undo last change: u
redo the undone change: Ctrl + r
Go inside to see the definition: Ctrl + ]
Go back to previous location (not necessarily a buffer): Ctrl + o
Go foward to next location (not necessarily a buffer): Ctrl + i
List all buffers: :ls
Goes back to previously edited buffer: :b#
Opens explorer: :E
Opens explorer (if the above didn't work): :Explore
Turn off highlighting until the next search: :noh
center line on cursor, the cursor stays where it is: zz
center line on cursor, the cursor goes to the first non-whitespace character: z.
on current word displays the documentation: K
go to letter on line: f
go to letter on line (reversed): F
go to previous letter on line: t
go to previous letter on line (reversed): T
repeat action of going to letters (foward): ;
repeat action of going to letters (backwards): ,
Scroll the window up: Ctrl + y
Scroll the window down: Ctrl + e
Forward to next function declaration: ]]
Backward to previous function declaration: [[
go to the previous change location: g;
go to the newer change location: g,
place the cursor at the same position where it was left last time in the Insert mode: gi
View the jump list: :jumps See :h jump-motions for more details.
find next word that mouse cursor is hovering: *
open all foldings 1 level: zr
close all foldings 1 level: zm
make windows verticals: :wincm H
make windows horizontals: :wincm K
make all windows the same size: Ctrl-w =
change to window to LEFT: Ctrl-w L
change to window to RIGHT: Ctrl-w R
search buffers in a nice way: :b <name-of-buffer>
Center cursor without changing the screen: M