No dependencies
Auto presence update
Multiple instances
Really highly configurable
The only thing you "cannot change" is the text “Playing Neovim”.
Actually, you can! But it would require changing the Discord bot.
I didn't fully tested, but I made with the following versions.
If any bug occur, please let me know.
This plugin only supports Linux systems.
Add this repo (pandasoli/nekovim
) to your plugins list.
The Nekovim.setup
function is used to set up the plugin.
If you don't configure, it's gonna use the default config.
---@type func(PresenceMakers, WorkPropsMakers)
require 'nekovim'.setup {}
More info about Presence Makers in Presence Table.
I explain more about Work Props in Work Props.
Before creating a pull request, read the docs for developers
We have also some tasks to be done if you would like to help
I didn't know anything about creating a plugin before having troubles with other rich presence plugins.
I'd like to thank andweeb/presence.nvim, their code helped me a lot developing NekoVim.