UFMG). Assistant Professor (UFV).

DPI/UFV Viçosa, MG, Brazil

Ray Cheung raycheung
(def ray-cheung (software-developer))


Devilin Pixy Devilin-Pixy
Just a wicked woman, who loves music, people, the internet, streaming, gaming, coding and design ...

Devilin Pixy Home

Peder Johnsen pederjohnsen
Software developer and a hobby musician hailing from Norway.

@tunoltd UK

Dan Aldous DanAldous

NoaNet Spokane WA

Structural Engineer, and learning to code.

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Kranck (Yannis) Kranck
Director of @Dissident-Studio . Co-director of @Black-Door-Games-Org

@Dissident-Studio Besançon

Sean Duran esotericsean
Hi, I'm esotericsean/esotericmods. I'm a YouTuber and game developer. I love Game Boys, dogs, my wife, and my son. :)

California, USA

Mniak mniak
`mdtest` <script>alert('jstest')</script>
Yura yurahwang97
gatherer of research, assignment, and random experimental toy programs :)
Nicolas Lima nicolaslima321
Linux & JavaScript Lover. Full-Stack Engineer. Graduating in Computer Science at Ahembi Morumbi University.

@pagbank Brazil

Knight0 Knight0

Melbourne, Australia

Sergi Ràfols srafols

Vilafranca del Penedès

Cyrus Irandoust cyrusirandoust
Paris, FR / London, UK @microsoft Partner. Here is my sandbox, my playground, my toys.

IBM London, UK

Jeroen Ketema jeroenk
Private account. Work account @jketema
Pascal Chambon pakal
Freelance developer, lover of robust software and civic-techs. Sometimes fiddling with philosophy, live action roleplays and novel writing.

Freelance Lyon, France

alper gungormusler anokta
i create neat tunes.

new york

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
ArcEmu Fandom dummyHandler. Passion for retro software.


João Henrique Machado Silva joaoh82
I do server stuff...

Rotterdam, ZH - Netherlands

Ney Moura neymoura
iOS / Android Developer

Taller Technologies Ceará, Brazil

Vinícius Viana GuroGuru

Pro-Packages São Paulo, Brazil

Iuri Guilherme iuriguilherme
I have four words for you: Developers, developers, developers, developers.

Fábrica do Futuro Porto Alegre