This will be a small implementation of the EveryVote platform focusing on Student Government elections. Will be heavily integrated with Facebook. There is nothing special working as of 8/29/12.
Code is provided under the Affero General Public License version 3.0
As the new Fall semester is sucking my attention away, I've thrown up a copy of CakePHP to this repository and cobbled together a rough E-R diagram in MySQL workbench.
PHP, because most NIU CS students seem to know some PHP already because it is used in the databases course. CakePHP because I'm personally fond of it. I think it has excellent documentation and a nice code generation tool. However, the first commit is simply an install of CakePHP with no evmini specific code.
Right now the ER diagram probably needs to be polished some more. The model files have to be made-- controllers need to be designed and built, FB library should be installed. Getting a FB API key and all that mojo.
Contact me about anything-- including if you want access to the development server (, access to the Dropbox share, and access to this repository.
Make sure to create github "Issues" that pertain to the work you're doing and self deligate. So that we can all stay organized.