P.E-Utils is a very powerful and useful collection of utility functions written by Java. We hope you will like it as we do.
- PE.utils.annotation
- PE.utils.constants
- PE.utils.date
- PE.utils.db
- PE.utils.excel
- PE.utils.io
- PE.utils.jms
- PE.utils.json
- PE.utils.redis
- PE.utils.string
- PE.utils.thread
- PE.utils.togglz
- PE.utils.xml
P.E-Utils has only one branch, and it is the only one used for active development.
for development. All pull requests should be submitted againstmaster
Follow and contact me on GitHub, Sina Weibo. If you find an issue, just open a ticket on it. Pull requests are warmly welcome as well.
- Jerome Chan
- GitHub: https://github.com/jeromechan
- Weibo: http://weibo.com/5812529126
- Blog: http://aboutcoder.com
Open sourced under the MIT license.